Epilogue (That was long overdo)

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He slammned his fist on the table in frustration.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CAMREA FOOTAGE?" He snapped at the agent standing next to him.

"The files were lost sir-," the agent responded timidly.

"WE NEEDED HIM! He could have been our acsess to the cure!" He shouted. "I need all camra acsess. Where are they now." he asked another agent in the back corner.

"The helicopter's location is nearby to Mercy hospital.."

"Shroobz, get me stop light footage from that area now." The head agent commanded.

"I'm on it Tommy." The agent that was in the back corner nodded and ran off.

"Do we have a name?" Tommy asked.

"I believe Socksfor1-," The agent standing next to him responded.

"Well then Socksfor1. You might just be a bit more useful then you expected." Tommy said smiling as one of the many television screens in front of him flicked to show a brown haired teen swinging an Axe and shooting a mac10 randomly throwing the axe down and swapping it for a Glock-17. "Just the person we need." 


SO remeber back in chapter 16 where there was that error thing.. Um yeahhh so that was the agents loosing the cameras footage here GO OFF WITH THIS INFO CAUSE I KNOW HOW TO END CRASHCOURSEHAHAH

iTs short but ik yall wanted DTO content

Words: 214

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