Chapter 20 (Part 1) - Silvia

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Silvia woke to the evening sun filtering in, and she turned to a pair of red eyes that almost scared her right out of the bed. Before she toppled off, Neil grabbed her arm and pulled her back, and she collapsed onto him in laughter at his awkwardly holding her in his confusion.

"I'm sorry, Neil. I'm used to waking up with you a potato still," Silvia explained to wipe his horrified expression off his face.

It didn't help, and she circled her arms around his neck to pull him in and hold him against her chest. Cool skin pressed to her breasts and she only remembered that she was naked when her nipples hardened in protest. She shivered and tucked them both into blankets before she tossed Neil back into a lying position.

"Why are you so cold? Do you not know how to snuggle?" Silvia groaned, and Neil still had that frown on his face.

"It felt strange, I'm sorry," he nearly whispered, and she frowned.

"Snuggling?" Silvia asked.

"No, touching any of you... naked" –Neil reddened– "without you knowing."

"That's pretty much what happens when you sleep with someone, Neil. I am not getting fully dressed after sex for your comfort. You'll have to deal with my smothering you naked in your sleep until you like it."

"I never said I didn't like it." Neil snapped his fangs shut in embarrassment when she raised an eyebrow, but she chased the expression with more laughter.

"Neil, aren't we mates?" Silvia asked, and it drew a half-growl half-purr out him with a smile that warmed her chest. "See, you like that. I like you. It's okay if I wake up to you playing with my breasts."

"Th-that was never something I contemplated!" Neil would have shrieked if it hadn't been in a whisper to keep from traveling over the walls.

"Darn!" Silvia snapped her fingers, and Neil frowned at her obvious making fun of him. "You can start contemplating it now," Silvia teased, sliding the blanket down enough for him to get a full shot of her chest, and a slow hiss rolled between his teeth. "You said you wanted ample time to explore didn't you? The sun hasn't set fully yet, so we have a little bit before we have to get up. Come explore." Silvia purred, and it drew Neil toward her like the slow music did a snake from its basket.

"Silvia," Neil groaned as he timidly slid his hand up her side and rested it above the side of her breast. "It's been so long that I'm still struck with awe that you never stopped wanting me, even with the way I used to be."

Silvia slid her hands on either side of his face and smiled as he tried to figure out why. Was it so hard for him to see why she loved him? To understand the gentleness that lay behind those wary crimson eyes, and the fierceness with which he protected and loved her.

"It's too early to stroke your ego. Stroke me instead," Silvia whispered into his ear, dragging his hand lower to her breast and he let out a warm breath onto her neck before he inhaled her growing desire for him.

Neil's hands were so timid on her, and the rumble in his throat against her face as she kissed his neck so pleasant. "You're too soft," Neil growled into her ear as his cool fingers ran around the side of her breast and gently squeezed her in his hand. It didn't take his thumb long to find her erect nipple, and by then his hand was as blazing as she was under his touch. "Fuck, I don't know what I'm supposed to do with any of this." Neil squeezed her nipple in his fingers with the frustration, and she shuddered, arching her hips into his to show she liked it.

"Neil," Silvia lifted her lips to his ears. "I want more of you in me, your magic. I want to feel us melding." The words drew his eyes down, and power vibrated from them as he flexed the power that he would normally use to control humans. Such a thing didn't work on her, but it sure felt like the best acid trip when he crawled his magic under skin. The red glow of his eyes started a trickle of his power before he opened his mouth to speak.

"Silvia," Neil's slick vampiric allure thrust his power inside of her, and it flooded her body, attempting latch onto something and command her. It found no purchase but that didn't stop it from tasting her magic and mixing with it. "I want you to associate my hands with pleasure."

The graze of his hand against her nipple this time sparked as the dark magic in his fingers connected with the identical flow under her skin. He squeezed and the power collided with her own magic. She let out a moan that tore through the room and had Neil hesitating for only a moment before a satisfied smile formed on his lips.

Neil lowered his fingers, trailing fire down her stomach as he traced the inward curve of her navel and then dipped lower. His fingers connecting and pressing between her legs squeezed out droplets of her excitement like a fresh orange released its juices readily, and Neil lowered his lips to hers.

There wasn't one single ounce of uncertainty as Neil hovered over her parted lips and saw her reaching for her. In a lewd gesture, he stuck his tongue out and lowered it to her own that reached up, but he stopped short and panted out of her reach. For just an instant, he touched the tip of his tongue to hers where it stretched out, and the magic's pressure pulled them closer, but he left her hungry and desperate.

"Tell me how much you need me," Neil rasped, his fingers caressing back and forth over her pleasure, soaking up more moisture as it leaked out.

"Neil," she whined. "I need you. On me, in me, all over me. God why do I have to say it? Please, give me more." Silvia was not above begging.

"More?" Neil asked as he lowered his tongue and allowed her to wrap her own in his but only outside of her mouth.

The pleas came in desperate whines and moans, as she struggled to get him closer, and he acquiesced with each satisfying sound. By the time his tongue plunged into her mouth and sucked her tongue into his own, her moaning was near constant save the breaks for her to breathe. She pulled his tongue back until Neil let out a groan of his own, and he left her mouth to a whine of protest.

"I need to taste you," Neil let out in a slow hiss, and as soon as she understood him, her legs parted in a hard committed movement that had him laughing. It was such a warped sound as he reveled in the full control he had over her. "Fair warning. When I'm done squeezing every drop of your pleasure out of you with my tongue, I'm not going to last six seconds inside of you. I may have underestimated how much this draws me to the edge."

"In other words, we need to fuck more, so you last longer," Silvia said with a laugh that had him growling at her in a threat that she didn't even honor with a response.

Neil moved so fast that his first lick on her core was so abrupt that she choked on her breath. With all her focus on that area, ever her magic was concentrated there, and when it connected with the brief flick of his tongue over her sweet spot, it jolted pleasure through her that had her gripping the sheets and panting. It was worse or she might call it better when he sucked the tip of her into his lips and pinched it between his tongue and teeth.


Ecstasy poured out of her and into Neil's mouth, and he had barely done anything. As soon as he felt her tighten up and wrap her hands in his long white hair, he knew not to let the pressure go. Instead he rode out her pleasure, seizing and kneading her clit until her hips returned to the bed. And he didn't stop even them, delving his tongue into her and drinking her in deep strong strokes that prodded her to fill his mouth. It wrapped his essence in and around the height of her pleasure and she was mumbling some god awful plea for him to be inside of her now.

Of course Neil did as commanded, lifting his mouth up with a sheen of her pleasure on his lips that he licked off with a low growl before he climbed up to her and plunged inside of her. The first thrust sent stars through her vision, and she'd forgotten what his magic inside of her did to her orgasms. Last time, she'd had to use every bit of her energy not to pass out. Neil had gotten the idea that harder was better the night before and needed no lead up to indulge her this time.

The collision of him into the deepest parts of her woke the ache from the night before. It penetrated his magic already swimming through her with a lance, cutting right through the fabric of reality and sending her tumbling into another orgasm as he swallowed her whole. The whimper that escaped her was an almost inhuman combination of pure lust and ecstasy mixed with a need and demand for him to burst within her.

Six seconds was too damn long, but she was rewarded with his gasp of release that joined her near wail of pleasure as he filled her to the brim. It was too tactile to process, and she gripped Neil's arms hard as she spiraled to a place where rational thought slipped away. Needing him closer, deeper, she slipped her fingers into him, through his skin with her magic to touch his soul.

Two things happened.

The first; for just a moment, she was sure she was going to pass out as Neil's pleasure and feeling of completeness rushed into her mind, joining her ecstasy and need for him to be in her so badly that she'd slipped inside of him. It was an instant of a feeling that could never be rivaled by anything else in existence.

The second; the room exploded, and not figuratively.

Neil's eyes lost their light, rolling back into his head, and his lips tore back over his gums to let out a throaty growl, laced with dark magic and a loss of control. Silvia was shoved away from him further up the bed, and magic exploded from his palms, enveloping the room in a cyclone that tore every book from the shelves, and ripped the bookcases themselves to sheds. The door on the room blew outward into the hall, torn from its hinges, and after everything calmed down, Neil was gasping for breath as if that would somehow help him. His pupils were constricted to near nothing as he stared ahead, somewhere other than in this room.

"What the fuck happened in here?" A voice came from the Hall, and both Damien and Wren were in the hallway with worry on their faces.

Neil came to life long enough to throw the blanket over her nakedness and keep them from seeing anything below her neck. Unfortunately, he then resumed sitting on his knees and dead eyeing the space between her neck and collarbone, though he was no longer panting.

"Neil!" Damien called him, and the moment his second-in-command took a step forward, a growl rolled from Neil's throat.

"If you come closer to my mate while she in unclothed, Damien, I will have Talamayas burn your eyes out," Neil said to her chest, and Damien took a step back.

"Your mate?" Damien squeaked, and it was a new noise to hear coming from a man who had thus fur been only serious with her.

"My mate, Damien," Neil turned his head to the man and then continued going to look around the remains of the room as well as Wren keeping back any more prying eyes. "Can you put the door in place long enough for us to put clothes on? I'll speak with you in a moment."

"Damien, come on." Wren pulled him out, the shocked look still glued to his face as someone put the door back into place, though it was cracked and wouldn't be functional again.


Word Count: 2100

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