Burrow of the Lilies

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The Burrow of the Lilies was a peculiar place. Most of society had fallen into ruins. Many people fled their homes to find refuge. Tiny cities laid scattered in the forests, different people, different creatures as well. Some living harmoniously, while others looked for ways to over power and conquer them all. Which brings us to the time of the lilies.

The lilies...

Jackson Wang, a man driven by a thirst for power and a greed that tore through his playful heart. Turning it black as the darkness he left his family in. A beautiful wife with pale iridescent skin, light blonde hair that swept past her shoulders and a tiny baby boy with raven colored hair that never cried.

"It has to be done." He growled snatching his arm away from her hold. Her face pain stricken from the coldness in his voice. What had happened to him? Where did the lighthearted man go who would sweep her off her feet and kiss her until the sun came up?

Who was this monster standing in front of her?

"Jackson... think about your son!" She begged.
His eyes darted to the cradle with white curtains hanging above where a baby laid with his eyes towards the ceiling. He then looked back at her.

"The lilies bloom in an hour, if I am not there. I cannot take control. It has to be done."

With that he grabbed his coat, and then vanished in thin air.

That night the whole world went up in smoke. People were scattered around, disconnected from their families. Women could be heard screaming well into the morning and the creatures... well, they just disappeared. No one knew where they went or if they would ever return.

Jackson's dark hair blew in the cool night air, as he watched the chaos ensue. There were no flames, only a cloud of white smoke sweeping through the cities. His smile was light, but his heart was heavy. As much as he wanted to be the cold brooding man he portrayed. His heart was breaking at the thought of the smoke consuming his family. It was too late to turn back now. Like he told Ayla... it had to be done.

"Jackson..." a cool voice spoke in the darkness.
The tall man turned to face the creature.

A faun with long twisting horns sticking up through curtains of white hair that fell upon its broad chest. Its eyes looked like glass and Jackson could see himself reflected in them. He seemed almost haunted. The faun shifted his weight to one hoof as he waited for Jackson to speak. His white tunic billowing far behind him.

"Amari... it is done." He beamed confidently. Amari just stared back into the night, his eyes mirroring the scene in front of them. "Your family... they think you're dead. I can sense their grief..."

Before Jackson could react to the Fauns words, the ground started to shake underneath them. Caverns  burst open shooting white light up into the air. Lilies began to bloom on the edges of the cracks. Black vines crept along the ground wrapping around his legs up into his skin. Jackson screamed out in agony  as his body engulfed in searing white hot fire.

Amari watched Jackson's body hover above the ground out of reach. If this man could handle the power of the old one. Then.. only then could he conquer those of the night and the ones of the light. His pale eyes flashed envious at the man.

Amari found himself unworthy of the power. His own attempt left him with an unbearable gift.

That being, he could feel every living things pain. Every single feeling they felt. Even now as their lives were torn apart. It drove him mad. However  he delighted in the fact that the morning would bring a new beginning.

Then maybe this man hovering above his head could take this gift away.

"Aaaaaahhhh..." Jackson screamed when the vines pierced his heart, his eyes turning into black orbs, then back to the soft brown color with specks of white in them.

That was the light. He had consumed the power of light. Now for the darkness. His body writhed and twisted with the black tendrils around him. Slowly they disappeared into his skin. The chasms of the earth closed once more, the once white lilies turned black, and then scattered into the wind vanishing into the dawning light.

Jackson collapsed to the ground gasping for air. The pain had subsided, replaced by a hum in his skin. He stood slowly, an evil grin stretching across his face.

"Thank you wise one for the gift." He said huskily as he stared out over the newly cleansed cities.

"The dawn is rising. Let us return to the burrow." Amari affirmed. Jackson nodded walking slowly towards a new era.

He had forgotten his family.

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