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A few days after Jack had saved the Daughters of Aku, he decided that it was time for him to look for a home for the seven little troublemakers. And little troublemakers they were. They would always get dirty after getting cleaned, they would ask strange questions like if he were evil one, would he kill them and hang their bodies on trees to show off his work. "Samurai where are you taking us?" The young Aki asked looking at her sister Ari picking up a small pile of leaves, inside the leaves was a ladybug. The two girls squeal in shock as the small creature crawled on the pile.

Ashi walked over to her sisters along with the others to see. "Wait," Ashi exclaimed. She brought her hand to pile and let the small creature crawl on her fingers. She giggled. Jack walked up to them and smiled at their fascination for the tiny creature. "It's cute isn't it?" The girls turned around and looked at jack but Ashi never took her eyes off the ladybug. Images of her mother squashing one while she and Avi were sparing. She said they were just frivolous distractions and they were poisonous for her mission. When she saw Jack reach his hand out to collect the creature she moved away while Ani put her hand between the two in a protective act.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to startle any of you, I just want to see it please." Ashi was hesitant but handed the insect over to Jack who observed it before gently sending it back into the air. The girls watched in astonishment, this man was full of surprises. "Samurai, why didn't you kill it?" Jack stared at the child. "Because I don't kill the innocent. The ladybug did nothing to harm us so I let set it free." Ashi gently smiled, she yawned, followed by the other six. "Perhaps it's time to set up camp. I'll keep watch while you sleep." The girls rubbed their eyes and continued walking until they saw a cave. Jack laid out a blanket big enough for the girls to lay down on. He watch as one by one the girls slowly fell into slumber. Jack grabbed his gun and watch the forest.

"Have you lost your nerves!?" Jack turns to the left and saw a blue version of himself wearing his robes. "Why would you take seven little ingrates away from a group of assassins who worship Aku!? They were bred and born for your destruction and you what do you do? You welcome them with open arms that's what!" Jack didn't reply, he simply returned his gaze back to the forest. "Nothing to say, huh?" Still no reply. "Well when you're ready to go back to your senses I'll be waiting, but those little girls will bring you nothing but misfortune." The demon disappeared, leaving Jack alone in thought. "I wonder if a pair of earbuds would block him out?"
High priestess Akuma continued to walk in the forest, she looked down to see tire tracks in the soil. "Soon Samurai. Soon the day of your destruction will come and my god will relish in your defeat."

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