Chapter 20 (final chapter)

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This is the last chapter for this book, Book two will be out soon!


As they ran underneath the overpasses and ran through the houses looting a few things grabbing a couple of pain pills, Molotov's and anything extra they might need. They eventually made it to where a yellow ladder leaned up against a tall concrete column. Socks led the way as he climbed up the ladder. He helped Nadwe and Muffin up; he then saw an abandoned ambulance which Laff and Ally went to loot. Socks looked up and saw a jet dash fly over and drop some dynamite over a part of the bridge. Socks glanced back at Ally.

"We need to get moving!" he shouted at her. "If we stay here were gonna get bombed!" he shouted at her. She nodded and ran over, she handed him some pain pills which he took gratefully.

"Thanks." He said. She nodded
"Let's get moving yeah?" She said. Socks then waved at the rest of the gang for them to follow him.

They kept moving quickly, moving through the graveyard. To the final safe room right next to the bridge. Jets flew overhead and the ground shook. They then heard an explosion.

"We need to get moving!" Socks said urgently. Blaza looked surprised.

"They're gonna blow this place to bits!" he said. As they exited the saferoom he saw a body. He saw a small radio sitting right next to him. He ran up to it and heard a person talking. "Bridge, is anyone there?" The voice on the radio said. Socks pressed a button and spoke

"Um hi- I'm Socks and there are about 8 of us." Socks said

"Bridge, are you immune?" the person on the radio asked. Socks hesitated.

"We are not infected." Socks said, Meme looked at him. Socks mouthed 'he can't know' at meme. Who looked at him tiredly but nodded in understanding.

"Negative Bridge I asked, are you immune? Have you encountered the infected?" he repeated the question. Socks didn't know what to respond with.

"Yeah you could say that." he said after a moment.

"Rescue 7 are you equipped for carriers?" one guy said.

"Affirmative." Another responded.

"Bridge we can pick you up on the other side of the bridge. Be careful and hurry, our last chopper is leaving in ten. May god be with you."

Ally had never run harder in her life. They were almost there. Endgame! It was a reality now. No matter the special infected that came at them, the common infected, they didn't stop running. The determination in all of them now. Fighter jets flew overhead and parts of the bridge collapsed. There were already a lot of holes in the bridge, it wasn't gonna last any longer.

"Over there!" Ally screamed pointing to a helicopter that sat on the ground. She put an extra burst of energy in her run and ran to the helicopter. She hopped in the helicopter and helped the rest of the gang on. As soon as Socks got on he helped up many other members of the gang. She looked at him as she shut the side helicopter door. "We made it!" She smiled. The helicopter pilot leaned over and smiled at them.

"Where to?" He asked.

"Mercy hospital." She said. Socks looked at her and gave her a thumbs up.


Socks had fallen asleep in the helicopter he awoke with a jolt as the area around him jolted. He crawled up to the front. "What's going on?" He asked the pilot.

"Just look out the door." He responded. Socks slid open the door and lost his breath as he saw at least 600 infected surrounding the helipad not to mention at least 3 tanks among those 600 infected. He couldn't imagine any other special infected could be there of where the helicopter was looking to land.

"Can we go any farther?" he asked.

"No, I don't have enough gas" he responded.

"What's going on?" A groggy voice asked. Socks glanced back at who was talking. He saw Meme rubbing sleep out of his eyes. Ally also was awake looking at him. Socks saw how worried they were and decided what he needed to do.

Ally looked at Socks,

"Do you guys have guns?" He asked. Ally nodded and handed him her mac-10. He took it and looked at meme.

"Is that a Glock in your pocket?" He asked.

"No." Meme responded. Socks looked at him confused.

"Its two." He said he handed Socks the guns. "Thanks." He nodded.

"Hurry, I'm running out of gas!" the helicopter pilot said.

"They won't follow me unless I'm biled because I'm a hunter right ally?" He asked her.

"Right?" She responded confused.

"Can I get a bile bomb then?" He asked. She walked over to her bag and grabbed a bile bomb. She handed it to him.

"Socks, what are you doing?" Meme asked. Socks took the bile bomb from her hand and threw it at his feet. It splashing all over him. He stood near the door.

"I'm gonna go lead the zombies out of here so you guys can land." socks said

"SOCKS-! You promised you wouldn't scare me like that again." Meme screamed as he grabbed Socks arm. Socks looked at him.

"You know how I feel about promises," Socks started.

"What do you mean?"

"But This is a promise I can't keep." he said softly as he ripped his hand out of memes grip, gave a little salute and then fell out of the plane. 

*To be continued*


End of book one! Woohoo! Ill start working on book two soon! This chapter was super rushed and im sorry! but i needed to get this done. 

I do really hope you guys enjoyed this


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