Chapter 21. Battle scars

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Some serious bad luck must have run in our family.

Finally, after an excruciating hour of waiting, we were allowed in to see our dad. Robert hadn't come back yet and I decided not to overthink what this could mean.

The door opened, revealing a scene that I would remember for a long time.

My dad was covered in bandages. His face was a mixture of cuts and bruises. The swelling distorted his features. It was worse than what I had expected and by the look on Vince's face, my brother went through the exact same shock as I did.

"The swelling should go down after a few days. As I said, it's not serious," Lieutenant Owens, who had stood behind us, said after we stayed silent for a long minute.

Who could look at this and say it was not serious?

I was not a doctor, but I winced and felt my heart sink to the bottom of my stomach listening to my dad's labored wheezing.

"Good morning, sir, how are you feeling?" Lieutenant Owens asked under his breath.

My dad mumbled something as his eyes slowly opened. They were crossed at first as he tried his best to see who that was.

"Like a unicorn," he slurred his words a little.

Lieutenant Owens gave my dad a once-over and looked at the numbers on the monitor.

"Your vitals are good. All the test results came back today, looking really good. We'll keep you on ibuprofen as needed for now and slowly reduce the dose as your blood pressure is a little high..."

"Oh, for God's sake...Give me all the drugs. I need them," my dad groaned.

"Well, we have morphine, but if you can do without it, it'd be better."

"Whatever... Give me everything that you have... This pain med doesn't do jack!" My dad shifted uncomfortably.

"Dad, don't try to move. We're here."

I came to sit on the side of his bed and grabbed his hand. It was as large as I remembered but contained no strength.

Dad had been a distant authoritative figure all our lives. Growing up, it seemed that nothing could touch him. He was this six-foot-three, invincible man that everyone feared and looked up to. A good role model and provider, but not someone who would take his kids to get ice cream or to ball practices. He was too busy. It used to be Mom's, then Vince's job to give me those normal childhood moments. Seeing my dad in this new light broke me.

"Marion?" he whispered.

"No, Dad. It's me, Lou."

I felt Vince's hand on my shaking shoulder. The only thing I took after my late mom was this hair color. It must have been enough to confuse my dad, who had been under the painkiller's influence. His eyes lost their shine while gaining clarity made me regret my announcement.

"Lou, it's you...How are you? Gosh, Vince..." My dad looked at me, then at my brother. Pain flashed across his eyes.

"I know, dad, battle scars," Vince scratched his unruly hair. "Haha... Who would've thought I looked this cool with a few bruises?"

"No..." My dad closed his eyes. His chest rose and fell rapidly.

"General! Sir," Lieutenant Owens tried to calm him down before turning to us, "I think you guys should leave."

"No, please. It's ok," my dad held his hand up, "Let them stay. Let my kids stay."

"Very well then," Lieutenant Owens sighed. He straightened his back and checked the time. "I have to go, sir. Ring the nurse if you need anything."

Lieutenant Owens was walking toward the door when it was suddenly opened from the outside. The man, who had just stepped in, looked at all of us with a frown on his face. It was somewhat a familiar expression I had seen many times on my dad, but on this man, it gave me a great deal of anxiety.

The man was about the same age as my dad. He looked formidable in his ivory service uniform made specifically for the Federation leaders. As a citizen, I knew him through the news and government announcements on TV. The one time I had seen him in person was about twenty years ago when I went to an event with my dad. Never crossed my mind how familiar he looked until now. There was no question about who he related to.

"Sir," Lieutenant Owens saluted.

"At ease," general Castillon nodded, "I want to have a few words with general Haynes and his family if you don't mind, Lieutenant."

"Of course, sir. I'll be in my office."

General Castillon watched Lieutenant Owens close the door before turning back to us.

"I hope I don't interrupt anything. So good to have you back, Jon."

My dad grumbled something under his breath and looked away. The silence slowly crept in, hanging heavily in the air.

"I believe this is Vince," the general didn't seem to pay any mind. He came over to shake my brother's hand, then looked at me, "You must be Louise. I've heard a lot about you. I'm General Fernando Castillon. It's a pleasure to finally meet you two."

"Nice to meet you, General..."

I didn't know what else to say. Pleasantry was not my strong suit. My mind was still busy processing what he had said.

"Vince, Lou," my dad's voice was a little strained, "Could you please excuse us?"

My brother and I exchanged a look before leaving the room. It didn't take long. Under all the noises from the ship, we could hear the heated conversation inside quite clearly.

"We should not do this," I whispered.

"Yup, definitely should not..." Vince agreed with his ear pressed flat to the door. 

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