25.Husband and Wife

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Early Update..Please dont forget to vote🙏🙏🙏

Davina's POV

I stood in the middle of the living room of the King's mansion's pondering over my life cycle.They say karma is a bitch,but for me karma is a bit overrated.This is exactly the place where I have stood ,the day I was forced to marry David.And here I unfortunately found myself at the same place after 4 years ,yet again forced by my husband.The difference is I was a confused and scared girl back then ,but now I'm lucid and calm.The only relief I felt is seeing my kids happy faces.In all these chaos,it's the only good thing that came out of it.

The journey from Milan to LA was tiring...obviously only for me.David's dad didn't stop apologising throughout the flight for what he and his son has put me through.He left for his home promising to meet the kids and me along with his wife Marlena the very next day.Another ordeal for me to face all these people from my past.I sighed thinking about it.My traitor brother escaped to his penthouse saying he was tired while that stupid attorney Alan had vanished into thin air as soon as the flight landed in Vegas. But Asher and Alyssa and Siyara were all awake and energetic.My little monsters have bonded with my cute Siyara well and is hell bent on turning her into a little monster like them by teaching her their antics and tricks.I should really give credit to David for raising her as a amicable and polite child.Asher and Alyssa aren't spoilt brats either ...they have grown up technically with too much adults around them and Isabella's rich vocabulary has been caught on by them.So they tend to be a bit arrogant but being their mother I know how to keep them in check.

Looking at my kids giggling and having the time of their life with their dad made me realize that the decision I have made gave them this opportunity to know their dad.We have just arrived at the Kings mansion and my kids started running around playing and David too joined them without any care.

"Hmmm"...I cleared my throat."Can you show me their room?It's late and they need to rest",I said looking at David.

"Of course...I will take them",he smiled at me.

"Papa...can we sleep with Siyara?",Asher and Alyssa asked him showing their puppy eyes.

"Sure dear",he obliged easily.

"Tony"...David called his bodyguard."Please take Asher and Alyssa's bags to Siyara's room.And I hope you have done the necessary changes to the kids room as I had instructed".

"Yes Mr.King..everything is done as you asked",he replied.

"Thank you Tony".

"It's good too see you again,Mrs.King",Tony said turning towards me smiling.

"Good to see me again or good to see me alive",I asked him playfully.He is one of the persons who treated me like a human being while I was here.

"Both,Mrs.King" ,he countered with a smile.

"Tony..the children are hungry ,ask Grace to serve them dinner",David almost snapped at Tony.
What's wrong with this man?just can't stop showing his authority.I mentally sighed.

"Sorry Mr.King",Tony apologised for God knows what and left from there.

I thought of something and asked David,"Where's Mrs.Denvers?"(for those who forgot she was the caretaker of Kings mansion who troubled Siya)

"I fired her",he said stating the obvious.

"Why ?"

"Because she mistreated you ...",he shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Woww..you get to fire other people just because they mistreated me.But what about you.Bloody hypocrite",I snapped at him.


"it's Davina..."

"ok David's Vina.."

"Ya whatever"..I said not wanting to argue with him.

He scooped all the three kids in his arms and took them to their room.I had no option but to follow them.The kids room was painted with grey,blue and shades of pink and was decorated with unicorns on one side and avengers on the other.It had a bunker bed on one side and a bed modeled as a swing on another .In short it was any child's dream bedroom.It's evident that David has really taken pains to decorate his kids room.His kids ???Really???...I sound like a jealous mom right now.Don't blame me...I took pains to bring them to this world and here they are clinging on to their father totally ignoring me.Grievances of every mom in the world.

"Mama will you bathe me?",Siyara asked hugging my legs.I melted seeing her.Atleast she is giving me some attention.

"Of course dear,come",I said picking her up in my arms.

"Siy...Vina,I will give her a bath.Don't tire yourself",David stopped me instantly.

What is his problem?He is trying to distance me from Siyara.Jealous man.He has succesfully got attention of my kids,now he wants Siyara's attention as well.

"Come baby,I will give you a bath",I said totally ignoring him.

"Mama...me too ...me too...",shouted Asher and Alyssa.

"Wait...don't trouble your mother.Today I will bathe you all",he said picking up all of them.
They all squealed happily.

David took them inside the washroom where the bath was already filled with warm water.He placed them slowly inside the bath after removing their clothes while I stood watching his actions.And the rest is history...David was drenched in water by the time he finished bathing the three of them.I dried the three of them with a towel while David left to change his clothes.

After I dressed the them up in their night wear we went to the room to find David already instructing the maid to serve the dinner.The kids were tired and sleepy so they ate the dinner peacefully and let us also eat in peace. And then they got into their favourite beds respectively.Although they demanded their dad for a bedtime story,they all slept off halfway through the story.

"Finally our kids are asleep...time to put their mommy to bed",he said winking at me.

"Where is my room?" ,I demanded.

"You mean ours",he corrected me.

"No...I meant my separate room...I need a separate room",I stated clearly.

"Wife..the thing is" ..he said scratching his neck..."there is only one room left in the King's mansion that isn't closed down for renovation and that is ours"..he said with a teasing grin.

"What do you mean by that ?You have thousand rooms in this mansion.Don't act smart with me",I gritted my teeth.

"Angel ...I'm telling the truth,only two rooms were renovated, one is the kids room and one is ours",he said with sincerity which I didn't buy at all.

"Who are you kidding?You think I will buy this ..Why are the other rooms not renovated?",I demanded an answer from him.

"Well Angel...I'm a poor actor who is not rich like the Knights.So it will take time .Kindly bear with your poor husband",he said with fake hurt.

"What??Are you serious?"

"Yes",he said with a puppy face.

"Aarrgh...I'm sleeping with the kids then",I said irritated with his antics.

"No,he refused flatly.

"Why not?"

"Because there is no bed here and I don't want my wife to be uncomfortable sleeping on the couch",he said scooping me up in his arms.

"Leave me David".

"Never again",he said stubbornly carrying me towards his room.

"Angel...you have become heavy",he teased me while on his way to his room.

"Did you just call me fat?",I glared at him.


"What?",I looked at him menacingly.

"No... I meant in a good way",he smirked.

"I hate you".

"I know",he said opening his room and putting me down on his bed.The room was pretty much the same as I remembered but my eyes widened seeing the portrait hanging opposite of his bed.It was a photo of me taken while I was with David in his private island.

"Do you like it?",he whispered near my ears.

"You wish..Nice try to impress me,but it's not working ...you probably made your maids to put that up here a day before",I taunted him.

"Angel...this is what you think of me",he said looking sad.

"Cut it out.I'm not gonna fall for your acting",I said sarcastically.

"Go take a bath.or do you want me to help you".,He was back to his flirt mode.

"Stop flirting with me ",I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not flirting angel..trust me ...you stink",he said laughing out loud.

"Go away,It's not funny and stop bullying me",I said pushing his chest.

Bloody moron,I cursed under my breath and went to the closet to take out my clothes.I wasn't surprised at all to find all my previous clothes as well as the ones that I brought with me perfectly arranged inside.I then went to the washroom and took a shower quickly and came out dressed up in my night clothes.I saw David lying on the bed scrolling down his phone.

"Where are you going to sleep?" ,I asked rudely as possible.

"Here..I'm sleeping with you,"he replied without looking at me.

"No way I'm letting you do that".

"You want this poor husband of yours to get a back ache by sleeping on the couch",he kept his phone away and got out of the bed.

"Yes..that is exactly what I want",I said haughtily but he came dangerously close to me.

"Angel...get on the bed right now",he said seductively holding my waist.

"I said leave ...get out",I shrieked in frustration but the next moment he pinned me down on the bed and hovered over me.I made futile attempts to free myself but was totally trapped by him.

"Not happening Angel.Get used to us being husband and wife",he kissed my cheeks and laid down beside me but still holding me in his arms.I stared at him angrily but was startled when my phone started ringing from the side table.

"Atleast let me attend the call" ,I wriggled in his arms.He picked the phone with his free hand and hit the answer button.

"Hello Mr.Knight",David said smirking at the phone.To my shock it was my dad on video call.I mentally smacked myself for forgetting to call him after I landed in LA.

"Why the hell did you attend my Vina's phone?And where is she?",I could see my dad yelling at him.

"Technically I can attend her phone as she is my wife.And she is right here in my arms all safe and cozy" ,he smiled mischievously at my dad and adjusted the phone to include me in the video.

My dad was relieved to see me but he started shouting angrily,"See ...I told you...that monster is strangling my daughter and you claim that he loves her".

I realized he was speaking to mom.
"Nick..just shut up...it's night time in LA and they are probably going to bed I suppose",my mom scolded him.

"Exactly, but why the hell he is in Vina's bed",dad exclaimed angrily.

"Mr.Knight...you still don't know how married couple are supposed to sleep together in the same bed",David teased my dad again.

"That's it...I'm going to LA.Get my jet ready",I heard my dad screaming orders to his men.

"Mom...stop dad",I told my mom worried about my dad.

"Don't worry sweetheart,I will calm him down.Call you tomorrow. you take rest.
And both of you stay happy",she said hanging up the call.

"David...How dare you tease my dad?",I was pissed off by him.

"I was stating the facts",he said turning towards me with his mischievous grin.

"Leave me you moron".

"Make me leave ,Angel",he said challenging me."Why ...are you scared of me?",he asked playfully.

"Why would I be scared of you?",I asked in a threatening tone.

"Of course..It has to be me who should be scared of you.And I need to save my dignity because someone like hugging and cuddling me in their sleep ",he said with an evil smirk...

"I don't like you",I said angrily because he caged me in his arms again.

"I know you don't like me",his voice was soft.

"You do?"..,I was tired struggling to remove myself from his hulk like grip.

"Yes...you don't like me because you love me",he said kissing my forehead."Please can we fight tomorrow,because I'm damn tired",he requested burying his head on my neck.

"Ok"...I said not wanting to argue anymore.So tomorrow it is then,I declared in my mind before drifting off to sleep in his arms.

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Did you like David Siya Moments?Was it too cheesy?

David haters ...your author went to Mars after writing this chapter?Catch me if you can.🙈🙈🙈🙈🤭🤭🤭🤭

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