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Happy Valentine's Day and lots of love to you my lovely readers.😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰😘😘😘

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Davina's POV

"Grandpaaaa..."Asher and Alyssa squealed before jumping on dad as soon as they saw him. I took Dad, Damien, and Ian to the kid's room when we arrived home. David excused himself to make arrangements for tea and dinner as it was almost evening. I, too, ignored my hubby as we had that little fight in the car but took care not to show that in front of my dad. Because if he gets a slight hunch that I fought with David, he will pack my kids and me back to Italy.

"Oh, my darlings...I missed you so much, dears..." my dad greeted them in a soft voice, making it unbelievable that this was the man who made people scared to death.

"Didn't you miss me, babies? "Damien pouted in a baby voice, making Ian roll his eyes.

"Dami Papa, both my kids ran towards Damien," leaving my dad as soon as they saw him.

"Where's Isa mom and granny?..." my kids started their interrogation as soon as Damien wrapped them in his arms. Both Asher and Alyssa have a lovely bond with Damien and Isabella and call them mom and papa as they were the ones who took care of my kids when I was going through my bad phase. My brother and sister in law also considers them as their own and has also spoilt them rotten.

"So how are my babies doing? "he asked lovingly.

"Papa took us out to the playground and also plays with us daily," Asher explained seriously.

"He has promised to take us all to Disneyland, "Alyssa said proudly.

"Is that so? So you have completely forgotten your Dami papa now, "he complained like a child. I could see that my elder brother was a bit jealous that Asher and Alyssa bonded with David quickly.

"Come here, Siyara baby," my dad said, scooping a shy Siyara in his arms as she was timidly standing a bit away from everyone. I was happy to see that neither dad nor Damien ignored Siyara.

"Hello, Alyssa's grandpa," She greeted my dad shyly.

"I'm your grandpa as well," he said, kissing her cheeks.

"Siyara, baby, come here. Did you forget your Damien uncle? "Damien took Siyara in his arms from my dad.

"I remember you ...You are Asher and Alyssa's Dami papa, "she said softly to him.

"You can call me Dami papa as well, baby," Damien assured her.

"Yara...Don't you dare? He is our Dami papa, not yours," Asher told Siyara in an arrogant tone.

"Ok, Asher," Siyara agreed instantly, looking sad.

I was surprised to see my sweet son bossing Siyara, and also he has given her a nickname.

"Asher, don't use that tone on Siyara," I strictly warned him.

"Mama, I'm sorry," he apologized immediately, but I saw him glaring at Siyara. I made a mental note to have a serious talk with my son later. I don't want him to grow up into a brat, going around bullying others.

"Your mother is right, Asher. Apologize to Siyara right now. She is no different from you both for us, "Damien and dad told Asher sternly.

"I'm sorry, Yara, "Asher apologized to Siyara.

"Again Yara?, What is with the new nickname?" Ian asked Asher.

"Mom, Uncle Ian, Ash gave this nickname to Siyara. He said Siyara is quite a mouth full," Alyssa explained like a professional.

"Did you ask whether she likes it before giving her that name? "I asked my kids.

"Of course, she likes it, Don't you? "Asher asked, turning towards Siyara immediately.

"I-I like it, "Siyara replied nervously.

"Are you sure, baby? "I asked her to make sure that my little monster is not bullying her.

"Yes, mama, I'm sure, "she said, reassuring me.

"Alright now, kids, let's call your granny and Isa mom and make them jealous, "my dad chuckled, taking his phone out.

After that, it was total chaos in the room with my mom and Isa yelling at dad and Damien for literally ditching them. And Isa's nonstop crying after seeing the kids. She really missed them, but her hormones are to be blamed for her endless tantrums. And Ian was continuously instigating mom and Isa against dad and Damien. In short, all of us were having a good time after so long. And David, too, joined us soon and had a cordial conversation with my mom and Isa. It was like a dream come true for me as I felt like my life was complete with my whole family around me. I couldn't ask for more. I noticed that my dad was glancing at David now and then, and he was content with the way David took care of our kids and me though he didn't express it.

I was delighted when dad accepted David's dinner invitation. During dinner, Damien said that he would be moving his business to LA in two months and that he and Isa will move to LA as soon as her OBG allows her to travel. He had already bought a penthouse in LA. David offered his help to Damien by inviting Isabella and him to stay in our home until his penthouse was ready. But Damien declined politely. I knew my brother still didn't approve of David, but he was trying his best for my sake. And I know he will soon approve of him. Dad, Damien, and Ian left after dinner though David invited them to stay in the mansion for the night. They had already decided to stay in Ian's penthouse, much to my brother's shock. I, too, didn't force them to stay with us as I knew that my dad and Damien were dying to see how their precious Ian's life was in this big city. I was sad that they were leaving so soon, but dad assured me that he would soon bring mom to visit us. I chuckled, seeing Ian's face as Dad and Damien went with him to his penthouse. Ian was probably scared that dad might criticize him for not living in a mansion. I can't wait for the day when my stupid brother realizes how proud dad is of him. A smile formed on my lips, thinking of the obvious that was bound to happen when Ian finds out.

"Angel, I want to talk..."David tried to speak to me after putting the kids to bed, but I gave him the cold shoulder. The earlier fight pissed me off, so I quickly walked to our bedroom while David followed me.

"Angel, please, I love you more than me or anything else in the world. Just try to see from my point of view, "he coaxed, squeezing me in his arms.

"David, don't talk to me, just let me be for now. If you wanted me to move on in my life, what was the need to drag me and our kids to LA? "I vented out my frustration.

"Angel, I'm not letting you or our kids go away from me as long as I breathe. I'm selfish when it comes to you and our kids. You misunderstood my statement. What I said was you should move on if something happens to me. Life is unpredictable. That minor accident has made me think about the future more deeply. And I wanted you to be happy even if I'm not around. Don't be angry with me, love," he said, kissing my cheeks lovingly.

"David, You expect me not to be angry after all this stupid talk about death. In case you didn't know, I'm necrophobic. Even the thought of death gives me a panic attack. Do you think I will be happy and all ready to move on if something happens to you? Even that thought makes me scared." I stated the reasons for my anger as tears drenched my cheeks.

"Angel, I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. Hit me. I deserve it, "he said, taking my hands and hitting him with them.

"David, stop it. Please don't talk about death to me in the future. I love you, and you love me. Nothing else matters now, "I said, taking my hands back.

"I won't," he said, hugging me. "Do you forgive me now? "he asked expectantly.

"I will forgive you for sure. But forgiveness comes with a price, "I smirked at him.

"Anything for you, Siya?" he said, smiling at me.

"Give me a mini David," I demanded with an evil grin.

"Not happening, "he answered abruptly, pulling himself away from me.

"Why? "I pouted in annoyance.

"Because my love, your body is weak, and your OBG says it's not good for you to go through another pregnancy. You have suffered a lot giving birth to Asher and Alyssa. And I won't let you go through the same once again. You are more important to me than anything else in the world. I'm not ready to lose you yet again for having another child in our life," he said with determination.

"When the hell did you contact my OBG," I shrieked.

"As your husband, I have to take care of you and know about every single thing in your life, and that's precisely what I did and will keep doing in the future," he replied.

"If you don't listen to me, I won't forgive you, "I pouted again.

"But I have my own ways to make you forgive me, "he said with a smirk ripping my dress off me.

"David, Stay away from me from now on if you are not going to give me a mini-you," I hollered.

"I will stay away but will you," he said, ripping off his shirt, revealing his sexy body. I gulped, seeing his toned muscles and perfect chest. He traced his fingers over my chest, turning me on, and I knew that I would forgive him in no time and where we will both end up exactly. I sighed inwardly, drooling at him, thinking why in the hell did I fight with him in the first place.

How was the chapter?

Did you all like the nickname given to Siyara by Asher?😏😏😏

Is Asher bullying Siyara?😈😈😈

What do you think?Is David right from his perspective?

Please vote comment and follow me.

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