Many Names and Push

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Two weeks later.

"Taehyung focus…" demanded Briggs. The boy was doing cartwheels around him giggling. It was unnerving, and downright disrespectful. His father was no better, all he did was laugh at his sons carefree attitude. Taehyung stopped his cheeks pink from the action, also slightly dizzy.

"Lighten up old man!" He grinned looking up at Briggs. This got him a scowl and about 50 pushups. Which he whined about with every count. 

"One...this is stupid.." 

"Two..I want to go home…"

"Three.. you stink.."

"Four...for the love of Lilies…"

Briggs dropped to a pushup position so he could look the complaining boy in the eyes. 

"Stop whining…and push." 

Taehyung jutted out his lower lip and pouted. 

"Five, I'm not like Robot boy…" and that was the last time he said anything other than numbers, at least for that moment. How Jungkook got that name made sense but it still rubbed Briggs the wrong way. He couldn't help how he was born. 

"Don't call him that." Briggs said sternly making Taehyung freeze and look up at him.

"It's better than the other names I've heard… twenty-six." He informed then started to list the others.


"Husk of Flesh..ew..twenty...ugh..eight.." he was starting to struggle.


"Sack of bones.. thiiiirty!" He stopped and stared at Briggs sweat running down his face. He hated pushups, which is why Briggs made him do it. You'd think he'd learn not to play around so much. But, he couldn't help himself sometimes. 

"Continue…" commanded Briggs.

"The name calling or the pushups?" Taehyung asked sarcastically his arms starting to shake. Briggs narrowed his eyes, and pointed towards the ground, not losing his perfect push up position. Taehyung whined, his arms hurt so bad.

"Bionic Boy….thirty-one… that ones not terrible.. thirty-two.." 

Briggs shook his head in frustration, standing up he looked over at Giles whose face had gone slack. He was staring at another Instructor across the way. 

"FIFTY!!! LOST BOY!" Taehyung yelled as his arms gave out, falling hard onto the dusty floor. Briggs laughed at him, looking a little perturbed.

"Okay, now go run the wall for 15 minutes." He commanded not looking at Taehyung. His eyes now fixed on Giles. He could hear the boy groan as he stood up, saying little profanities under his breath as his feet softly shuffled away. 

"Giles!" He yelled forcefully at the tall man. He snapped out of his state, and stared wide- eyed at Briggs. 

"What? What happened? He asked confused. Briggs just waved for him to come closer before he spoke in a hushed voice. 

"Why are you reading Langley's mind?" 

Giles threw his head back, raking his long slender fingers through his hair in frustration. 
Maybe it wasn't just Taehyung who noticed. 

"Wang is having me check everyone… I even tried to read that Jungkook boy a few days back. Strangest headspace I've been in. I don't recommend it. I had to see a witch doctor after." He fumbled with his words tugging mindlessly at a black leather band on his wrist.

"You know witch doctors don't help.. they make things worse." 

"Says the man who fawns over a woman who can control inanimate objects."

Briggs smacked him, turning to yell at Taehyung who was walking, trailing his hand along the way making it light up with a pink color.


The boy squeaked and began running once more slightly faster than before. Giles glowered at him. "Do you really have to be so hard on him?" Briggs shifted his head sideways and with a look of disgust towards the man murmured, "Yes." At that Giles walked away to continue his assault into other peoples minds. 

Taehyung continued to run, not without complaints though. Every time he came around towards Briggs he would call out.

"Slave driver!" Then he'd scurry away faster. Next time around.

"I have rights!!" 

Briggs laughed at that one. He liked training Taehyung because he was the exact opposite of Jungkook. He was a challenge to train, where as Jungkook did whatever you said without hesitation and with no back talk. In his opinion Ayla had it easy, aside from the random attacks of people lately. Which he had probable cause. Even the Halos said after careful review of the ORBs he was only protecting himself. 

"Bet you can't keep up old man!" Taehyung yelled at him bringing him out of his thoughts. 

"Don't test me boy!" He shot back, but the cheeky boy stuck his tongue out. So, he chased after him. Twelve laps later Taehyung collapsed onto the sparring mats, his blonde hair soaked in sweat. Briggs stood at the edge, his breathing was steady and he wasnt all.

"You a robot too?" Asked an exhausted Taehyung. Briggs laughed and shook his head. 

"You sure?" Taehyung wasn't convinced. Like he understood abilities and all. But, sheesh.

"Yea… I can do most physical activities with out breaking a sweat or getting winded." 


Briggs smiled tossing the panting boy a towel.

"Good Job today. Your form with pushups has improved even if you only did thirty-five."
Taehyungs face went a dark red. How the hell did he know he didn't finish? Briggs smirked and walked off towards the exit. Taehyung sat up staring at the man's well sculpted back. His butt was a sight to behold as well. But, he was told he couldn't think that way about men. Because, his dad said it was not acceptable. Taehyung shrugged and oogled at the man as he left. Clearly an indicator that training was over.

"Bye Master Briggs!" He called after the man who gave him a wave in response before disappearing out the door. Taehyung sighed as he fell back onto the mat tucking his arms behind his head. Moments later he fell fast asleep. 

4 Hours later…

"You're still here?" Briggs asked the sleeping boy, as he nudged him with his foot. Taehyung stretched loudly with one eye peeking open. Freezing when he saw the robot boy standing next to Briggs with a blank expression. His eyes widened, and his mouth fell open. Taehyung had never seen him up close before. His wavy dark hair fell like silk around his oval shaped face. His features flawless, lips that looked almost heart shaped and kissable. Taehyung could feel his cheeks warm, and the ever embarrassing drool running down his chin, wiping quickly he stood and bowed. 

"I fell asleep…" he stammered nervously as he stole a glance at the boy. He couldn't possibly call him Robot Boy anymore. He was so beautiful with his chocolate brown eyes, and his button like nose…

"Uh huh…" Briggs eyed him curiously. Taehyung drew his lips in a straight line and raised his eyebrows throwing his hands up in a shrugs. All the while Jungkook just stood watching his expression not changing. No sign of amusement or anything. Bummer. 

"Go home Taehyung." Briggs commanded him. Before turning to Jungkook. "Twenty laps along the wall. Then fall into position on the matt." 

Jungkook snapped into action, and sprinted off. Taehyung watched him, the way his muscles rippled with each landing of his feet against the ground, how his hair bounced in his face. Even the way he held his shoulders had him mesmerized. Until he felt Briggs hand under his chin pushing it up. 

"Wake up dreamer.." he teased. Taehyungs blushed realizing he had been drooling yet again, as Briggs wiped his hand on his pant leg. 

"Can I stay… and uh...train with him?" He asked without thinking. He didn't like training but he wanted to be around that boy. He wanted to know him.  

"Get to running… dont expect me to go easy on you." 

Taehyung nodded and beat feet after Jungkook.
Briggs smirked, that boy never ceased to amaze him. At least now he didn't have to worry about him staring at his butt anymore. Although he was now very curious as to how he would get along with the stone cold Jungkook. Which was also an unfair statement for him. But here we are. 

A/N: Double updates!! Only because I have 7 chapters done after this one. I will he post on Wednesday and again on Saturday. Hope you guys enjoy!!

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