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The next thing I know several hours later I'm waking up on the operating table. Right after finishing up after giving me adrenaline to wake me up. I unconsciously set up and started shaking my head to waking myself up more. She smile and ask my house feeling told me that I gave them quite a scare a couple times so in the end because of how bad they're allowance were she told me cuz I was a huge drunk missing in my abdomen she came up with a bright idea to harvest some of my Tears and used them on my injuries and she must have some fun because did something afterwards and I healing and instantaneously on my own because somebody accidentally gave her water instead of my tears because somebody most likely one of her assistants she said accidentally heard her saying that I was a purebred phoenix and yeah they stole them and she even searched everyone before they left and couldn't find them so have no clue who took them. So we checked you after you started healing on your own to check all your information and all that and yeah everything's tip top shape. So you should be 100% cuz your arm even snap back in place and the bone healed itself so yeah you're 100%. You can come and go mingle about with whoever you want you can go to your dad you can get curious and go see our mimics. Or just go check the place after that its whatever you want to do." She said as I stood making sure I didn't need assistance. When I felt confident enough that I wouldn't need it I started walking around on my own.  I actually started looking for my dad first cuz I wasn't sure about when we need to go home or if I was going to go home today. But first I walked into the room where they put clothes out for me. I walked in and changed into what they had laid out for me. That was a very exotic and unique looked kind of like a belly dancers. They picked it like that because of the fact that I have wings they pick something up be easier for me or brown and also because of how big my wings are. Their massive. It was very pretty though it was designed with the same colors of my flames. Hell my dad even found accessories to go with it. " I'm so not used to showing this much skin but I do gotta admit i look pretty damn sexy." I said winking at my own reflection. I snickered before fixing my hair. Before doing my makeup I only lightly put it on to enhance my Natural Beauty and features. I smiled at how good I looked. Before walked out covering myself with a black hooded cloak. Which I had pulled up. Like it said on the note that was with my clothes. And I followed the GPS through the huge building. The regular civilians are walking through that work for him were very very friendly if they all waving at me and saying hi and we're giving me the warmest welcoming smile. I did the same that I had the bottom half of my face covered they didn't stop me from giving them a friendly greeting as well. They were training their entrance and you can tell because soon you would walk past them giving the ones that were already working here for a while a warm greeting back the new ones to exactly know how to react because after they passed me her quite a few of them to the other one that had been there for a while. "Holy cow you get to work with them I don't know how I feel about I mean the same friendly but I've never met a giant before but don't exactly know how I feel about working for something that could literally squash me like a bug. Sorry but I've never worked with giants before and I wasn't expecting them to be that big I mean like I was expecting somebody to look like a tall person like maybe 10 ft that's what I thought our employer meant when he said Giants. Not a being thats as tall as a mountain. And why do they cover their faces and makes me have anxiety cuz I don't know what it looks like." One of they Young new fresh out of college internship to the employee that she's walking that was training her. Before the one training her the employee whistled at me to get my attention. I stopped looking back at her. "Yes?" I said and she motioned me over her which I did walk back over.

Honey I had to ask this for which one are you I can't see nothing else faces and I don't know where my girls at I'm one of your people's personal assistants I'm trying to find the new one they find me too every few months we get assigned to a new one unless we're in good fit waiting for compatible enough we get to stay with them if they like but I've never met this one I'm also trying out my friend find hers too because she's never heard from me either and I'm there for hers is the new one so yeah neither one of us know that we're looking for." He said as I looked through tablet that they had given me to find my way around the building but also to find everybody that's mind been working for me since I'm new client.

"Honestly I'm knew myself I don't even know how the other clients yet I've never met them. So I'm afraid I won't be much help sorry I don't even know where I'm going I'm literally following a GPS. Oh wait you're talking about this okay here's mine." I said I'm looking at my personal information and who was assigned to what for me. When I found my assistants name and showed it to her and she read it and then cocked her head sideways like a curious cat.

"Crystal Merie Brightwood or Rose Ivy Pickanicki. Okay first of all how the heck do you say Roses last name that is so weirdly spelled. I mean I've heard of Rose before but I've never met her she's been here for about 6 months all the clients love her but I've never met her personally and never have any other employees she kind of sticks to herself but they is she's really nice and sweet. Crystal I believe is one of the new interns just got fresh out of college so she may or may not stay and I personally don't know her never met her I've  never trained her. But I did hear from my friend Rena she's really pretty a lot of male employee said that she's dropped it gorgeous and the woman that seen her said that no she does take your breath away. But her bedside manner I don't know much about her all I've ever heard is how pretty she is and trust me it shows in her ego. She inform me I bowed my head respectfully thanked her and went back to my GPS. I was walking I was looking for the door for the entrance of the Garden of Eden as I called The Green house room where the Titans and Giants favorite place to go. And I when I finally walked in I seen why it was absolutely gorgeous on the inside and those macaws every other type of parrot just flying about and other Birds but main population was the big macaws and parrots. When I made a phoenix noise at them that was a bad idea I hate there was six in the morning on me to cockatoos one Louis McCall right on my head into red ones on the sides and one green one trying to climber right back as it was mocking me as I just wanted to move cuz they could apparently all talk cuz they were all talking like people. I just laughed kissing and talk cockatoos head that decided to land right on my chest.

"Hi there." I said original my cloak and handing him some nuts since I had dreads outside the door and the next thing I knew I was swormed by parrots as I laughed looking up seeing all the other Giants dancing together and talking amongst each other. I nervously grabbed at the sleeve of my cloak. And I took a deep breath close my eyes and remembered my dad's peps to. Giving myself the determination and confidence I needed to walk over. But I did stop at a distance cuz I seen how they were acting. Especially the group that I was going to walk over to there was one particular female that was being overly territorial about my business mail she was being all sweet and cute with him but if another female even looked in his Direction she turned into a Viper because I just walked I was just walking my my business I was just coming over to the group and she came in the meanest death stare and a warning glare. As I figured out but if I was in front of them if I'm not sure the GPS and they don't have it marked as private cuz you're the main private to where it can read their name. See the whole cloak and and everything is because they have once a week a social event to help them get used to each other also help then find the most compatible partner with which one is it blind date event which is always in the Garden of Eden. I sighed I felt really lonely even though I was surrounded by Giants and Titans. Its as if I could tell that they weren't the same as me. It's as if instinctually i knew they were much different than I even if I looked like me we were very different. All of them had their own social groups that they hung out with even when they were with their partner and all of them had a partner whether it be temporary because I were dating or if they were permanent as in they were already married. But everybody seem to have somebody except well Me. I just picked a corner and sat beside a glass wall watching my father who kept on waving at me when you seen that about myself he even tried mouthing me to go hang out go mingle go have fun and I shook my head at him and want to know he did he grabbed one of their tablets that was like mine that I used for GPS and the next thing I know mine starts ringing. When one of them takes her head over when I heard it ring it and gave me most annoyed luck telling me to turn it off I just answered it.

"Hey daddy.

" pumpkin I swear if you make me walk in there I will I ain't afraid to walk up in there with a bunch of Titans I know this is supposed to be their private time but if my daughter's going to sit in a corner by herself up under parents you better have a better one walking there and play cards with you or something boss already give me the okay and a guest pass so I can do that without them being able to kick me out. He also thought it might come be down enough where you might start actually socializing." He said,

"Don't be threatening me Father might take you up on that because these stiffs are not friendly at all." I whispered, so they couldn't hear me or my voice. So they won't be able to tell that I'm a  woman. I looked out the window and he was gone so I jumped up and walked over his main door of avoiding every single other giant and Titan. When I see one of the big Males had my dad stopped at the entrance. "Hi General you know the rules."

"Ya and I got permission from Brandon who runs the facility. So I got to pass." He said, and showed it to him. He groaned looking as if he ruined his whole day so did some of the individual in his social group. "Who pissed in your chair is it's not like he's bothering you he wasn't coming in here for any of you so please mind your manners. And don't  be rude to him. It's not like him being here's going to effect any of you. So just let him through. I said disguising my voice to kind of sound like a male's to throw them off they were so easy to fool they're so dense so they didn't even pay attention to anything. Because I changed my voice like three times while I was talking and they didn't notice anything.

"Oh yeah and why should I this is private time not visiting hour." He said, I walked up getting my beside him as he sized me up Realizing I was a Titan not giant and a pretty big one." As they all stepped aside. Seeing I was the second biggest Titan. Which made quite a few of them want to walk over to me now but I ignored them. Kneeling down and picked him up,

"Come on poppa. My turn to protect you now come on." I said, as I carried him and he stuck his tongue out at one of the Titans. Who looked as if he had been personally offended. "Well then how immature is hey how old is he and how did he become a general."

" no it's not immature this is immature. Pumpkin that male titians being mean to your daddy. Sickem baby girl.  Whip his ass." He said, as within a blink of an eye I had that male at my mercy. I was inches away from his face with my devine sword literally on his throat and he throat him didn't even have time to react. As he swallowed hard realizing I had a sword to his throat. As my dad cracked up.  "That's what you get for picking a fight with the mother of all.. I told you was going to get you get your back for all the crap you gave me when I was training you. I'd like to introduce you to introduce you to my biological. Daughter Phoenix shes my eldest of my children. She's the biggest daddys girl be glad I didn't tell her what you punks. Did to me when I was your teacher." My dad said, pushing my sword and I lowered. But one of his friends was terrified when she seen what type of sword it was. "Wait this is a female." He said, as my. My dad pulled my hood down not realizing I didn't have it fasted. So my cloak fell off my shoulders and falling completely off me. Showing him more then just my face. But what I was working underneath. He flustered at the sight of me but you should see this face what the rest of look like and what I was wearing.

"You were saying cat got your tongue. My daughters born with the heart of a warrior. She was tough form an Fallen and sucks for you shes got blood of the Fallen her. she will ACTUALLY  will whip your ass one handed and she literally was going. You don't know how close you came to getting your ass whooped. She's a demon type." My dad laughed.

"Daddy why sicking a bloodthirsty monster like me is worse then taking a Rottweiler on a teacup chihuahua. Also why use someone as powerful as me if you're just going to use it has a bluff I hope you know if I actually ever getting a conversation with one of them you're not allowed in the room poppa. You like your like to intervene too much. I'm sorry but next time I'm not stopping. And Dear God so help me if you get hurt cus I release my rage or something  I'm  putting you inn pillow padded room in a straight jacket  so you stop putting yourself in dangerous situations. Sorry but I'm way more dangerous then you think. So stop. Okay I'm a weapon of mass destruction not a toy you can't just take my batterys out and expect me to stop okay daddy I love you two much to hurt you got it. Im a freight train . Getting out of my way doesn't always get you out of harms way. Okay so no more is that okay you might know I'm but we ain't got a clue what the heck they made them with. No offense. I'm the mother of all and I really can't even tell what your made with. Well sorry my father interrupted your private time. I'll be taking my father I guess I'll see you around or not whatever I wish enough of my time but it is too so you're not feeling this crappy my time is precious as well I like to use it wisely. Hence why I want to spend it with my dad. It's not like I got any friends here anyway. And it's not like the blind dating s*** would work with me we already seen a lot happened I'm the female that was completely ignored hell one of your people even chased me off go figure was never in the cards for me though so what's whatever. I said as i casually walked away. Carrying my father as a sat on my hand. As I went to an empty spot that wasn't too far but it wasn't too close that's because of the place where I was at somebody else took over. Put my father done one of the tree limbs before I started stretching.

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