51.Wedding Band

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Your author is on a writing spree and it would really help her if you encourage her by giving her VOTES.If not I plan to make  Ian a scapegoat and end his story here in Davina.I really mean it because I'm not getting any encouragement from the silent readers and most readers forget to VOTE.So now Ian's life is now in your hands.And this is no threat.I don't like sad endings.Don't make me a murderer.Your author's PSYCHO mode is on and I will kill Ian,paralyze David and make Siya marry the villain if you don't vote.😈😈😈🙏🙏🙏

Author's POV

"Finally...I got my freedom, "Davina verified the papers given by Alan happily.

"Vina, why are you doing this?" Ian asked angrily while David looked at her miserably.

"This is my personal life and choices, Ian. Stay out of it, Siya replied stubbornly. And why the hell did you rush back canceling your film shoot.No one's dying here," she rolled her eyes while Ian looked at her in astonishment.

"Something's definitely wrong here; You are not yourself. You would never behave like this in such a situation. You love Siyara so much. What happened to you now?" Ian yanked her hands and pulled her towards him. "And you are going nowhere until we find Siyara."

"Leave me, Ian, and mind your own business. And you're mistaken. I don't love Siyara; I loved her. It's in the past tense now. And I'm not ready to sacrifice my life or happiness for anything or anyone, "she snapped, pushing him away.

"Siya...please, I will transfer King corporations and all the other properties in your name. I have already asked Alan to start the procedures. Don't do this to dad because of me and my daughter. Asher and Alyssa need you, Siya, "Amy begged, holding Siya's hand.

"Do you take me for a beggar who is waiting for your charity? I'm Davina Knight, and I don't want anything from you or your dad. This relationship was choking me. Everything related to you and your dad suffocates me. That's why I'm leaving Asher and Alyssa with him so that I will never remember your dad's face ever again. Finally, I get to live a peaceful life," she said curtly, taking her bag.

"Siya...Please at least wait till we get back our Siyara, and we all can sit and talk. I don't blame you for feeling insecure. But I assure you that I will transfer all the properties owned by James and me to Asher and Alyssa. Please don't leave us in such a situation. We all need you," Lena begged Siya.

"Mom, let her go, "David said sternly to his mother, looking lost." Who are we to stop her if she had already decided to abandon us," he said bitterly.

"David, My sister is acting crazy. But where are your senses. Just lock her up in your room and talk some sense in her head," Ian scowled.

"And Vina. If you want the property, I will give you mine as well. Now throw those divorce papers away and apologize for your rude behavior. And Alan, I can't believe you made those divorce papers without David's consent. Don't you have any common sense?" Ian stated angrily.

"Ian, why are you getting angry with Alan? I was the one who asked him to make those papers, and nothing is going to stop me now. Mr.King is right. I have already abandoned this family because they mean nothing to me. I'm leaving because I want to live my life on my own terms and conditions from now on," Siya told Ian stubbornly.

"And Mr.King, I have kept my wedding band inside the common room. You can find it there and do whatever you want to do with it. I don't care. And goodbye forever," Siya said harshly, turning to walk out of the house.

"Vina, I'm informing mom of your arrogance. And you are not going anywhere" Ian held her hands tightly.

"Ian, I'm not a three-year-old child for you to control me. I'm my own person, and I have decided to go on a long vacation. Don't try to contact me and ruin my vacation. Just give dad, mom, Damien, and Isa my love," she pushed away Ian and walked out of the house hastily.

Everyone was upset with Siya's sudden change in behavior. Nobody spoke, and there was an eerie silence among them. Siyara's abduction had already broken them . And Siya's sudden decision to divorce David shattered them. David was extremely silent, which scared everyone around him. For they knew how much he loves Siya. Amy blamed herself for the mishaps happening to them. She was worried for her daughter as well as her dad's life.

Drew looked confused and deep in thought. Lena was sobbing on James's shoulders. Ian was continuously asking Alan for an explanation for filing the divorce hastily.

"That's not my sister Vina. Something is fishy because she would never do such a thing just for a mere property. Something is wrong . I'm damn sure, "Ian mumbled.

"You are right, Ian. That is not my Angel, "David said with a grave face and stormed inside his room and shut the door while others were bewildered at David's mood swing.

Meanwhile, Siya walked reached outside the King's mansion, where a car was waiting for her. She looked back at her home one last time, tears leaked down her eyes, and a heavy sob left her mouth.

"I-I'm sorry, David. Forgive me for my rude words. You and our kids mean the world to me, Davy. I know what I'm doing right now maybe stupid...no, it's stupid. But I have no other way to save our baby from that psycho. I trust you, David...I know you will find me . Right now, I have no choice but to abandon you. Please find us both," she mentally prayed, looking at the mansion yet again with hope-filled eyes. Then she stepped inside the car, wiping off her tears.

As soon as she stepped inside the car, the driver started the car and drove off promptly. Siya thought of the events that happened in her life since the day of Siyara's kidnap.


Siya was about to go home to David when she heard the news of her baby's kidnap. But a phone call destroyed her already broken heart. She still remembered the phone call that changed her life.

"Buttercup, Missed me? "The caller asked, making the receiver fall from her hand.

Buttercup? The only person who called her buttercup was ...But how was that possible. She wondered, and with trembling hands, she picked up the receiver again.

"Buttercup, I know you are listening. Do you want to hear something?," the caller asked softly.

Before she could answer, she heard a faint cry through the receiver.

"Siyara...baby..." she yelled. "How dare you, and what have you done to her? Where is she? Do you think David will spare you for kidnaping Siyara. And do you know what my dad and brothers will do if they find out that you have kidnapped my baby? "She shouted at the caller angrily.

"Relax, buttercup...just take a deep breath and listen to me carefully if you want to see your precious Siyara breathing," he chuckled.

"And I know what your husband and the mighty Knights can do to me if they found out about my role in kidnapping Siyara. But buttercup, am I scared?...No...I'm not scared. I swear on you, my love. If you act smart and inform anyone, I will strangle your Siyara to death. For your information, every corner of your husband's home is bugged by me. And also your cellphone.But not the bathroom's buttercup...I'm not a pervert. But I trust you because you love Siyara," he laughed like a psycho.

"What do you want in exchange for Siyara's freedom?" Siya asked impatiently.

"You...Obviously you, buttercup," he chortled.

"You bastard ...how dare you? David will track you down in no time snd rip you apart, "Siya challenged him.

"Of course, he will...but only to find his precious Siyara's dead body. Do you want that too, buttercup?" he threatened.

"What do you want me to do? "Siya yielded in desperation.

"First thing...You will not let that bastard touch you ever again. I hate to see him touch what is mine, "he said, making Siya realize that the kidnapper had indeed bugged her home. She felt disgusted by his psychotic behavior.

"Secondly, you will divorce him in a week and come to me leaving behind everything," he tittered.

"David would never give me a divorce, no matter what. And what reasons will I tell him to grant me a divorce. He would never believe that I don't love him", Siya whimpered.

"Aah, that...Don't worry. You will get your reason because I will be asking him SD corporations as ransom," he explained further how she should ask for a divorce from David.

David will transfer SD corporations, and you will be trapped, Siya thought happily.

"Buttercup, Don't even think that I will be trapped because of the property transfer because it will never happen. I'm just using it to buy some time for your divorce from David. As soon your divorce is finalized, and you come to me, I will give back Siyara happily. Because all I want is you not some damn property," He stated, disheartening Siya. And from that day, she became his puppet and distanced herself from David, her kids, and her family. It tore her apart slowly, but she couldn't do anything. The only thing that gave her some relief was that the man would allow her to speak to Siyara every night through video calls at her office. Her office was bugged too, and she didn't trust her staff anymore. She would stay back late at her office only to get a glimpse of Siyara and calm her scared baby. She would sing a lullaby to her precious daughter until she falls asleep over the phone. And in the meantime, she forced David to divorce her with the help of Alan. She hoped that David would find her and Siyara soon after she managed to leave a hint behind at the last moment.

Back to present

Her cellphone rang, bringing her back from her reverie. She immediately attended the call with displeasure seeing the number on display.

"Buttercup, You did great. Now throw your phone outside the car, "the caller ordered, and she complied without a word. She pondered over her life with David and closed her eyes as the driver drove her to an unknown destination.

How was the chapter?

Now you all know why Siya behaved weirdly.😎😎😎

What hint did Siya leave for David?

Will David find the hint and save his wife and Siyara?

Sherlock come on...there are a lot of hints in this chapter...find out😏😏😏😈😈😈
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