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Feather's POV

Feather traveled through the backyards, the tall grass skimmed against her pants' legs. The rain from earlier made her pants damp and she shivered from the cold. She ducked behind a shed and shined the light on her hand-drawn map. A breeze blew through the air and water droplets from the trees fell around her. She brushed back the water and glanced around.

She was close to the break in the fence or what she hoped was the break in the fence. She had to give up quite a few of her rations for the information. Shoving the flashlight in her bag, she continued her jog. Feather saw the dig site ahead which was soon to be barbershop and no longer did her mother have to chop their hair. Not that she would be here to witness it.

She lowered herself next to a dumpster and surveyed the area.

This is what I want, right? She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Feather had not bothered to look at her parents this morning, in fear that if she did then she would not have been able to leave. It not like I was close to any of them. There's nothing left for me here. She pushed aside the thought of her friend and stood up.

There was no coverage from the dumpster to the woods and she felt too exposed. She could have gone around but it would take her longer to reach her exit. I have to do this or I might never have the chance ever again.

Feather took in a deep breath, mustering up the small amount of courage she had and dashed across the cracked pavement. She made it across the street safe but stared at the soil that was muddy and littered with holes of water. Wasting no time she tried her best to maneuver around the wet ground, the muddy soil squashed beneath her shoes and she cursed as she slipped.

Feather glanced around the area for any witness to her mishap before standing up. She wiped the mud off her hands and onto her pants before doing the same to her face. Feather adjusted her hat before scrambling into the trees.

She had heard from her brothers that newer recruits patrol the forest at night, partially because the watchtowers could not cover that ground. She only hoped that the boys had passed through and did not spot the torn fencing.

"Another Walker at 12 o'clock!" a boy shouted up ahead. Their footsteps trailed through the dead leaves and twigs alerting the Walker.

Feather had never heard nor seen a Walker and froze at it terrifying screech. Goosebumps trailed her arms and neck and she shivered despite wearing layers of clothes.

"Where are they coming from?!" another boy yelled over the noise.

Shaking from her fear, she blinked and crept around them.

The break in the fence is true. Now's my chance while they are distracted.

Feather crept away from the boys and towards the fence line. She remembered the break to be near the dead tree, which was just a few feet away. She was weary where she stepped, no longer could the moonlight guide her path, and having her flashlight out would attract unwanted attention.

A gunshot rang out as she approached the dead tree and she covered her ears in shock. She squeezed her eyes and covered ears to stop the endless ringing. It was not until an arm gripped her that she snapped out of the trance.

"Dude, snap out of it! Gosh, I did not realize that sent pussy boys out here," he mocked before releasing Feather's arm.

Feather's brothers hardly talked about their training and now she understood why. She would not consider her brothers to be star students but they certainly were not like these boys. They were taller than her, like most people because she happened to inherit her mother's five foot and two inches height, and most definitely stronger. The city made sure to train the boys the moment they could wear training diapers.

"Are you deaf as well? Answer my question!" the boy growled. He loomed over her and she stumbled back in fear. The boys in the back laughed at her movements and she narrowed her eyes at them.

I worked this far and I am not going to let some jackass get me caught.

Glaring up at him, she mumbled in her deepest male voice, "Fuck off."

The boy raised an eyebrow and challenged, "What was that, soldier?"

"You heard me unless your the deaf one here," Feather snarled at him.

He grabbed her by the collar as the boys in the back snickered at her remark. He got up near her face and lowered his voice to a growl, "I suggest you keep that mouth shut if I was you boy. Boys like you have no place here and have gone 'missing' because they couldn't keep their mouth in check. Do I make myself clear?"

His blue eyes stared into her brown eyes and she could see his vein throbbing with frustration. His breath caused her to cringe in disgust. "Crystal clear," she said before backing away. She stumbled back on the tree's exposed limb and hit the back of the fence.

The boy's eyes snapped to the fence and she internally panicked. "Twig, radio Charlie and tell him we have a code five! You," he pointed to a ginger boy, "stay here with scrawny here and defend the perimeter until we get back. If a Walker shows up, push the scrawny boy into it."

Bitch, the fuck. Feather really considered blasting him dead in the face with her gun.

"Yes, sir!"

The three boys rushed off leaving her only with the ginger boy. He silently stood there with his rifle and an awkward silence fell upon them. The breeze carried the rotten flesh of the Walker towards them and Feather held onto the tree, nauseated. She swallowed the acid vomit in her throat as the boy turned towards her. His flashlight clicked on and she covered her face from the light.

"Got a problem, ginger?"

The boy clicked off his light and turned away. "No, unless you're looking to start one."

Neither said another word for a few seconds before she heard him twisting again to look at her. "I haven't seen you before at the academy."

Feather froze before quickly stating, "I'm new to Eden. They just recently put me in the academy after they gave us our status and went over the rules. I'm a Green, what about you?"

"Green as well. So you know the rules and stuff?"

She looked at him and lied, "Yeah, of course. They seemed so strict and demanding."

He quickly raised his rifle placing it on her chest. "Then you'd know at day one that men have to keep their hair short, traitor!"

Feather grabbed the gun and shoved it away from her as he fired. The bullet hit the tree beside her and she glanced at him. She pulled the pistol out of her back pocket and aimed at him.

"Go on. Shoot me, if you can," he taunted.

She held it at his head but knew nothing about the mechanics of how it worked. She looked at it clueless and scared as he laughed.

"Go home, girly. You'll die the minute you leave this city," he advised, lowering his weapon slightly. "Walk away now, and I might just spare your life."

Feather hardly noticed his words but focused more on the chilling sound of a Walker that was outside the fence. She turned to look at him and slowly put her gun away. She raised her hands and stepped away from the tree. "I'll consider your words," she told him before quickly stepping forward to grab his rifle. She twisted it and tried to smack him with it. He stumbled back, dodging the swing but only to be grabbed by the Walker through the fence. "But only over my dead body!"

"Bitch!" He cursed as the Walker grabbed his neck and bite into his arm. He grabbed his arm as he cried out in pain, blood oozing from the bite. He tried to step forward towards her but the zombie held on tight to him.

Feather dropped the gun and gripped the tree as she vomited from the sight.

"Oh gosh. Oh gosh. What did I just do?! I fucking killed him!" she cried out and lurched again as the zombie dragged him off the ground and through the hole. The metallic smell blew in her direction and she dizzily stumbled against the tree.

Deep breath. Breath in through the mouth. Don't look at the Walker and just stab it from behind. Easy as a piece of rations.

Feather crept up from behind and pulled out her knife. The blade glowed as she raised it from behind. The Walker was small but fast. It twisted its head and let out a chilling scream. It was too late to run back into the fence and she dodged its attack with her blade, slicing at its chest. Its tattered clothes hardly protected its flesh and blood splattered onto her shoes.

Frightened, she slashed at it as it rushed at her. Blood from its fresh kill dripped down its mouth and unto her hands and clothes. It gnashed at anything it could get its hands on before falling limp against her as she delivered a blow to the head with her blade.

She scattered away, breathing heavily, and threw the Walker towards the ginger boy's body. Her attention turned towards the city as lights flashed throw the leaves.

"The fence was over here! Come on!"

Stumbling up, she dashed away from the city and towards freedom.

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