Poisoned to the Core

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Cybertronians were dying before my very optics, that's what they deserve for not deciding to be a Decepticon. I walk past the smoldering Iacon Hall Of Records to see Soundwave exiting with a familiar femme wrapped tightly in his tentacles.

It's Sky.

"What would you like me to do with this one?" Soundwave said in many different voices, including Sky's.

"Take her to the Kaon Arena." I ordered.

Soundwave didn't say another word as he started dragging the red femme to where her and I first met. Perhaps I can get her onto my side, making her forget what the council elders said to her and Orion. She'll make a fine Decepticon.


I start waking up. What hit me? I open my optics to see I'm in the Kaon gladiator pit, what am I doing here? I saw Megatronus looking back at-oh dear Primus. That's not the Megatronus I knew before.

His optics are blood red, and he has the symbol of the bad Cybertronians on his chest. He also has sharp teeth, what happened to my friend? Megatronus grinned evilly.

"You're awake, how are you feeling?" He asks me.

"Megatronus? What happened to you?" I asked fearfully.

"It's not 'Megatronus' anymore, I am Megatron." He corrected.

I stood up fast. This isn't the mech I met a few days ago, this is a monster. A tyrant, he WAS my friend.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

"Because I was humiliated. Now the entire planet of Cybertronian will bow down to me, the Decepticon leader." Megatron turned around, his back towards me.

"Megatron, this isn't-" I started.

Megatron turned around with a look of hate in his optics, "I am Lord Megatron. I make my own decisions and rules. But I am willing to make you an offer, Sky."

"What kind of offer?" I ask.

"How would you like to be my Queen? We shall conquer this planet and rule it for ourselves, anything you would like would be done." Megatron offered his clawed servo.

"Queen? I don't want to rule Cybertron! I want everyone to be treated as equals, not slaves! You're killing the ones who praised you in this very arena!" I exploded.

Megatron looked very surprised at my explosion. Oh no, I'm getting angry. My abilities could start acting up, I need to calm down. I take a deep breath, I'm calmed. Decepticon soldiers started surrounding me.

"I tried to be fair with you, but perhaps you shall just be my prisoner instead." Megatron came towards me.

I turn and run out of the pit, afraid to look back. I hear the sound of pedes following behind me, now I don't have a choice. I need to use my abilities, I focus really hard. I have teleportation powers.

I turned my head to see the soldiers chasing me. I turned the corner and teleported. I'm far outside of the city, far away from the Decepticons. I struggle to catch my breath, I had to run as fast as I could.

I felt the ground shake beneath my pedes, I looked down and saw a purple glow. The ground split open and I fell in while grabbing a hold of the ledge, it's a long way down. I'm losing my grip.

"Someone help!!!" I screamed.

I'm sure there's no one around, but I screamed out anyway. My servos were slipping as the ground was crumbling, I'm gonna die. I lost my grip. But before I fell, another servo grabbed mine, it was grey and lead to a red arm.

"Don't worry, I got you." I heard a familiar voice.

I was pulled out by Orion Pax, my real friend. What is he doing here?

"Orion? What are you doing here?" I ask and brush myself off.

"This war is poisoning our planet to the core." He said sadly.

Megatron is poisoning our planet?! But the core of the planet is-oh no. This is worse than what I thought.

There was a large hole a hundred feet away from us, Orion was walking towards it. I walk towards the large hole, it sure is big... He looked down into hole, I looked in too.

WOW ITS DEEP. I can't even see the bottom it's that deep, it looks like an abyss of darkness. I wonder what could possibly be down there. Orion sighed.

"This is a way to Cybertron's core, I'm going down there to see if I can reverse the effects." Orion was about to go in when I grabbed his servo.

"You're not going down there alone." I say.

Orion grinned as he held my servo and looked into the hole, "Ready to jump?"

I take a deep breath and look down in there again. As terrified as I am right now, we must do this. For Cybertron and its inhabitants!

"Let's do it." I said.

Orion and I jumped at the same time, falling into the darkness. This probably wasn't the best idea to jump, I think I'm gonna have to teleport us down there.

I use my sensing ability to see where it's safe for us to walk, I found it. We're still falling after 30 seconds. I look at Orion.

"Orion, I have something to show you." I yell as wind filled our audio receptors.

"What is it?" He yelled back.

I focused on where I could teleport us both safely. We were on safer ground and not falling anymore, Orion looked around with a puzzled face. I pulled my knees to my chestplate in nervousness.

"Did we just teleport?" He asked.

I nodded slowly, "I teleported us down here..."

Orion looked surprised. I buried my face in my knees, afraid to look at him. He probably doesn't want to be my friend now, thinking I'm a freak of nature. I looked up to see him offering me his servo, I'm rather surprised.

I take his servo and he helps me up, "You still want me to be your friends even with my abilities?"

Orion nodded, "Why wouldn't I? You're not like the other femmes I've met."

I smile weakly as we start following the purple veins towards the core of our home planet. He doesn't care if I have abilities? That's what a true friend is, unlike Megatron who tried to make me his Queen.

The purplish blue veins were glowing brighter as we progress towards the core. The poisoning is getting so much worse, does Megatron even know that he's doing this? This could possibly destroy our own home planet!

"Sky, how long have you had those abilities?" Orion asked.

I've never really talked to anyone about my abilities but Alpha Trion, I haven't even told my family. They don't even know about my abilities, but I hope that my powers can help save them.

"As long as I can remember, I was born with them. I have quite a few, teleportation is one of them." I explain.

"Interesting, I can understand why you wouldn't tell anyone. Especially now with everything that's going on." Orion said.

There was a pale blue light coming up ahead, this must be it. Orion and I rush towards the light and there it is. The core of Cybertron. It's starting to turn purplish blue, the core is being infected!

"How can we reverse this?" I ask out loud.

"You can't..." There was a male voice.

But that wasn't Orion, this voice was deeper. We looked around and saw nothing but the large core in front of us. Wait a minute...

"Primus?" Orion asked.

"Indeed, Orion and Sky." The core spoke

By the Allspark. We're before Primus himself... I never thought that he was the core of Cybertron, not once did it cross my processor.

"Two sparks worthy of being a Prime? Now that's interesting." Primus continued.

"Primus, what can we do to reverse these ill effects?" Orion asked.

"You can't, but one of you will receive this." Something was coming out of the core, it was small and glowing bright blue.

Dear Primus, it's the Matrix of Leadership. One of us is going to receive it? I can't take it, I can't.

"One of you, step forth." Said Primus.

Orion and I look at each other, "Orion, you take it."

"No Sky, you're much more special than I am. I insist that it's yours." Orion argued.

"Orion, I can barely control my abilities with my emotions. You need to be the next Prime." I point out.

The Matrix was coming closer to us both.

"Both of you, take ahold of the Matrix." Primus said weakly.

He's getting weaker by the minute. Orion and I reach out and grab one side of the Matrix, what is this supposed to do? The matrix started glowing in our servos.

It split in 2, the Matrix of Leadership split in 2. I held one half as Orion held the other, then they formed into a new one. There are now 2 Matrixes, Orion's is bluish tinted while mine is reddish gold. Our spark chambers opened and in they went.

I felt powerful energy surge throughout my entire body, I look at myself and see my parts starting to change and getting a new paint job. I was developing blue highlights, no, they look like flames on my arms.

I saw Orion bulking up, he looks much more built for battle than before. Our spark chambers closed and we look at each other in amazement. We both look WAY different, especially Orion.

"You are now Optimus and Sky Prime." Primus says.

Optimus Prime? Well, that does sound better than Orion Prime. But I'm now a Prime, the matrix was split in 2 parts, how was that even possible?

"Optimus, Sky, you must go now. You must leave this planet." Said Primus.

"What about you?" I ask.

"There is no time...you must go..." Primus was getting weaker.

We were suddenly back on the surface. I didn't teleport us out of there, Primus must have. Orion-I mean Optimus and I must get off of Cybertron, but how?

Hey everyone I'm really sick and it suxxxxx..... I've lost my voice and a migraine is coming on and fever and ugh.... I sleepy.... But I'm updating this now cuz I WANNA...

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