1.I'm Davina

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So this is is the first chapter of Davina.Hope you will give your love and support to this story just like you accepted Siya.

And your author knows only two words in Italian ie.,Pizza and Pasta.So just imagine that the conversation is in Italian🤪🤪🤪🤪🤭🤭🤭

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Davina's POV


"What the hell is this?I had given you a simple job.And you just fucked up?",I shouted at my assistant designer,Mrs.Bianca Ajello.

I am Davina Knight...daughter of the Knight family and founder of Vina designs,a successful jewellery design company in Milan,Italy.My family comprises of my mom,dad,two elder brothers and my sister in law.My family is rich...to be exact freaking rich.Even after being rich ,my dad and mom didn't raise any of their kids as the typical rich and spoilt brats,instead they have always taught us moral values of life.My dad is a powerful businessman and is even feared and respected by the mafia.My mom is a famous fashion designer and has her own fashion house and my sis in law assists her.My oldest brother has taken over most of  my dad's business.My second brother...well he is the prodigal son of the family and is strictly ordered by my dad as he who should not be named.But at the end of the day we are a loving family and will stand up for each other in times of crisis.

I have set up this company on my own.I had started off as a small designer, working with other jewellery designers and worked my way up to set up my own company in just 3 years.I worked day and night to begin my own company eventhough my parents were ready to back me up.But I rejected their help because I wanted to be an independent woman.And today I have made my family proud by making myself a successful jewellery designer.But with success comes rivals.

I'm currently at my office discussing about the jewellery designs that were stolen from my company ,with my assistant designer and personal assistant.

"Ms.Knight ,it was not my fault...The designs were given to Ms.Serah for safe keeping",my assistant designer Bianca replied as if  it was not her concern.

"And what happened ..Did it just disappear?tell me Mrs.Ajello... is this office haunted?Or did my designs just get bored, that it decided to go for a walk and settle in my rival Victor Romano's office",I taunted her.

"Ms.Knight ..As I said it was Ms.Nicoli's duty to keep it safe.I don't have anything to do with it",she said haughtily.

"Well..Serah..What do you have to say about this?How much did you get to sell my designs to Mr.Romano?",I turned to my personal assistant Ms.Serah Nicoli who looked like she was going to be swallowed by me.

"Ms.Knight..I -I didn't do...",my personal assistant stuttered as usual ,annoying me.

"Of course...she is the one who sold the designs to Mr.Romano..she is just a whore who can't keep her legs shut",Mrs.Ajello slapped Serah who was shocked and started crying.

"Mrs.Ajello...the only bloody whore in this office is you who will spread her legs to anyone who offers money",I said calmly turning my laptop towards her.Her eyes widened in fear as a video was playing where she was riding Victor like a hoe.I clicked on the laptop again and another video of her sucking off  Oliver Romano who was none other than Victor's son played.Her eyes widened in fear and she gulped her saliva.And with another click,I showed her the photos and video of her stealing my designs and handing it over to the Romano's.

"What did you think?,I won't find out?Did you expect me to be a naive idiot?Or did yo think I would just buy all the lies that you sell?Come on,bitch ...open your mouth...I want words...Oh..I forgot maybe  you lost your words reminiscing the times you spent fucking and sucking both the father and son.And you have the audacity to lie on my face?",I spat at her.

"Ms.Knight ..I-I m sorry...please forgive me this time",she pleaded folding her hands.

"Of course you should be sorry or I will make sure you are sorry for what you have done",I said wanting to bury her alive.

"You bloody stole my designs and dared to frame Serah for it.Did  you forget who I am? ....I'm Davina...Davina Knight...I don't take others shit..did you get me?..."

"Please Ms.Knight ..Please I beg you...don't let Mr.Knight know of this,"she begged scared of what my dad would do to her if he comes to know that she had betrayed his daughter.

"Oh don't worry sweety...my dad is old school..if he get to know of this ..all he will do is chop you into small pieces and feed it to our guard dogs",I said smirking at her triggering her fear.

"But you are lucky that I don't involve my dad in petty matters like these.Unlike him ,I have a modern outlook towards handling crisis.I'm more than enough to handle filthy bitches like you",I said giving her an evil grin.

"Do you know what exactly I have planned for you?...Don't worry bitch ...I won't hurt you physically...And don't think that the Romano's will save you.Because my PI have already send your videos to both the father and son to enjoy.By now,they would have known that you were two timing them.And the designs you gave them were nothing but crap.Also,I have blacklisted you darling...Now you won't even get a job at the fish market here.Finally...one more surprise is awaiting  you",I said handing over some documents to her.

"No...this can't be...",she trembled as she read the documents in her hands.

"So did you like the surprise..Your husband has filed divorce and he will leave you penniless as you have committed adultery.And he also has issued a restriction order against you ..You won't  get to be with your son ever again.This is the punishment you will get for betraying me and my company.Do you understand?",I scorned at her.

"Please ...please don't do this..I will be ruined...please I beg you"

"You should have thought that before betraying me...Now get the fuck out of here..."I said coldly at her.

"Wait...not yet...something is still left..."I turned to face Serah.

"Serah...Don't you have something to give her back?",I gave a quizzical look at her.

"I-I didn't understand..."Serah looked at me with a confused expression.

"Give the slap back to Mrs.Agello..."I said sternly to Serah..

"Ms.Knight ,I-I..."Serah looked at me and gulped in fear.

"If you want your job you will do exactly as I say".Before I finished my sentence Serah had slapped Bianca.

"Good one Serah",I said to a guilty looking Serah.

"And you,Mrs.Agello...fuck off..."I snarled at the backstabbing bitch.

"Serah.."I addressed my assistant after Bianca left.

"Yes Ms.Knight ..."

"Listen to me well Serah...I hate backstabbers and also bullies.But let me tell you... I don't hate them as much as I hate people who get bullied.In short,I have zero tolerance for weak and submissive people.It is the person's weakness that make him vulnerable and pave way to get bullied. If you don't love yourself then that means you are bullying yourself. It's entirely the bullied persons fault that he or she gets bullied because he or she is too weak to stand up against the bully.Take this as a life lesson from me.And don't let people treat you like a doormat.If you choose to be one,then you will be a doormat for the rest your pathetic life.This is my first and final warning for you.Next time learn to stand up for yourself,I warned her strictly for being too innocent and vulnerable.

"Ms.K-Knight..T-Thank you for trusting me", she stuttered again with tears in her eyes..

"Are you my slave?Have I ever mistreated any of my colleagues or you?Then why the hell are you stuttering.Stop stuttering and shedding tears for unnecessary things,it's irritating. Now get back to work",I glared at a shocked Serah.

"Thank you Ms.Knight",she gasped before literally running away from my office.

This is the real me...Davina Knight...a cold hearted business woman.As I said I don't give a damn about what others think of me.And I have serious trust issues.I don't trust anyone at any cost, except my family.And my lack of trust has helped me to read people inside out.Just like how I read Bianca and her intentions flawlessly.What I told Serah is also true..I hate weak and submissive people like her and I have no pity for such people.And I believe that people who can't stand up for themselves are better off dead than be alive.You may think I'm cruel and heartless, but this is the truth of life.According to Darwin's theory it is not the strongest of the species that survive,nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.The weak will remain weak if they don't change and the strong ones will prey on you.So it is better to be a cunning fox in this cruel world than remain a meek lamb.This is what my life has taught me and this is also my life's motto.

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