Chapter 1 (rewritten)

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A bright fall day in Savannah Georgia. The news had been talking about a new disease. People weren't taking it too seriously, it was another strain of the flu right? It had the word Flu in the name. A vaccine would be created and no one would have to worry right?

Light fluttered through the curtains of the small house. The clock hanging on the wall pointed to the time frame of 4:30 pm and the sun was beginning to set. Its rays shed reddish light on the floor of the small house.

"Okay I'll get that for you soon...Yeah I promise." A voice spoke from the kitchen. A young adult looking around the age of 21 walked into the living room talking on his phone. He had curly brown hair with brown eyes. He wore an orange hoodie with jeans on. He had rainbow socks on and red sneakers. He sat down on his couch and continued to talk to the other person on the line.

"Blaza I promise I'm alright... yeah I'll call you later." He muttered, the hang up tone played and he stuck his phone in his pocket. The adults' names was Socks or Socksfor1. He grabbed his remote and turned on the TV. His TV was stuck on the news channel and he smacked his remote in an attempt to make it work. "Out of batteries." He said aloud. He was about to get up to go get his box of batteries but the news station caught his eye. A young woman with long brown hair and bright green eyes spoke calmly with a straight face but he could see worry and fear in her eyes.

"A new illness the Green flu as CEDA has dubbed it," The news reporter started not in the normal way that a news reporter spoke. "Is spreading rapidly through Savannah, Georgia and the following areas. '' She said waving to a map behind her, "CEDA claimed that this disease was like a normal flu but people who have tested positive in the last few hours are showing rabies like characteristics-" The news reporter cut off as the light blinked out. He heard a loud noise like a fist banging on wood at his door. He walked over thinking it was Blaza and as he opened the door a person leaped and attacked him. Pain sparked in his neck and he punched his attacker in the jaw. The person released their grip and Socks instantly rolled away, leaping to his feet. The person attempted to attack him again but Socks kicked them in the jaw. Their head getting knocked from their shoulders and hitting the roof. Blood splattering on the wall. Socks felt a moment of triumph that was quickly replaced by terror and horror at the sight. His assailant had pale looking skin and a torn shirt. Flesh was falling from the person's bones. His brain clicked with a memory. He took a step back and then turned around and ran up his stairs. He slid into his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. A bite mark was on his neck and his eye was already a glowing yellow color.

"This isn't a flu. This is a zombie freaking virus."  He gasped, blood was flowing down from his neck and staining his hoodie. "Of all people ME! I'm going to be a zombie. ME!" He shouted in denial, already feeling dizzy.

"How fast does this thing spread?" He asked himself. He stumbled to his room, worried out of his mind. He collapsed on his bed and felt himself drift into uneasy sleep.


He woke up to a headache, it felt like a flaming hot knife was stabbing into the back of his skull. His neck was still in pain although it was more of a dull ache. He sat up on his bed and walked over to his window. Horrified he looked at the sights barely keeping him from screaming in terror. Lampposts were knocked down and houses were burning like a bonfire. He walked to his bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. He had a bite wound in his neck and his flesh around the bite  was a dark green and his right eye was yellow. He wrapped bandages around the bite wound and around his burn scars that were scattered along his arms.

He heard a crash downstairs and realized he was either being looted or Zombies were attacking his home. Socks grabbed a baseball bat and cautiously walked down the stairs with the baseball bat over his shoulder at the ready to swing as he stepped down the stairs he saw a blue hoodie in his kitchen and felt something connect with his head. He fell to the floor and spun around at the ready to swing.

"OH CRAP MY BAD!" A familiar voice shouted and Socks recognized it as Blaza's voice. He glanced over his shoulder and noticed his friend Meme walking out of his kitchen with a few bags of chips in his hands.

"Oh hey see I told you he's not dead." Meme chuckled at Blaza.

"He wasn't answering my calls so I was a bit worried. What do you expect from me?'' Blaza asked, "I am a simple human."

Socks stood up slightly disoriented from getting on the head with a baseball bat similar to the one he had. He blinked the stars that swirled in his vision away and stood up taller.

"I'm surprised you didn't get knocked out." Meme said, "Also hey what's wrong with your eye?" Meme questioned, tilting his head.

"I don't even know man." Socks shook his head wearily, "I don't even freaking know."




Words: 975

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