Keeper of the Fairies

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"There you go... Yes...Good." Jin encouraged a tiny blue fairy as it tried to fly. He loved how delicate they were, and the way they adored everyone and everything. But they were often misunderstood or taken for granted. If a fairy attached itself to you. You really weren't obligated to care for it. Just don't give it false hope or hurt it. They become depressed easy when ignored or don't get what they want and will eventually vanish. No one really knows where they go after that... But, Jin had his theories.

"Jazzy darling... focus." He encouraged the blue fairy, she pouted at him in the tiniest voice ever, as she tried not to fall again. After several attempts she flew around the atrium with no issues. Jin gave her a proud dad smile. Although he wasn't their father, he liked to think he was.

"Master Jin?" she sang.

"Yes, my dove?" He beckoned her to come over, landing on her tiptoes in the palm of his hand.

"Want to play hide and seek?" she trilled innocently. His face glowed with a radiant smile at her request making her tiny cheeks turn purple. He was a handsome man, his purple hair shaped around his face in a way that only enhanced his features, the way his skin looked as if the lilies carved him from marble. Flawless. It's no wonder the little one swooned so hard.

"Of course, shall I hide or you?"

She giggled and flittered away into the flower bed. Jazzy was such a sweet an innocent soul. It's a wonder why she hasn't attached herself to anyone. Tilly thinks it's because she has taken years to learn to fly. Which was definitely possible, or maybe the fact she never left the atrium.

"1... 2... 3... Ready or not here I come!" He whispered softly as he crept over to the bed of flowers. It didn't take him long to find her. She was hiding amongst the roses which didn't contrast with her soft blue skin. Jin came to the realization long ago that she may be colorblind. Not an issue... However, it could be dangerous if the wrong person got ahold of her.

Colorblindness in fairies allowed them to see the dark creatures that lurked in the shadows, and for the longest time were not considered those of the light. Little Jazzy however, had a light in her so bright she could light up a whole room. Figuratively speaking of course. He scooped her up from the flowers, and she squealed in excitement. "Aw you found me! My turn! My turn!" Her tiny hands covered her face as she began to count.

"Jazzy..." he whispered to her. She peeked from behind her little fingers still giggling.

"Sweetie, I can't hide and hold you at the same time..."

She looked around her realizing she was in his hand still. Hopping off onto the table nearby she stood with her face covered. He loved her so much everything about her was so sweet. He only hoped that whoever she attached to would see her in the same way. Carefully and quietly he tiptoed around the atrium to hide in the tool shed near the back by the elephant ears. Slowly he closed the door behind him, sitting down on the earthy floor. After about twenty minutes of sitting and wondering if the little one was coming, he heard her wings make a twinkle sound. His heart skipped a beat. She saw someone that interested her. Immediately he opened the door, scouring the atrium for her tiny frame.

When he found her, she was dancing up and down with her tiny hands pressed to the window, looking directly at the one person that he knew could give her neither of those things. His heart sank to his feet, or at least that's how it felt. How could he tell her that the man her wings twinkled for, would kill her instantly from lack of attention.

"Jinnie!! Look it... look it... I found one!" he nodded a sad smile consuming his lips. She looked up at him excited, but her happy face faltered when she saw his smile. His smile didn't reach as wide, and his eyes looked so sad. Her pale blue color dulled a little at his expression. "Master Jin?" she hugged his finger. "are you okay? Are you sad?"

Trying to hide his worry he smiled a big smile, and with a warm fatherly tone he explained himself.

"Little flower, listen to me... I only felt sad because I wouldn't get to see you as often. I too crave attention, and love to play with my little one."

As he said this, he could feel her warm, and gradually she glowed a dazzling blue. "Oh Jinnie!! I will always come back to play!!" His smile was warm now... Although he felt he would regret it. He opened the window to the atrium and allowed her to fly away. Not being able to watch, he turned to tend to the other flowers.

"May hope carry her through the darkness and show him the way to the light."

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