Chapter Twenty-Two

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Dawnflight stared at Sagenose.

"Pregnant? Sagenose...what do you mean?" Dawnflight asked, stunned. Sagenose gave Dawnflight a look, not a pleasant one.

"You know what I mean. You couldn't possibly be this far along and not know. At least a couple moons I'd say, with the way they're kicking." Sagenose spat, hurt. Dawnflight just stared.

"Thats not possible, Sagenose. Its just not. Blu- Goldenthorn is my mate and we just haven't..." she trailed off and looked away, ears flat.

"Blu- Goldenthorn?" Sagenose asked quietly. "What exactly are you hiding?"

"Im hiding nothing, Sagenose." Dawnflight hissed and stood up before falling down on her side. Sagenose placed a paw a paw on her shoulder to hold her down. Leaning down to her ear, Sagenose whispered.

"Whether you like it or not, I know you're hiding something. Whatever it is, it's messed up. You need to tell me so I can help you. Thats what I'm here for. So tell me, Dawnflight, what did you do?" Dawnflight closed her eyes and sighed.

"I have..." she started then corrected herself, "had another mate besides Goldenthorn...Bluewhisker...but he was murdered...and apparently I'm going to have his kits..."

"Dawnflight!" Sagenose gasped and jumped back. "He's a GoldenClan warrior! Our enemy!"

"Was. Was a GoldenClan warrior." Dawnflight murmured. Sagenose looked at Dawnflight's stomach then her face.

"Goldenthorn will be so hurt!" Sagenose exclaimed. Dawnflight looked at Sagenose, horror flooding through her.

"I have to tell him..." she began, and Sagenose nodded furiously. "...that they're his."

"What? No! You must tell him they're a different cat's!" Sagenose protested as Dawnflight stood up. Fur spiking some, she turned to face Sagenose.

"I will be telling him they're his. And if you get in my way..." Dawnflight growled and lashed her tail. "...then you'd best watch your tail."

With that, Dawnflight left the cave. Sagenose stared after her, eyes blank.


"Goldenthorn!" Dawnflight called when she saw the gold Tom in the corner of camp. "Goldenthorn we need to talk!"

Goldenthorn perked his ears at the first call and looked around for Dawnflight at the second. When he saw her, he pushed himself off the ground and away from Frozenclaw, who looked at Dawnflight and seemed disgusted and disappointed. Goldenthorn bounded to Dawnflight and met her with a purr and a lick on the cheek.

"Where do you wanna go to talk?" He asked and started to walk out of the camp, Dawnflight at his side.

"Anywhere. Just away from the curious ears." She replied, forcing a happy mew. Goldenthorn led her away from camp.


"So what'd you wanna talk about?" Goldenthorn asked her once they were away from camp. Dawnflight sat and shuffled her paws uncomfortably.

"Well...I have some news." She attempted to sound cheerful, and by his expression, succeeded. "Im...well...I'm pregnant."

"You're...what?" He stared at her for a moment, face blank. "Thats..."


Cliffie. Its short I know but I wanted to get it out before class started today so...yeah. here.

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