Chapter 27

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 Dawnfire's paws hit the mouse dead on, quickly killing her prey. She sat up and buried her fresh-kill quickly, she looked around for Cloudpaw but no sign of his gray and white pelt. Dawnfire stood and moved through the undergrowth, green eyes peeled for her apprentice. The only cat she did spot was Redclaw who had a squirrel in his jaws. He met Dawnfire's gaze and dropped his prey.

"How's your hunt going?" He questioned with a twitch of his whiskers.

"Good," Dawnfire dipped her head. "Just looking for Cloudpaw," She said, looking around once more.

"I think I saw him over by the AshClan border. " Redclaw answered. "He didn't notice me though, he was pretty focused."

Dawnfire dipped her head, "Thank you, Redclaw. I think I'm gonna go get him." The ginger tom dipped his head, grabbed his prey and hopped away into the forest. Dawnfire also turned, heading towards the AshClan border. She soon saw the border through the trees as well as her apprentice. Cloudpaw was crouched, stalking a piece of prey that was out of Dawnfire's sights. She watched him closesly, his form had gotten a lot better and Redclaw was right, he was very focused. Movement caught Dawnfire's gaze away from the young tom, she spotted another silver pelt. This one with dull green eyes on a face marked with scars. Echoheart! Dawnfire tensed as she watched the AshClan she-cat, her eyes were set on Cloudpaw, and her gaze filled with malice. Dawnfire looked quickly towards to Cloudpaw, he was nearing the AshClan border, he waggled his haunches as he prepared to pouch, Echoheart also prepared to attack.

"Cloudpaw!" Dawnfire burst from the brush, the same time that both of them moved forward, only Cloudpaw stumbled and fell just short of the border. He sat up and shook the dirt from his fur, Dawnfire noticed he looked up and saw Echoheart, causing him to jump backwards with alarm. He looked over his shoulder at Dawnfire.

"Dawnfire?" He said. "What are you doing here?" He questioned, looking between Echoheart and Dawnfire. "Who is this?"

"My name is Echoheart," Her voice was sharp with annoyance.

"She's an AshClan cat," Dawnfire stepped forward, standing protectively beside her apprentice.

"Oh, cool!" Cloudpaw perked up, looking at her with excitement, Dawnfire knew he had an interest in the other Clans.

"She's not a nice AshClan cat," Dawnfire added with a growl.

Echoheart's eyes faked hurt, "Now that's not very fair, Dawnfire." She purred. "You won't even give him a chance to get to know me."

"You could care less about getting to know him," Dawnfire retorted. "You were getting ready to attack him." Cloudpaw tensed beside Dawnfire, he hadn't been aware.

"Only if he would've crossed my border," Echoheart lashed her tail. "Which," She turned her cruel gaze on Cloudpaw. "You almost did."

Cloudpaw's ears flattened and he took a step back. "I- I didn't mean to," He stuttered. "I didn't notice,"

"Maybe your mentor should teach you how to smell AshClan from SunClan," Echoheart looked back at Dawnfire. "Although it's amazing she can teach you anything."

Dawnfire's claws dug into the earth. "Don't you have somewhere to be, Echoheart. Instead of lurking around our border?"

"I'm free to do whatever I want in my own territory thank you very much," Echoheart hissed. "As well as any cats who stray into it." Her tone darkened and her eyes glanced at Cloudpaw for a heartbeat.

Dawnfire hated her arrogance, and there was something else in her eyes. Something in the murky green depths that filled Dawnfire with unease. "Stay away from my apprentice, Echoheart." Dawnfire growled sternly. She wasn't scared of Echoheart the same way she was scared of Thornpelt, maybe it was the fact that Echoheart was in AshClan.

"You think you're so big and bad now, don't you, Dawnfire." Echoheart sneered. "I remember when you were a bumbling apprentice, you were an idiot then and you're an idiot now. Just bigger and with an apprentice." Her gazed became shadowed and frigid. "You won't last long." Dawnfire sensed a heavy threat.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Dawnfire demanded, taking a step closer to the border, claws unsheathing.

"Don't cross that border, Dawnfire." Echoheart's claws extended as well. "I've almost killed you twice now, I won't fail again."

"Killing a warrior is against the warrior code!" Cloudpaw piped up, he stood boldly but his eyes trembled.

"Brave kitty," Echoheart laughed then tucked her claws away. "Watch your back, Dawnfire. I may not be able to cross your border, but I know another cat who doesn't need to." Without another word, Echoheart turned and vanished into her territory.

"She really is mean," Cloudpaw said, his voice shook slightly. "I'm glad you stopped me from crossing the border! She would've turned me into crowfood."

Dawnfire let out a sigh. "She's a very tempered cat, but I wouldn't have let that happen." She touched her tail to his flank. "Gather your prey and we can head back to camp." Cloudpaw gave an excited nod and went to find his other prey. As they headed back to camp, Dawnfire couldn't help but go over Echoheart's words over and over in her head: Watch your back, Dawnfire. I may not be able to cross your border, but I know another cat who doesn't need to. The malevolence in her eyes sent chills along Dawnfire's spine, she didn't know what the AshClan she-cat was talking about, but it scared her.

Dusk was upon the forest and the cats of SunClan were settling down for the night. Applespots and Thornpelt were sharing food outside the nursery, Flowerstar and Stormwind were laughing together outside the SunTree, Bramblepelt sat with Willownose and Fawnheart as the family talked together, Dawnfire heard pawsteps and turned to see Pebblestep padding towards her.

"Hello, Pebblestep." Dawnfire dipped her head at the medicine cat. "How are you?"

"I'm doing fine, Dawnfire." Pebblestep purred softly. "But, Poppyfur's got me up to my neck in chores. "I need to get the elders ticks, collect some herbs, sort them and throw old ones out."

Dawnfire purred with amusement. "Well, I can go gather some herbs and lend you Cloudpaw to help with the cleaning and tick removing."

"I normally do the ticks, mouse bile doesn't bother me since I have no sense of smell. So.."

Dawnfire cut her off. "Don't worry about, Pebblestep." He needs time to work with the elders. Take him and work him, he almost got shredded by Echoheart today."

"Is he okay?" Pebblestep's eyes showed concern.

"Yeah, I stopped him before he got hurt, but seriously; he will help you and I'll go gather herbs." Dawnfire offered once more.

"Are you sure?" Dawnfire nodded and Pebblestep sighed with relief. "Thank you, Dawnfire. It really means a lot." Pebblestep dipped her head. "We only need marigold and yarrow, and you know where that grows."

Dawnfire nodded, looked like she was heading towards Jagged Rocks, but it wouldn't be too bad. Those herbs grow more towards the bottom. "I'll be back as soon as possible." Dawnfire promised and padded out of camp. Dawnfire liked working alone, she could move at her own pace and run through the forest. She crossed through the thick trees and into the clearing where Jagged Rocks rose up out of the distance. Feeling safe and relaxed, Dawnfire bounded over to the rocks and worked on finding the herbs.

Dawnfire had a pile of marigold and yarrow building and was lost in her own thoughts, it wasn't until someone spoke her name that she realized she wasn't alone. Dawnfire spun around on her paws and saw Thornpelt. The fur on her spine raised and she planted her paws.

"Hello, Thornpelt." She greeted, trying not to show her fear. "What are you doing out here?" She questioned.

"Hunting." He said, twitching his tail.

Dawnfire shifted her paws. "Hunting really isn't good around here, you know this." She said, meeting his dark amber gaze.

"Who said I was hunting prey?" Thornpelt extended his razor sharp claws, Dawnfire took a step back. "You let your guard down so easily, Dawnfire."

Dawnfire extended her own claws. "Back off, Thornpelt." She growled, voice shaking slightly.

"Or what, Dawnfire?" He moved closed. "There's no other cats out here but us, I will return to camp distraught and claim that I found you dead on the Jagged Rocks, with silver fur in your claws. Echoheart had killed you; such a disgraceful warrior. Then the clan with mourn the loss of a brave warrior, and my biggest threat will be gone."

"Your plan won't work, Thornpelt." Dawnfire hissed. "There will always be a cat who will defy you, once I am dead Lionclaw, Turtleblaze and all of my friends will suspect you and get you thrown out of SunClan."

"Not if I kill Flowerstar and become leader. " His eyes sparked. "Then I will kill each and everyone of those cats; any cat who defies me will die."

Dawnfire stared him down, she honestly didn't think she could fight him. He overpowered her and was much bigger, not to mention more experienced fighter and he was fighting to kill. Dawnfire had to run and she had to get back to camp. Dawnfire looked around, Thornpelt blocked her way, but she could get around him if she was fast enough.

Dawnfire took a deep breath and shot forward as fast as she could, avoiding Thornpelt. He spun and slashed at her, narrowly missing. She could feel his claws on her fur but he did not damage her. Channeling all of her speed and energy, Dawnfire ran. He paws pounded the ground beneath her, kicking up dirt and grass. She heard Thornpelt run after her, but she was faster. She passed the Moss Hollow and skidded to a stop just before camp when she saw Flowerstar, who looked at her in shock.

"Dawnfire? Are you okay?" The leader hurried to her side. "Why were you running like that?" Dawnfire turned and saw Thornpelt casually stroll up behind her. "Yes, Dawnfire? Why were you running like that?" Dawnfire panted, looking from Flowerstar to Thornpelt, he didn't look winded at all. She clenched her teeth.

"I thought I saw cats on the border." She lied painfully. Flowerstar wouldn't believe her, she just shook her head. "I was wrong."

Flowerstar gave her a confused look but then turned to Thornpelt. "Shouldn't you be organizing patrols?"

Thornpelt dipped his head. "Of course, Flowerstar." Thornpelt pushed past Dawnfire and went into the camp, Dawnfire stared at her paws.

"I don't know why you're lying to me, Dawnfire." Flowerstar said, her pale eyes glinting with annoyance. "But I do not appreciate it, you're a warrior, start acting like it." Flowerstar turned away, her insult stung like a thorn in her heart. Dawnfire groaned and turned to get the herbs she left behind. There was no sign of Thornpelt this time; and Dawnfire was on edge. By the time she got back to camp the sun was starting to set. Dawnfire apologized for taking so long and dropped the herbs off at the medicine den. Her muscles were sore and her spirit very low, Dawnfire just wanted sleep.

In the warriors den she took her nest and tried to sleep, she struggled to find it until she scented Lionclaw enter the den as well. She didn't open her eyes but she felt him lay beside her, his warmth spreading throughout her body. His tongue rasped over her ears and for a moment she felt like a kit again; falling into a deep, much needed sleep.

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