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"You're not sleeping there," I heard Kakashi state, before I was scooped up, my hands immediately went to his shoulders and I glared at him, my cheeks still burning.

"I wasn't going to sleep, baka!"

"Liar," he chuckled and started moving.

"Am not," I pursed my lips when he placed me on the bed.

Kakashi waved his hand, signaling for me to scoot over. Doing so, I pulled off my stockings, folded them and placed them on the nightstand. I felt the bed dip when Kakashi sat down.

I tucked myself under the covers and laid down, my back facing the silver haired man. "Ayumi," I heard him say quietly. Humming in response, I turned my head. Kakashi loomed over me, and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

"Stay on your own side," I mumbled and turned back to facing the wall. Closing my eyes, I found myself falling asleep. And right before the darkness took over, I felt Kakashi's arm slip around my waist, before I was pulled back into his warmth.

*End Recap*

Morning light shone through the curtains, landing directly on my face, making me wrinkle my nose.

I groaned, and buried my face into my pillow, inhaling its musky scent. It moved, and I heard a small sleepy sigh, warmth fanning my forehead.

The pillow in my arms moved as well, and I frowned. I slowly opened my eyes, my gaze stopping at the man sleeping peacefully, his left shoulder/arm area being used as my pillow. I felt my cheeks heat slightly. Ignoring it, I assessed the situation.

I'm pretty much laying on top of Kakashi, my left leg tossed between his, my arm slung over his waist. His arm, the one I'm laying on, is somewhat tucked beneath what was my pillow, his other arm, was laying half on, half off him, his larger hand holding mine.

Sighing, I pulled away from him, my cheeks still flushed. Sitting up in the bed, I pulled my braid over my shoulder and began unbraiding it. I ran my fingers through the strands, letting out a yawn as I did so.

I ended up closing my eyes in the process, but they snapped open a few moments later, when arms wound around my waist. "You're up early," Kakashi said, his voice deeper, and raspy from sleep.

"We need to leave soon," I sighed, tucking my hair behind my ears. Kakashi sighed, but nodded. One of his hands moved up, taking a careful hold of the opposite side of my head when his lips made contact with my temple.

With that done, he let me go and climbed out of the bed. I did the same, and grabbed a warmer pair of clothes. I didn't bother looking at Kakashi when I made my way to the bathroom. I pulled on my stockings, and a pair of baggy pants, as well as a long sleeve undershirt.

When I finished, I left the bathroom to find Kakashi also dressed, and strapping his weapon pouch to his thigh. "Ready?" He asked, his eyes looking me over from head to toe. I nodded and slipped my small feet into my boots. "Let's head out then." We pulled our cloaks on and grabbed our bags, then left the room.

As we were leaving, I seen the little old lady from yesterday, watching us with a grin. My face flushed when I remembered her words from yesterday.

"You alright, Yu?" Kakashi inquired, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded, deciding to keep quiet.

(Time Skip)

"Ah, yes, please come in."

"I'm Kakashi Hatake and this is-"

"Ayumi Namikaze." I intervened, earning a scolding look from Kakashi.

"Please, follow me."

The old man held out his hand, signaling to follow him. Kakashi moved forward, and placed his hand at the small of my back, signaling for me to go ahead of him, his right eye darting around, and his body tense.

I frowned, but followed the silent signal.

The old man lead us to a large room with two pillows set out for us to sit, and a large bamboo screen. "Please wait here for my lord." He said, and closed the sliding door to the room, leaving us alone.

Letting out a small sigh, I sat on my knees on the pillow, folding my hands in my lap. Kakashi followed suit, but sat crisscross, after moving his pillow closer to mine. "Nervous?" He whispered. I shook my head.

"Presenting, Lord Masaki."

I had sensed the person before he spoke, but it still surprised me. The bamboo curtain raised and I took a small breath.

Sitting in the center, was a middle aged man with dark brown hair. His face was filled with wrinkles, most likely from stress. His dark brown eyes showed interest when they opened and roamed Kakashi, then me.

"My Lord, this is Kakashi Hatake, and Ayumi Namikaze, from Konoha." His attendant informed him, bowing his head. "They are here to oversee your journey."

"Very well," Masaki cleared his throat, before his eyes scanned mine. "I am Masaki Takumi." Kakashi and I bowed our heads respectfully, although I didn't know this man. "Please take care of me." He grinned.

I had a strange feeling about this journey.

Ayame: AAAAAAAHH I'M SO SORRY FOR THE LONG WAIT!! I'm currently trying to update all my books. I wasn't expecting for such a long break to happen DX Again I'm so sorry for the long wait! I don't own Naruto.

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