Half Ouroboros

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As Maise woke up she felt a small presence above her but kept her eyes closed. She slowly moved her hand towards her pocket knife. Bringing her arm up she opened the knife then moved quickly, tackling whoever was disturbing her rest. "What the hell do you want Ed?" She asked holding the knife to his throat. "Alphonse, ah, little help here?" He said trying to bare the pressure she put on his chest. The metal man started to lift her up but she quickly stood up, and gave him a strong palm strike to his chest, causing him to straggle back a few steps. The weight from the man inside should have pushed her back as well. "Alphonse, where's your body?" She asked, remembering what Ed titled him. "Wha, what? How'd you know?" He said gasping. "When I hit you, your metal vibrated, it shouldn't have." She responded in shock as well. "Never mind about that," Ed said." Mustang needs to see you."
As they walked up the big, white staircase Edward watched his feet, upset about something. Alphonse walked behind her quietly as she started to braid her hair. "Why do you have only half of the ouroboros tattoo, don't all homunculi have the full tattoo?" Alphonse asked curiously. Maise stopped in her tracks, now agitated. "I'm NOT a homunculus." Edward turned around to join the conversation. "Then what are you?" He said still angry, she saw pain in his eyes decided that she needed to tell someone sooner or later. "Edward, I...I have a philosopher stone." He looked at her surprised but angry. "It's in the back of my neck. I've been fighting it for the past four years now, that's why I only have half of the tattoo." Edward stared at her, unwilling to believe the truth. He started walking up the stairs again. She followed along with Alphonse practically skipping eight steps every time. "How old are these boys anyways?" She wondered. And with that, they made there way to Mustang's office.

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