Chapter one

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Dimday shines to bring dark light
A heart glows to show the way
Fear will pierce through the strongest of minds
For dark or for light?


When Dusk entered the lab, there was already someone else there.

"Hello! Are you here to start your pokemon journey too? I am!" The shorter, tan girl exclaimed, clapping her hands. The girl had dark brown hair, and beautiful teal eyes. She had cool teal streaks in her hair, and she smiled wide, her teeth a pearly white. "Oh! I forgot to tell you my name! I'm Bree Hearts, who are you?"

"I'm..." Dusk's voice stopped for a second. She focused on her breathing for a moment, before continuing. "I'm Dusk's nice to me-meet you..."

"It's nice to meet you too!" The girl -Bree- hugged her for a second, and Dusk tensed up. Luckily, she let go quickly, maybe sensing Dusk's discomfort. Bree stood awkwardly to Dusk's left after the hug.  Dusk played with a strand of her wavy, ivory colored hair. Bree seemed like she wanted to be her friend, but...maybe it was just pity? Or a joke, it wouldn't be the first time.

Dusk's worries were interrupted when a short, black haired woman entered the room. She was rather chubby, with deep blue eyes and freckles covering her face. She looked kind, and wore a lab coat, gray, shapeless dress, and brown heels. "Hello ladies! My name is Professor Pine, and I'll be giving you two your first pokemon!"

Bree squealed and jumped up and down, while Dusk smiled. She had definitely been looking forward to this, but there were so many things that could go wrong. What if her pokemon hated her? What if Professor Pine decided she wasn't cut out to be a pokemon trainer? What if-

"Dusk, you alright?" Bree said, looking at Dusk, concern etched onto her face. Great. Now she's worried. She probably thinks you're a weirdo.

"I'm fine! Just...tired..." Dusk lied, plastering a smile on her face. Bree smiled and nodded, and the attention was off of her.

"So, you have six choices. Each of you will take one, and the rest will remain here, spoiled and researched." Professor Pine said, smiling before tossing six pokeballs in the air. Out of the first one came an orange, fox-like pokemon with six tails. Out of the second one came a fluffy brown pokemon with large eyes. In the third was a blue and black creature that stood on its hind legs. From the fourth came a black and red fox with turquoise eyes and a mischievous smile. The fifth held a yellow and black triangle shaped creature that was shivering. The last one had a tree stump-like head and a black body.

"THEY'RE SO CUTE!" Bree yelled, and Dusk winced. She was right, they were cute.

Bree scooped up the brown and fluffy creature, and the fox pokemon jumped onto her head. Bree laughed and cuddled the two, while Dusk looked at the other four. Bree hadn't actually chosen yet...should she let Bree choose and just take from what was left? Was that fine? Would Bree care?

Suddenly Dusk was face to face with...herself? Except she had a wicked smile on her face, and mischief glinted in her lilac eyes. Then it became Bree, then Professor Pine, and then it became a small, black and red fox creature. It jumped into Dusk's arms, cuddling close, and Dusk felt her heart melt.

"Looks like he chose you!" Bree said, her eyes shining. The blue and black two legged pokemon had joined her snuggle party, and Dusk felt a small laugh escape her lips as the three pokemon tackled her to the ground.

Bree held up the fluffy brown fox creature.  "Can I have her?  I have the perfect name for her!"

Dusk held up the black and red fox.  "I-I like this one.  He's adorable."

"Of course.  Looks like Dusk gets Zorua." Professor Pine smiled. "And Bree? Yours is Eevee."

Bree jumped up and down.  "Yay!  Her name is Lumi!"  Bree pat Lumi, and Dusk smiled a little. 

"This is Vagary."  Dusk said quietly, cuddling him close. 

After returning all of the pokemon to their pokeballs, the two girls were each given a badge case and ten pokeballs. They exited the building with big smiles on their faces.

Dusk walked down the road towards her house. "Hey! Dusk!" Dusk turned around to see Bree running towards her.

"Where are you going? The next town is that way!" Bree said, grabbing Dusk's arm. Her eevee was on her shoulder, sitting comfortably.

Dusk tensed. "I was just grabbing my bag..." She whispered, and looked at the ground.

"Okay, I'll come with you! Then we can head off! You don't mind if we travel together, do you?" Bree said, letting go of Dusk's wrist.

"No...w-we can travel together..." Dusk said, starting to walk towards her house again, Bree following closely.

It was a quick walk, Dusk lived about ten minutes away, but it felt longer with someone else there. Bree tried to talk to her, of course, but Dusk suddenly didn't feel like doing anything.

They arrived at Dusk's house, a tiny cottage with a kitchen, bathroom, small living room, and two small bedrooms. She opened the door, and held it open for Bree. They walked into her living room, which was a mess. Dusk cursed to herself. Destiny was supposed to clean it!

As if the thought of her summoned her, the devil child walked into the room. Well, pranced is more like it. The slightly younger twin had hair the same color as Dusk's, but it was straighter and cut at her chin. She wore light pink lipstick, and soft pink eyeshadow. Her dress was lilac, with a baby pink belt. Lace trimmed the skirt, and she wore matching lilac socks.

"Oh! Did my sister actually make a friend?" Destiny snorted, a smirk on her face. She was joking, of course. She joked a lot. She never meant it, of course. She told Dusk this whenever Dusk acted hurt.

"Yeah! She's so nice!" Bree said, smiling at Dusk. Dusk felt her face warm up, and quietly wished the floor would swallow her. That would be nice.

"When she decides to exist." Destiny said, amused.

"I like her existence, it's nice. She's a good listener."

"I' right back." Dusk walked to her room, and grabbed her bag as quickly as possible, and ran back to the living room.

Bree looked angry, her hands balled into fists, while Destiny looked shocked, her eyes wide. "Come on Bree." Dusk said, tapping her on the shoulder. The two girls exited the house, Bree relaxing when they went through the door.

"Is she always like that?" Bree asked, looking Dusk in the eyes.

"Yes..." Dusk whispered, slouching forward.  "But she doesn't mean it."  Bree snorted and turned away, and Dusk looked at the ground.

The two walked with awkward silence when, all of a sudden, a small tan dog with black stripes ran into their path.  "Growlithe!" It barked, a spark of fire flying from its mouth.

Bree smiled.  "Lumi!  Let's do this!  Use tackle!" Lumi jumped off of her shoulder obediently, and crashed into the pokemon.  Dusk stayed back, wringing her hands.  She had no idea of what to do, and even if she did something, she'd probably mess up somehow and ruin everything.

The creature barked and sent a huge fire straight into Lumi.  She let out a cry, and rolled back before jumping up.  "Lumi!  Use swift!"  Stars were sent flying at the dog, too fast for it to dodge.  Bree threw a pokeball at it, and Dusk held her breath.  It turned red, and it glowed brightly.  It was sucked into the pokeball, which landed on the ground. It rolled back and forth. One, two...three...Click!

"Yay!  We caught him!"  Bree yelled, Lumi jumping into her arms.  Dusk smiled, and Vagary jumped out of his pokeball.  He jumped into Dusk's arms, she stroked his soft fur, scratching his ears. 

Dusk looked around.  It was getting dark out, they would need to set up camp.  "Bree?  Where should we camp for the night?"

"Right here, by this river!  We'll stay up and tell stories and jokes!"  Bree said, cuddling her new fire dog.  When had she let him out of his pokeball?  "His name is Flame. Ha!  That rhymed!"  Bree collapsed into a fit of giggles.  Dusk chuckled, and she could've sworn Vagary did the same. 

The two girls set up camp, and changed into pajamas.  Dusk pulled on a lilac tank top and fluffy, black pants.  It was comfy, but would Bree think it was childish?  Dusk's question was answered when she saw Bree was wearing a teal t-shirt with a light pink paw print on it, and fluffy, light pink pants.  They even appeared to be the same brand!

Dusk fiddled with her necklace as Bree built a fire.  It was a silver chain with a simple, silver moon charm on it.  Her mother had left her it, and left her sister a golden sun.  They had been much closer back then, before their mother had passed away of illness.  Destiny had been much kinder then, more innocent. 

"You okay, Dusk?"  Bree asked, looking at her.  Next to Bree was a roaring fire. 

"I'm fine."  Dusk said, giving a small smile.  She shook the last of the nostalgic thoughts away.  They were useless now.


Bree Hearts is a character created by BreKittyKatz who is my amazing friend. She is an artist and an author, and I recommend reading her books.

I'm going to try and update this every other Sunday, although this may become more frequent as time goes on.

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