18.Queen's rightful place

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Hi my lovely readers...sorry for keeping you waiting...But im still recovering...im unable to concentrate bcoz of nose block and the medicines keep me drowsy..so if there are errors please forgive your poor author.

Silent readers please have some mercy on me and vote...pretty plzzz🥺🥺🥺🥺

Author's POV

Alan looked at his best friend David who was more like a brother to him trying to console Siyara.A person who himself was inconsolable was trying to soothe the innocent child's tears.

David's agony didn't sit well with Alan.For Alan who was an orphan, David and his family were more close to his heart.They were his saviors...the ones who took care of him when he lost his parents in an accident.They were his only family and he was devoted to them.He was four years younger than David and during the time he lost his parents it was David who stood by him like an elder brother taking care of him during the agonizing period.So his loyalty towards David is unimaginable.He studied law and became a top attorney in the US in no time.He was the most wanted legal advisor but yet he chose to be the legal advisor of the Kings.And his proficiency in handling legal matters was such that no one could find a loop hole in it.So there was no other lawyer who could fight a case against the Kings when it comes to legal contract because they wouldn't stand a chance against Alan Wills.

"How long are you going to whine around and live here for Siya?",he asked David angrily unable to see his friends misery.He had seen his friend mourn the loss of his wife for 4 years constantly blaming himself for her death.And now when he had found her,still he was suffering.

"As long as it takes to change her mind and come back with me",David replied putting a now asleep Siyara on bed.

"Do you think the Knights..especially Dominique Knight will send his precious daughter with you?",Alan snapped at him.

"He will realize soon and send her back with me.I still have hope for us",David said calmly.

"Who are you kidding?Dominique and Damien Kinght will never let Siya to be with you.They hate you for her past sufferings",Alan remarked.

"But...Siya ...she loves me...I can read her...even when she was lashing out at me ,she was hiding her pain for hurting me.I know she will come back with me soon",David tried convincing himself that his angel will definitely give him a chance.

"How soon is this "soon"?Even if she loves you ,she won't come back with you because she is in dilemma to choose between you and her father.And she isn't Siya anymore...she is a Knight.What if she chooses her family above you?",Alan voiced out his opinion.

"I don't know...I can't even imagine a life without her anymore",he said rubbing his forehead in pain.

"What kind of a friend would I be if I didn't help you out of this mess?",Alan told him confidently.

"I don't need your help .I can handle it myself.And I can't do anything right now rather than convince her to come back with me as we are legally divorced.Although I claim that she is my wife ,I have lost my right over her long back...to be precise 4 years back.All I can do is wait for her until she changes her mind.And I don't want to force her to come back with me",he said holding back his tears.

"Trust me ..let me handle this for you",Alan pleaded with his distressed friend.

"And how are you going to handle this now that Siya and me are divorced?",David questioned alan.

"Then you don't know me dear David...You have grown into a naive man with age.I kind of miss the old ,arrogant ,poker faced, jerk friend of mine.He was so cool.Well ...it's true marriage changes a man's nature...thank God I'm not married.And years of mourning has really affected your brain".

"Whatever you intend to do ,will it hurt my Siya?",David asked anxiously.

"Woah man...you have turned into a lovesick puppy chanting your wife'sname nonstop.If you really want her back in your life,bring back the old arrogant David King....if you want your happy ending this time you will have to hurt her a little...you can't get a rainbow without a little rain,now can we?",he  laughed at his miserable friend.

"But I will not do anything that will hurt my angel ever again",David replied to Alan not wanting to hurt his angel.

"You don't have to hurt her,leave that to me.She will be back with you in no time.But before that let's go talk to the big bad dad of hers",Alan said dragging David to confront Dominique Knight.

At the same time ,Damien found something which can be used as a leverage in separating Davina and David.He rushed to his father' study to inform him of the same.

"Dad...I have found something that will make Vina hate David .And I don't know how I missed this earlier",Damien said to his father.

"What is it son?",Dominique asked him curiously.

"Here...read these documents",he said handing over the documents he had in his hands.

A smile formed on Dominique's lips automatically as he read those papers.

"How did we miss something as important as this?It's better late than never",he told Damien who stood there with an evil smile on his lips.

"Dad...Vina is softening ...we can't blame her though...the innocent and naive girl is still in her somewhere and David's proximity is slowly crumbling the walls that she have built around her",Damien explained to his dad.

"You are right Damien and you know what my mistake is?I was impulsive to punish that moron.Trying to degrade him was a wrong move from my side.It indirectly helped him to pave the way to my daughter's heart once again.And all of our familly except us want them to be together.But I will not let him take my daughter away from me.He and his family are dangerous to my little bear.I have got back Vina miraculously,so I will not let her walk towards her doom knowingly.And now we have a trump card in our hand",Dominique said with determination.

"Don't worry dad...after we reveal this ,she will hate him and throw him out of her life forever",Damien said with a vicious smirk.

"He dare think that I will let him take my precious bear with him after all the tortures he and his family inflicted upon her.If he has still some shame left ,he would just leave from here...I will do everything in my power to separate him from my Vina,Dominique added angrily.

"And how do you intend to do that Mr.Knight?",Alan asked arrogantly walking into Dominique's study along with David.They both overheard a bit of the father son duo's plotting.

"I have my own means ...And where are your manners,Mr.Wills",Dominique smirked at both of them.

"Don't you think you will be hurting my Siya,if you do something like that",David mentioned sadly.

"She is my Vina...Davina Knight...the heiress of the Knight family...she doesn't need a low life like you in her life.And I will make sure of it soon",Dominique smirked evilly at David.

"For your information ,Mr.Knight...Ms.Davina Knight is still Mrs.Siya David King",Alan announced with equal arrogance.

"What do you mean by that Alan?",David asked looking confused.

"That means... my dear friend she is still your wife and the contract still stands",he explained to a perplexed David.

And to add insult to injury Delilah,Ian and Davina chose  to walk in on them at the same time.Davina had decided to give both David and herself a chance to be with each other forgetting their past misfortunes.She had also planned to surprise him about Asher and Alyssa,so she let them stay back with Isabella at her house until she reveals to David about their twins.

What the hell do you mean by that?That contract was for a year.. Davina almost shouted due to the shocking revelation by Alan.

"Well...you should have read the contract properly before signing it Ms.Knight ...oops I mean Mrs.King.That contract was made by me and it's foolproof...And there was no mention anywhere in the contract that it was for a year",Alan said smirking proudly.

"No...you said our marriage was just for a year before forcing me to marry you on that day",she questioned David without hiding her disappontment.

"Angel I didn't"...David tried to defend himself but she cut him off.

"Shut Up...you were aware of this all along ,right.I was a fool to think that you have changed.My dad and Damien was right ...your only priority was Amy and now it's her daughter...you never loved me...you just used me...and now I think even Megan was right...I was just a young body who you wanted to fuck and still do.It's not because of love you want me back in your life...it's just pure lust"...she yelled.

"Please Angel...don't degrade our love like this",David pleaded with Davina.

"You can and you have degraded me time and again...yet you say that I am degrading your undying love for me",she mocked.

 "Ian ,mom...you were asking me to give this selfish monster a chance right.This is what I get in return for trusting him once again.This is what I get..."she let out a sob.

"Like a fool,I was ready to forget my past hurt and find my happily ever after with this heartless person.I have had enough of this ...so please do me a favour and get the hell out of my life.For I don't hate you anymore...because for a person to hate someone ,there need to be feelings of love in their heart for them.And today ,after this little piece of information that your beloved friend shared ,every feelings I had for you died miserably inside me Mr.King.Now if you have any self respect left ...you will leave me alone.Otherwise feel free to go ahead and sue me for a breach of contract.I would happily spend my life in jail rather than be with a selfish person like you",Davina walked away with a shattered heart and tears clouding her vision.

"Siya...please listen to me ...I had no idea that the contract was not terminated",David tried to stop her but she didn't stop to hear his explanations.

"Ian...trust me ..I had asked him to terminate the contract",David said desperately looking at Ian with hope,but he too looked away from him in disappointment.

"What the hell Alan...why didn't you terminate the contract and why the hell did you make a contract like that in the first place",David asked angrily pulling Alan's collar.

"David ...At that time I thought Siya was also a gold digger like the other women that dated you and it also involved Amanda's marriage with Drew.I thought if I make a contract that will bound her with you forever,you can control her to not destroy Amy's married life.I know it's wrong to trap someone like that,but I wanted you to be at the winning end who will only have the power to annul this marriage.And when you asked me to terminate the contract after finding out that she was innocent,things were chaotic as we were made to believe that she was dead and I kind of found it unnecessary to terminate the contract as one of the party was not alive",Alan explained feeling guilty.

"Well...congratulations to both of you...Yo have made a jumbled mess.Do you know something?...just an hour back vina had decided to give your relationship a chance...she was so happy and wanted to tell you herself...thanks to your idiotic friend here..you both are back to square one".Ian said nodding his head in disappointment.

"Oh come on brother...don't call the great Alan Wills an idiot...it's only because of him Vina is back to her senses.He just did something that we could never do otherwise..it's   only because of his help my sister will never accept this monster as her husband ever again" ,Damien said smirking at them.

"You both knew this beforehand", Delilah asked Damien and Dominique.

"Ofcourse Lilah...we were thinking of breaking this news to Vina.But all thanks to Mr. Wills here...our burden is lessened".Dominique smirked.

"How could you Dominique?You are hurting our daughter unknowingly",Delilah said annoyed at both her son and husband.

"She will be back to normal soon Lilah...when this man will be out of her life forever...I will find the right person for her Lilah...Our daughter will be happy then..I will make sure of it",Dominique assured his wife.

"I don't understand you anymore ,Nick...and right now I have to be with my daughter more than anything else",she remarked and left to find Davina clearly pissed off at almost everyone present there.

"Mr.King...pack your bags and leave from here...why be a slave to me when there is no chance of convincing Vina to come back with you.I don't have any plans to degrade you anymore now that Vina doesn't want you in her life",Dominique smirked at David who was glaring at him by now.

"Oh don't glare at me...I didn't shatter your dreams...your friend did...so you can blame him all the way back in your flight to LA .So catch your flight soon....Mr.King and bon Voyage",he taunted David.

"Why would I blame my friend Mr.Knight..when all he did was nothing but to help me.And don't worry I will pack my bags and catch my flight back to LA without delay.But not before taking my wife along with me, after all we have missed out so much in these past four years",announced David arrogantly reminding Ian and Alan that the old egoistic David was back in all his glory.

"You bastard..how dare you?",Damien barked at him.

"I do dare brother in law...because according to the contract she is still my wife and I have every right on her.She will come back with me and I no longer care even if I have to force her once again.Because no matter how much I bend down before you,you will never let her be with me.So now I will do everything my way.Just wait and watch me take her away from here right in front of your eyes",he taunted Damien who was at the verge of punching David.

"Mr.Knight...just to remind you in case you forgot...she is not a mere Knight anymore.She is Mrs.David King...my queen...and the queen's rightful place is near her King.And I will make sure she is with me for eternity...Stop me if you can"..he openly challenged Dominique and Damien before leaving the study like a true King.

So how was the chapter?

Why is Davina angry that the contract still stands?What is wrong with that contract?Any ideas...

Do you like David going back to his old arrogant self or should he remain calm and lovesick for his wife?

Will David force Davina once again?Will they reconcile or will they be back to square one as Ian said?

Please comment ,vote and follow me.

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