Chapter 15

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Tbh cleared his throat and began to explain,

"My buddy Keith, he was not immune to the infection like I was. So he told me he would get infected and tell me the side effects, since I would probably die instead of getting infected." Tbh paused. "I'll get to the point, Keith said after he first got bitten that I looked like one of the infecteds, and the infecteds looked like normal people. Possibly the reason that Socks attacked you Meme, Is because the tank looked like a normal human," Tbh finished. Socks shook his head in denial and realized that what he said was the truth.

"No way- That's not possible!" Socks stuttered, "None of this makes any sense!" Socks screamed in frustration.

"I'm sorry about this Socks" Ally said trying to comfort Socks

"That isn't going to work Ally, Lets just-" Socks paused and sighed sadly. "Let's just get to the evac center. Okay?" Socks muttered. Socks then stalked off as he jumped over the tank's body and then walked towards the abandoned burger place. The rain started to fall harder which meant that a Socks came almost completely invisible after only walking for a few feet.

"I guess we should follow him, He's gonna get himself killed." Laff suggested

"And we all don't want that." Nadwe muttered rolling his eyes. Laff glared at Nadwe and gave him a zit it motion and then turned to follow after Socks, Nadwe shrugged and turned to Muffin.

"He knows I'm right, Like how many times has Socks attempted to kill us?" Ally walked over and glared at Nadwe

"And How many times has Socks saved our Lives huh?" Ally responded like a mother to a small child, Which in all honesty was kinda who Ally was to Nadwe. Nadwe glared at Ally but said nothing. As they ran towards the abandoned burger joint they could see Socks through the haze standing on the roof he called down.


"Smart!" Ally called back "Go Ahead and do it now! We're ready!" Meme ran up with Blaza following behind Woolf,Joocie, and dino all ran to the ladder that lead to the roof

"Here Socks we'll help you!" Dino called, as he climbed up the ladder. Ally heard a faint "Thanks!" From Socks since he retreated to the middle of the roof.Ally let out a sigh,

"Cmon lets go get ready nad, Same with you Muffin." She said turning to face both of them. Muffins usal light brown hair was darker and in his face and Nadwes hats were soggy from the rain.

"Alright, let's hope we can get dry soon." Nadwe muttered shaking his head spraying water all over ally and Muffin, He then shuddered from the cold. "Yeah, I want to be right next to a fire with a cup of hot cocoa wouldn't that be nice?" he muttered to himself wistfully as he turned, clutching his shotgun towards the burger place.

"It's gonna take him awhile till he realizes we are not normal 14 year olds anymore." Muffin said with a sigh, "And honestly I'm not ready to let go of it either."

"Yeah I get it." Ally said, "You think I'm all of a sudden like, 'Time to be a hero!'?" Ally asked. "Yeah, No, I haven't even got over the death of my dad. I'm barely nineteen." She held up nine of her fingers to symbolize the 'Nineteen' part. Muffin nodded, even though he knew he understood nothing of what Ally was going through. He had been silent for most of the journey and didn't want to complain about how unjust this was, and that he should be skateboarding or playing video games with Nadwe, or getting his but kicked in almost PVP gamemode by Socks, and practically everyone in the group. Except for Joocie, everyone beat joocie. Muffin grabbed his Pistol and clutched it close. He messed with the flashlights on and off switch then he said.

"Shouldn't we be helping?"

"Oh god, yeah,"Ally said, the realization hitting her. "Sorry I was thinking about my dad." She murmured quietly, biting her thumbnail.

"Dont worry about it, I still think about my parents." Muffin nodded, he attempted to picture his mother, but could only see her as a spitter. That made him extremely upset.

It had been almost a day since Socks had the brilliant Idea to turn on the burger sign and alert the horde. Everyone made it out safe and there were no 'major' injuries. Okay well maybe for the infected but they dont count. Socks was sitting on the boat staring out at the ocean. They had about 5 more hours to go to hit New orleans. He took a deep inhale of air and stared at the night sky. They would arrive by dawn, Socks was having difficulty sleeping ever since he got infected. Socks yawned and wished for a cup of coffee,

"A guy can hope." He muttered. "A guy can hope." He repeated sadly.

"A guy can hope for what?" he heard someone ask so Socks spun around and saw Joocie rubbing his eyes and yawing.

"Go back to sleep joocie, it doesnt concern you." Socks responded

"That may be true but we are friends," Joocie said honestly, Socks shook his head tiredly. "Honest to god I want a cup of coffee and some cake, my mom's weekend favorite." Socks sighed sadly.

"Ive always wondered, What happened to your parents?" Joocie asked, walking up to stand next to Socks, Socks closed his eyes and thought about it for a second.

"They died in a car crash." Socks said after a few seconds.

"They ever catch the people who did it? Joocie tilted his head.

"Yeah, But does it matter now?" Socks asked frustrated now, he was frustrated at himself. Frustrated at the people who killed his parents even though they were friends now he still slightly despised them. Heck the guy probably didnt know whos life he destroyed.

"They made fun of me for being an orphan, when they made me an orphan!" Socks shouted out, Joocie glanced at him and put a hand on Socks back.

"You want to tell me who it is?" Joocie asked. Socks bit his lip contemplating on whether or not he should.

"Fine I'll tell you." Socks said. Joocie nodded at him to go on. "The person that killed my parents-" Socks started out. Then he was out like a light.


Heh cliffhanger Heh- NOW TIME TO PLANNNN. Its like 11:23atnightandnuuhhhimkindatired

and delirious. So im kiiind gonna go to sleep before my brain kills me k goodnight-


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