Mad Scientist

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Jimin glared at the cube sitting on the wooden table in front of him. He couldn't get it open, not even a small explosion could open it. Addi stood with goggles on over her eyes and what looked like soot covering a good bit of her face. She had been waging warfare all day on the cube with explosive dusts. But the thing just wouldn't open. He should have just held the necklace the whole way home. Taehyung had made it safe enough to carry. "Ugh..." He groaned raking his small hands through his hair.

"Jimin." An icy voice hissed. Chills ran down his spine Wang wasn't supposed to be here today. He needed more time, he had to have more time. Looking about nervously he snatched a dirty rag from the floor and tossed it over the cube. Too late.

"What are you trying to hide." Wangs tone was dangerous. The black vines in his neck creeping towards his eyes. Jimin glanced nervously behind him. Addi had made herself scarce, she was no where to be seen. He didn't blame her even if he felt betrayed. Wang grabbed the rag throwing it at Jimin who just let it fall to his feet. He swallowed hard watching the man lean forward, his nose turning up on one side.

"What is this?" he snarled taking the cube into his calloused hands. Jimin stood frozen in place his mind racing to try and find an answer that wouldn't get him killed. He couldn't say that he was going to overthrow him and save the Burrow. No... surely there was something. Just when he was at his wits end the boy from the night before appeared in the doorway.

"That's mine Mr. Wang..." He began his voice wavering in confidence as he drew closer to the table. "I had Jimin here check the properties, so I could effectively create and elixir to enhance Jungkook's abilities. To create a better weapon for you." He concluded. Obviously liking what he heard from the boy, the black vines started fading away, his eyes taking on a warm brown color. "Ah... Taehyung... always with the surprises. Why is it he found himself tongue tied though?" Wang shot him a look that could drop you to your knees begging for mercy. "Uh... probably because I dropped it off hours ago, leaving it with a note..." his voice shook a bit. The older man moved to take his face in one hand gripping tightly. "you think I'm stupid?" he seethed the black vines creeping up again. Taehyung squirmed as he watched Jimin out the corner of his eyes swirling his hand in a circle. Addi appearing instantly with a scroll with instructions directed to Jimin. "It's right here... I rolled under the cabinet... here. Here..." She squeaked thrusting the scroll in the man's face. He didn't release Taehyung's face as he read over the instructions his eyes squinting at the small handwriting. He grunted vanishing in thin air, the paper floating to the ground in where he once stood.

Jimin and Taehyung both exhaled looking at each other. Jimin's eyebrow quirked up taking in the slender boy in front of him. Twice now he had showed up, twice he had saved him. The first time he didn't know that's what he was doing. But this time he knew for sure. A smile crept over his face reaching his eyes making them disappear into crescents, in turn a boxy smile spread across the boys face in front of him.

"So... You want me to enhance the robot?" Jimin asked now all business. He wasn't sure if Wang had left completely so he was treading carefully. Taehyung picked up the cube tapping it three times on all sides then sat it down. A hiss came from it before it popped open. "Jimin don't play dumb. You know that's exactly why I'm here." He winked at him, taking his index finger to close Jimin's gaping mouth.

"really shouldn't use things you don't know how to open."

"ah... yea... of course." Jimin stuttered moving to take the necklace from the cube. "I... Uh... thank you..." Taehyung nodded as he watched the smaller boy scurry about. His little hands would fumble with vials filled with different color liquids, so powder. He seemed a bit flustered his hair sticking to his forehead from sweat.

"He makes everyone feel so insignificant." Jimin whined pouring a gray powder in with a sage green liquid. It bubbled and hissed angrily. Dawning a pair of goggles, he brought his eyes eye level to the beaker. Biting his lip in concentration, he held a dropper of pink fluid above the mixture. Taehyung watched fascinated at every little thing the boy did. Even the fairy seemed intrigued by what he was doing. Perhaps because it was new to them. He could either fail miserably or create the greatest elixir of this age.

"Fascinating..." he whispered moving to lean against the edge of the table. Jimin sucked in air at the sudden movement. Addi yelped not moving casting at look at Taehyung. "Don't move when he uses the dropper!"

"oh..." his eyes dropped to the steady hand hovering over the glass container. Jimin was squinting his teeth chewing on his bottom lip.




He stopped to look at Taehyung a small smile on his face. "I need the flaming rose now." Taehyung nodded taking the necklace from the cube. Jimin stood up stepping closer with a long onyx crystal. Taehyung made a choking noise.

"You could have used that."

"I'm glad I didn't." Jimin murmured rolling the crystal along the necklace in Taehyungs hand. Slowly it began to glow red. He stole a glance at Taehyungs face before he turned back to the beaker his cheeks had small pink color spreading across them. He must feel the same way about it too. He smirked leaning back over the beaker. Now... What was the method to releasing small amounts from the crystal? He tapped his chin for a time, dropping the crystal on the table to grab several scrolls nearby. Scanning them quickly.

"rub the top of the crystal twice counter-clockwise... it only leaks a minimal amount of energy out." Taehyung informed the boy who looked like he would have a meltdown.

"I'm assuming that's what you are looking for... Judging by this room, you are very unorganized. It's okay though most smart people are." He giggled.

"thank you... thank you..." Jimin squealed as he snatched up crystal hovering over the beaker once more and doing just as he was told. A red string leaked into the beaker turning the mixture gold. "Ooo...." Both boys exclaimed at the same time.

"You think it worked?" Taehyung asked curious leaning closer to the glass container brimming with the golden elixir. Jimin shrugged his eyes bright with hope.

"Addi go find Yoongi!" he was so excited. Taking two vials from the cabinet he carefully poured the liquid into both handing one to Taehyung. Holding the vial in his hands he pursed his lips nerves getting the best of him.

"I think I'll observe your test subject." He laughed nervously.

"Thank you... You have been such a big help. I don't deserve it."

"what are friends for." Taehyung smiled brightly.

"Yea... is that what we are?" Jimin cocked his head sideways. Taehyung nodded then added.

"We could be best friends if you like."

"I think I would." Jimin liked the way that sounded. He seemed like such a sweet person. What could it hurt to keep him around?

"What do you want Jimin... I was sleeping..." Yawned a short grumpy red-haired boy in a frumpy night gown with pink slippers. Jimin stifled a laugh.

"I need you to test my elixir."

Yoongi grimaced at the sight of the bright red vial in Jimin's hand. Last time Jimin had him test an elixir he was stuck in the infirmary for a month. Best sleep he had in a long time though.

"You could of waited until I was done napping..."

"Sorry Yoongs... this is important. It could be a scientific breakthrough!" Jimin exclaimed shoving the vial into the boys hands. Stepping back to watch him intently. Yoongi glared at him then over at Taehyung. His eyebrow raised slightly. "Who are you?"

"I'm Taehyung."

"Oh..." Yoongi knocked back the vial only to start coughing as soon as the liquid went down his throat.

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