Thank You

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Thanks to the people

Who have helped me

Thanks to the creatures

That I have seen


So if you find yourself in these stanza's

Know how much you mean to me

And find that you

Have glowed brightly



to my family

Tolerating my never-ending 

Use of the computer 

And for raising

And supporting me



To my friends

Painfully reading

Through my first drafts



To a certain cat

Who lets her thoughts

Flow out into words,

And showed me the way



To a blood-red rose

Growing somewhere

On a distant Island

Who's life is harder

Much harder then mine

Yet has helped me forge my way



To a teacher of mine

Who I hope finds these words

And makes her usual edits

For assigning us the first poem

That started it all.



To a place

Between living and dead

Between here and sleep

That I can walk

At night

Letting me glimpse

Into other places



To the rising sun

To the pounding waves

To the sparrows 

To the song


Thank you all


Thank you so much for coming to this last chapter of Daughter of the Wilderness! Your continuing support means so much to me! 

So some of you are probably wondering, what am I going to do next?

Well, I have another poetry book in the works.

The title is...

Drumroll please...


I am going to be taking a break before releasing it though, because I am back in school, which means homework, and generally un-appealing busywork. Plus, we now have a puppy! 

I will tell you that it is a she, and she is a Brittany Spaniel puppy. 

Almost all of my extra time is going to be taken up training, feeding and generally taking care of her. And the rest is taken up with homework.

However, Stardust will be coming, probably in a month or so, however, once my life settles back down and the puppy has fully adjusted.

As I am writing this, we currently have 998 reads on this book, and 248 votes. I guess we'll make it into the 1k! That's a lot guys! Thank you all so much for supporting me through this journey. Your support has meant so much to me. If you would be willing, please comment down below on what you liked about this book, and what you would like to see in Stardust.

Thank you!

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