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*Vixen's P.O.V*
Vixen awoke to the silent whisper of,"V?" Vixen lifted her head to see Fox staring at her, because of their secret the mates were usually more aggressive than the average cat. "It's alright, F," Vixen purred,"I didn't die, did I?" Fox looked sour. "You came pretty close to it..." Vixen lowered her eyes. "True," Vixen murmured," don't try rouges again, great advice." Fox looked around, quickly. "Maybe  we should try the clans?"
"The what?"
"Clans, the clans, SparkClan, AlderClan, DawnClan, TigerClan. You don't know them?"
"C'mon V..."
"Well we'll need our kits to go to AlderClan, DawnClan and TigerClan..."
"Where will we go?"
Fox looked around for his kits. Three blobs appeared over the horizon. Three cats ran up to the dark ginger tom. "You needed something father?" Cub asked her tawny furred pelt quivering with excitement. "Cub, Dragon," Fox smiled at his three kits since this was the last time he will see them," and Autumn.. I want you to pass on our secret to the clans so all of you  must separate and part ways for this is the last time you'll be allies. Cub, go to AlderClan, Dragon, DawnClan and Autumn... TigerClan." The siblings looked at each other one last time before going there separate ways.
After awhile Vixen and Fox arrived at SparkClan. Beestar was surprised to see them. "What brings you here?" She asked them. "A new species has arisen," Vixen answered," we.... are the start of this new generation.... of Catasaurs"
"Show her," said Vixen. Vixen and Fox stepped back a few inches, their eye markings started glowing. Vixen welcomed the familiar dizziness as the light enveloped her, the light the same shade as her eyes, a bright blue. Vixen felt her fur leave her body, to be replaced with scales, her four legs became two and scaly arms grew out of her body. Her pupils became slits and she grew a long snout of sharp teeth, when this ended, Vixen stood on her two legs. Beestar's eyes had gone bloodshot and were barley visible black lines. "What's the matter," Vixen said in the growl of the voice she had in this form," never seen a Velociraptor before?"
"Oh my StarClan..." Was all Beestar could manage...
When Vixen had changed back into a cat she asked," can we join this clan? We need to make this generation survive."
"Sure, I name you Vixentooth and Foxclaw," said Beestar once she'd had some water.

Wow longest Prolouge ever....

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