The Dream World

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Don't go down that path

It leads to darkness

I must walk straight

Through the land between


And I spiral higher and higher

Walking on wind and stars

I am walking on a fine line

In between waking and asleep


Normally there are five paths

I can take through this land

But today

The Stars and Moon aligned


And a sixth path opened

Spirling upwards towards the sky

And I took it

Walking on stars


It spiraled higher and higher

And in the distance far below

I saw the clearing

That I came from


And higher and higher

I passed the white steps

That lead to the Sky portal

And eventually that to passed by


And soon I was in the stars

They surrounded me.

And a portal was there.

Not like any other


It was made of stars

And this portal

Warped the air around it

Swirling with light


And so

I stepped through it

And found myself on an island

Hanging in the air


This island

Lit by no sun

Lit by stars

But bright as day


And a river

Flowing through this land

I stepped on a path of stones

And crossed it.


And through the trees

I found a clearing

And a creature asked my

Why I thought I was worthy


And I told him my reasons

For coming here

To help the world

And those in it


And he told me that my answer

Was so close

But not enough

And he lead me away


To a place in the trees

Where I sat

And though about my life

And who I am.


And only when I admitted

That I wanted what was here

And that part of it was



Then a path opened in the trees

And I stepped through

I walked along it.

And three portals stood before me


To this day

I remember not there colors

But they glowed brightly

And they swirled with light.


And I sat near the center

Of these three circles

And In my hands

A rock appeared


The rock was black

With a golden tree

And as I held it

It began to glow


Brighter and brighter.

But the path I walked was narrow

The world between life and death

The place between places


And I fell

So far

Tumbling down

Into the world of sleep


And the next day I woke


As though I had run

For miles on end


And that night I found the path again

Quicker this time

It was made of stars

Made of wind


And when I stepped

Into the stars

I found the island

Covered in brambles


And when I asked

The man what to do

He told me it was my fault

For coming through this place


And I found again

The three portals

And this time

Two stones were there


Both were black

As the darkest night

One glowed with a golden tree

The other silver.


And they both glowed

With their light

And I found myself on the island

And I spoke to the man again


And I touched the rocks

And it repeated

And I spoke to the man

And the island as well


But you cannot stay in this world for long

Before falling either way.

There are creatures that can

Stay there all night


And sometimes I think

I have a drop of their blood

For I can stay

Longer then most


But eventually I slipped

Of the narrow path

I cannot stay

Long here


And I fell into sleep

Before the brambles were gone

And I've tried

Over and over again.

But to find the portal

To see the grass

I must see the stars

And be under there light


And since that day

I cannot be

But soon

I will find the path again


And this time

I shall stay the path

And the two rocks 

Will help me heal that land.


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