At Gracia's Apartment

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     They stood outside Mrs.Hughes' apartment door, waiting for her to answer. Before she opened the door, Alphonse asked, "Hey, um, Maice? Why didn't you want me to explain to the nurse what happened?" Maice kept her eyes on the door. "Alphonse, do you know the difference between forwards, and backwards?" She said, her eyes concentrated on the door. "Well, yay of course I do!" Alphonse exclaimed. "Keep your eyes forward, and never, ever look back." Maice examined the doors hinges then asked Edward a very important question. "Would it be a bad thing to break the door down into splinters?" Ed shook his head confused. "What!? Yes that's a bad thing! What are you thinking!?" He screeched. "Awe, but it's fun!" She grinned and the door opened, and big round eyes peeked out the door. "Hehe!More people mommy!" She yelled opening the door wider. "Hi Alecia!" Alphonse bent down and patted her head. Tilly growled at the small human, but Maice yanked back on her leash. "Knock it off. Silly dog." She said. Tilly stuck her chin up and walked past Alecia. Edward helped Maice to the couch inside and helped her sit down. Gracia greeted her, as Alphonse and Edward play with Alecia. "Edward Alphonse would you like to stay for dinner as well?" She asked. "Sure!" They said excitedly. Maice sighed then took off her hat and placed on Tilly's head. Tilly wore it proudly, her chin held high. "Hah, good girl!" Maice giggled, giving her a pat. Alecia giggled to watching the dog. "My turn!" She hollered, swiping the hat off of Tilly. "Alecia no!" Maice gasped. Tilly lunged at the scared little girl, growling. Before she could crush the little girls bones with her powerful jaw, Maice rolled onto the ground infront of the little girl, grabbing the hat off of her small head and placing it on her own. Maice growled at Tilly, then swat her nose making her whimper. "No." She stated, crawling back onto the couch. Gracia swooped up her child then screamed. "Get that mutt out of here!" She kissed the little girls forehead. "Hey! It wasn't Tilly's fault! That was her dominance, you can't just take it from her! Dogs fight for dominance, it's in her blood!" Maice screeched back. "But Alecia's just a little girl she doesn't know any better!" Gracia stated. "Then teach her better!" Maice yelled back. "Teach your dog better!" Gracia defended herself. "I told you I can't, it's in her blood!" Maice held her dog close to her. Gracia  growled. "I'm regretting this already." She said going back to cooking, handing Alecia to Alphonse. Edward sat next to her. "What the hell was that?" Ed asked, upset. "Hey, at least I don't use inappropriate language in front of babies." Maice grinned. "Stop it! It's not funny Maice. What would have happened if you dog did get a hold of her?" Maice was still grinning. "Tilly would've torn that little girl to shreds." Edward stared at her. "You think that's funny?" He said. "No, it's just, male dogs would've fought her until she gave the hat back, even if it meant killing her." Edward looked confused. "Wow, you know nothing about dogs, do you?" Maice smiled. "Female dogs would've killed her either way." Edward shook his head. "What? Really?" Maice nodded still grinning. That is, until Roy walked in.
     "Hello Andrews, Elric's, ah and thank you Mrs. Hughes!" He said seating himself at the dinner table. "Hello Roy, um, may I talk to you for a second?" He nodded as they walked out the door. "Oh great, just what I need." Maice said looking down at Tilly. She flipped out her pocket watch and started flipping it up, then catching it, the blade still out. Alecia walked up to her and watched from the other side of her, away from Tilly. "Do you wanna play?" Maice held the knife for a second and frowned looking down at her. She waited a moment the replied in a cold, harsh tone. "No." Alecia's eyes teared up, then she started to scream. Maice started flipping the pocket watch again as Roy and Gracia ran in. "Andrews! What happened this time?!" Roy said, enraged. "I said no." She responded, checking her blade to see if it was dull. "Then why is she crying?" Gracia snapped. "Cause, I said, no." Edward explained more detailed then Gracia asked, "Why didn't you play with her!? She just wanted to play with you!" Gracia said. "Because kids need to learn, that they don't get everything they want." Maice said. "Andrews!" Roy yelled. "What?" She whined. "Stop acting like this! This family's gone through a lot and this is how you treat them?" Roy said. "They've gone through a lot? What about Ed and Al? They've gone through more than anyone in this room!" She yelled. "Maice, you've went through more than everyone in this room. I've still got Edward and we've got our father." Alphonse clarified. "Thanks Al that helped a lot." Maice mumbled, frustrated. "What? Roy you said she had her mom and dad, does she?" Gracia asked. "No, I don't. And I have a homunculus living inside of me if Roy didn't tell you that either." Maice rubbed her head. "Roy?" Gracia turned to Roy. "I'll explain at dinner."

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