3.A family feud

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Please VOTE and motivate me, dear readers...it took four days for me to write this chapter. Your VOTES and comments encourage my regular updates.

Dedicated to Janarura  kukpru Geethu100 Reenag8 NAZLANAZAR RumaSheikh

Thank u guys for requesting me for updates regularly...sorry for the delay❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰

Ian's POV

"H-Hello, Mr.Addington," a soft voice brought us back from our glaring contest, and all of a sudden, Della's face showed a lot of emotions all at once.

"Hello, there, sweetheart...How may I help you? "I asked, turning on my flirt mode as I saw a shy young woman with sparkling eyes in front of me.

"Hi...I-I'm Becca...Rebecca Summers," she introduced herself.

"Hello, Becca...How may I help you?" I asked with my usual friendly tone as the girl seemed harmless.

"I just...I want to...I mean...Is it possible for you to give me an autograph? I'm a huge fan of yours, Mr.Addington," she blushed.

At that instant, I remembered my cupcake, my sister Davina and my first meeting with her. And how she was excited to get an autograph from David. A smile formed on my lips, reminiscing the past.

"Mr.Addington...I'm sorry if I bothered you. It's ok. I can understand if you don't want to give me the autograph, "she said dejectedly.

"Why say sorry when you have already bothered him, sister? "Della suddenly snapped in an irritated voice bringing me back from my thoughts. I looked and Della in shock.

"Sister? Are you both sisters?" I asked curiously.

"D-Della is my half-sister," Becca said meekly.

"Really...but then again, your sister is a complete disaster, "I quipped.

"Pathetic joke," Della sneered.

"My jokes are standard," I objected.

"Says who?" Della was annoyed by now.

"Me," I chuckled while Becca was watching us both in wonder.

"Becca...I mean, Rebecca... Sweetie, give that slam book to me...Ian Addington never disappoints anyone," I winked at Becca, and she reddened again.

"Hey, Sweetie...what are you doing here? I was searching for you everywhere, "a proud-looking woman came near Becca and held her protectively.

'Mom...I...I was just talking to Mr.Addington here, "she said and turned to me suddenly.

"Mr.Addington...meet my mom, Rachel Summers..and mom..you know Mr.Addington, right? Rebecca beamed.

"Yeah...an actor, if I am not wrong," she asked haughtily, eyeing me like I was a predator trying to entrap her daughter.

"Hello Mrs.Summers," I tried to be polite...the keyword is tried, but I was pretty rude, to be frank.

"Becca... Sweetie...Adam is here...he was looking for you," she said softly to Becca.

"Mom...I'm here to get an autograph from Mr.Addington.I will talk to Adam later, "Rebecca said, smiling at me.

"Honey...you can always ask for an autograph from Adam? At least he has a good family background," Rachel said rudely.

"Mrs.Summers, you are hilarious...how can Becca ask Adam for my autograph? For that, she has to ask me, "I chuckled, snatching the autograph book from her hand and signing it for her. I saw Della trying to control her laughter from the corner of my eyes while Rachel stood there glaring at me.

"Mrs.Summers, family background has nothing to do with talent... in case you didn't know, I have earned my reputation working hard without any influential family backup. And as for Adam's family reputation, I think everyone knows how reputed is his family," I said with a smirk on my face. Well, the woman asked for it, and she gritted her teeth while Becca looked at me with an apologetic smile.

"You..."suddenly, Rachel snapped at Della.

"What are you doing here? Seducing men like your filthy whore of a mother?" It was evident that she was directing the anger on Della. But Della's expression confused me. She was unbothered by the attack.

"What if I am? Are you going to stop me, Mrs.Summers?And FYI, my whore of a mother is your sister-in-law now, and she is standing right behind you. You can ask her for more details, "Della spoke nonchalantly and returned to do her work.

"Hello Rachel and Becca..." the woman Della claimed as her mother greeted them a bit too sweetly.

"Hello Mr.Addington, I'm Brenda Summers, Rachel's sister-in-law and wife of Mark Summers, "she introduced herself.

"And Rachel, I apologize on behalf of Della. She can be rude at times...I mean a lot of times. But most times, she is right on her part," Brenda threw a snide remark at Rachel.

"Brenda, I would advise you to stay away from my child and me," Rachel Summers gritted her teeth but amazingly composed herself and told Rebecca, "Sweetie, let's go ...Your dad is waiting for you.

"Mom...I will join you later. I want to have a chat with Mr.Addington," Becca told her mother hesitantly.

"Rachel, Becca...Where were you? "I identified the man as Robert Summers, a big-shot businessman who came and side-hugged Rebecca.

"Hello Mr.Addington, Sorry I didn't notice you. I'm Robert Summers. Enjoying the party?" he inquired in a friendly tone.

"Hello, Mr.Summers.Nice to meet you too," I raised my glass at him.

"Hello Robert, Won't you greet your sis-in-law? "Brenda gave a scornful smile at the trio.

"Stay away from my family, Brenda, "Robert scoffed at her.

"Brother, Don't disrespect my wife; she is part of the family too," another man came there and stood near Brenda, entwining his hands on hers.

"Mark...Please ask your wife to refrain from meddling in our affairs, "Robert's voice was stern.

"But brother...she just greeted you all, "the man Mark summers said in an angry tone.

I felt like I was sandwiched between a family feud as the tension in the air could be cut by a knife. I peeked at Della to see her reaction. But I was amazed to know that she was indifferent to the family drama that was happening there. And I also noticed how Robert ignored Della.

"Let's leave, Robert, Come, Becca," Rachel yanked Becca and was about to drag her out of there.

Rachel Summers was a concerned and overprotective mom. It was pretty evident from the way she was shielding her daughter from everyone. The mischievous child in me awakened seeing Rachel's anxiety towards Rebecca.

"Becca, Sweetie...Would you like to join me for a walk? "I asked Rebecca with a smirk on my face.

"What? Me? Oh, I would love to," Rebecca squealed excitedly.

"No...I'm sorry, Mr.Addington.Becca is tired, and we are leaving right now," Rachel announced in an irritated tone.

"Mom, Dad...Please...I will join you guys later. Moreover, the chauffeur will be dropping me off at home later," she pleaded with her mom and dad.

All the while, I was watching Della from the corner of my eyes. I saw her rolling her eyes repeatedly whenever any of the members of the Summers family spoke.

"Becca...it's getting late. Why don't you both go out for a coffee some other day when Mr.Addington is free," Robert Summers suggested.

"But dad," Rebecca tried to protest, but her mom glared at her.

"Your dad is right...I will take you out another day...It's a promise," I said, taking her hands and kissing them. The reason? I wanted to irritate her headstrong mother and see Della's reaction to my advances towards Rebecca. Seriously I need a psychiatrist because these days, I'm going crazy after seeing Della.

"Hmmm...Mr.Addington...I-I, "Rebecca stammered, making me come out of my thoughts.

"Call me Ian, "I smiled at her.

"Oh...I-Ian...May I have your number?" she blushed.

"Of course, Becca, "I recited my number to her while looking at Della, who just rolled her eyes at me again.

Becca and her parents left after bidding their goodbyes while Brenda and Mark stood there looking at Della.

"Della, Honey...Why do you have to work here? Just come back home; your mom misses you. And me too," Mark Summers said in a sugar-coated voice to Della, and I saw her fist her hands as if to punch someone at the very moment.

"I don't want to be part of YOUR FAMILY... like ever...That would be more humiliating for me than be known as an orphan. And right now, I'm on duty...So please do me a favor and get the hell out of here," Della huffed. The tigress was indeed a feral one, and it will take a hell of a time for me to tame her. Wait...What? Me and my perverted thoughts, I mentally scolded myself.

Mark and Brenda left the scene abruptly after hearing Della's harsh words.

"Wow...that was close...I felt like a tornado nearly hit me," I mused, sipping from my glass.

"Well...that was the Summers family for you," Della chuckled.

"You, too, are part of the Summers family, right," I raised my eyebrow at her.

"No...I would never associate with any one of them as long as I'm alive," she said stubbornly.

"But why am I explaining this to you?" She snapped.

"Anyways, congratulations to the future son-in-law of the Summers family," she said, raising a toast at me.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"It seems like Becca has a crush on you, and her parents will get her anything even before she asks for it. So I am congratulating you in advance," she remarked sarcastically.

"Of course, I think they will be my in-laws, but I'm not sure who will be my bride," I muttered to myself.

"Don't worry, Mr.Addington.Rachel Summers is just too protective of her precious daughter. But she will give in soon. All that is needed is for Rebecca to shed a few tears, "Della laughed, and she looked like a cute doll.

"Hey, doll, Call me Ian," I winked at her.

"No thanks...I would rather stick to Addington...sounds safe and distant," she furrowed her brows with a smirk.

"Hey, Dells...My cutie-pie...Your Prince charming is here, "A voice startled me as I was admiring her beauty.

"Hey, Aiden...My shift is almost over. Wait in the car for me," she said, blowing a kiss at that Aiden guy...All I wanted was to smash his head at that moment as a feeling of jealousy arose inside me.

"Hey, Mr.Addington...wow ...it's really you...I love your movies so much, "the guy named Aiden kept on blabbering, but all the time, I was bust stealing glimpses at my doll, who didn't even spare a glance at me.

"Alright, Aiden...let's go," Della came out of the bar counter as she had handed her duty over to someone else.

"Ok, Mr.Addington...Hopefully, we will meet again, "Aiden chirped.

"Call me Ian...And may I have your number?" I asked him suddenly. I wanted to be close with Della through someone, and Aiden seemed like a good choice.

"OMG...I can't believe that Ian Addington asked for my number, "he shrieked like a child, much to Della's annoyance, while he told me his number.

"It was nice meeting you, Ian. You are different from what I heard about you," Aiden cackled.

"If your fangirling over him is over, can we make a move?" Della gritted her teeth.

"Come on, Dells...it's not every other day that we meet a famous actor," he said with a mischievous grin.

"Are you both friends?" My curiosity was growing, trying to figure out the exact relationship between them.

"Aiden is my boyfriend," Della announced before Aiden could respond, and my eyes caught Aiden looking at her in shock and Della in return squeezing his hands. A smile formed on my face as I realized that Della lied to me without any reason. Or was there a reason?

"Boyfriend? Indeed ...I can see that", I mocked.

"Let's go, Aiden...It's getting late. Bye, Mr.Addington...Hope we never meet again," she said rudely before pulling a bewildered Aiden with her.

Run Doll...Soon ..we will meet soon. I chanted in my mind as I admired her retreating figure.

How was the chapter?

Thoughts on Della and Rebecca's family.😈😈😈

Is Ian confused over his feelings for Della and Rebecca?🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

Why does Della hate her family?🥴🥴🥴

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