Chapter 36

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 Dawnfire hadn't slept, and her heart ached with fear and pain. She crawled out of the warrior's den as dawn broke but saw that Snakewhisker had already woken up. The gray tom's green eyes filled with sadness and sympathy.

"Both Flowerstar and I want you to take a short break from your deputy duties, she understands you want to be there for Lionclaw." Dawnfire looked at Snakewhisker, then cast a glance at the SunTree, she felt like arguing but knew that she wouldn't be at her best and all she wanted to do was mope around camp anyway.

"Thank you, Snakewhisker." Dawnfire dipped her head and looked at the medicine den, she wondered if Pebblestep would be awake yet. She slowly approached the den and peered inside, sure enough Pebblestep was awake and sniffing Lionclaw's wounds. His chest and stomach were covered in thick layers of cobweb. Pebblestep heard her approach and turned around, she flicked her ears.

"You can come see him, I actually wanted to talk to you." Pebblestep said, Dawnfire took a slow step forward. The heavy scent of herbs wafted off of Lionclaw. Dawnfire couldn't take her eyes off of him, he almost looked like he was completely still, but she spotted the very slow rise and fall of his sides. Dawnfire sat beside him, she looked at him, pain running through her heart.

"How is he?" Dawnfire asked quietly, looking over every inch of his golden fur. Never wanting to forget a single strand.

"No better no worse." Pebblestep said before standing up and moving to face Dawnfire.

"Then what did you want to talk to me about?" Dawnfire asked curiously, if it wasn't about Lionclaw's condition then what else could it be?

"Have you been eating more than usual?" Dawnfire gave Pebblestep a bewildered look. Is she calling me fat? Dawnfire shook her head.

"What? Why are you even asking that?"

Pebblestep reached a paw out and placed her forepaw on Dawnfire's stomach, a mixture of joy, fear, sadness and compassion. "It's just as I thought..." Pebblestep stepped back. "I noticed it a few days ago, but yesterday when you were sitting outside I really saw it." Dawnfire flattened her ears, what in the name of StarClan was she talking about? "You're expecting kits, Dawnfire."

The world went silent, Pebblestep's words seemed to echo in her ears. The world slowed down, and suddenly Dawnfire was alone with Pebblestep, she stared the medicine cat in the eyes. Her blue eyes sparkled with emotion, she waited for a response. Kits. Dawnfire looked at her stomach, it was slightly larger than normal. She stared, could she feel moving? Or was it her mind. There were kits inside her, Lionclaw's kits. Dawnfire's thoughts began to race, a litter of tiny kits. Golden and golden brown, running around and playing with their father. Letting out squeaks of joy and happiness as Lionclaw taught them how to be warriors.

Color slowly ebbed back into Dawnfire's world, she broke Pebblestep's gaze and looked at Lionclaw, his still body breathing slowly. Dawnfire stepped closer to him, crouching close to him. "Kits, huh?" She said softly.

"I know it's difficult to take in--" Dawnfire stopped Pebblestep mid sentence, she twitched her tail.

"Can I have a moment with Lionclaw please?" Dawnfire questioned, Pebblestep didn't respond but Dawnfire heard her gentle pawsteps leave the medicine den. Dawnfire looked over Lionclaw, he looked so peaceful. Like he was just sleeping, and Dawnfire was really hoping he would wake up soon. Dawnfire touched her nose to his, she could feel is slow, yet warm breaths. "Lionclaw..." She said softly, barely above a whisper. "You have to wake up, okay? You have to come back from this. I can't lose you, Lionclaw not now." Pain choked her words. "We're gonna have kits...little golden warriors just like you, Lionclaw. They are going to be the best warriors the forest has ever seen, just like their father. You have to wake up, I can't do this without you..." Other than a twitch of his paw, Lionclaw didn't respond. Dawnfire let out a pained sigh and rose to her paws. She decided she needed to tell Flowerstar, and her brother.

Dawnfire turned and exited the medicine cat den, Pebblestep was outside talking with Cinderflame and Yarrowtail. She looked up and gave a nod at Pebblestep, Dawnfire dipped her head back and walked slowly towards the SunTree. What would Flowerstar say? There was nothing she could do, Dawnfire would be having these kits and couldn't be deputy while in the nursery. Dawnfire approached the SunTree, swallowing her fear she peered into the dim den. "Flowerstar?"

"Come in, Dawnfire." Flowerstar's mew was gentle, it had been her who told Snakewhisker to take over deputy duties for the time being. Dawnfire stepped inside, ducking her head in the shade, Flowerstar was lying in her nest, paws tucked neatly under her chest; pale eyes glowing kindly. "What do you need?"

Dawnfire sat down, tail twitching nervously. "Well, I just got done talking to Pebblestep." She began, looking at her paws.

"How is Lionclaw?" Flowerstar asked, voice twinging with concern. "Has anything changed with him?"

Dawnfire shook her head. "No, he's still unconscious. There's something else though..." Flowerstar tilted her head slightly. "I'm expecting kits."

There was an intense silence between the two of them, Dawnfire could've sworn it lasted moons until Flowerstar finally spoke. "I see." Dawnfire ducked her head, fear filling her chest. "How do you feel about this?"

Dawnfire looked up, somewhat surprised at the question. "I don't know, I mean...I love Lionclaw and I would be more than happy to raise kits with him but if he doesn't make it...." Her voice cracked, she didn't want to think about if Lionclaw never woke up.

"I understand your fears, Dawnfire." Flowerstar stood up and moved closer. "But you have to put your faith in StarClan, because no matter what they will guide you and what is meant to happen will happen."

Dawnfire looked at her leader, incredibly grateful for her words of wisdom. She felt like an apprentice again, but quickly realized that her apprentice days were far behind her. She was going to be a mother, and they would soon be apprentices. Dawnfire closed her eyes. "I believe that, and I am more than ready to raise these kits."

Flowerstar's eyes sparkled with pride and admiration. "You will be a fantastic mother, Dawnfire. I know you will."

Dawnfire bid farewell to Flowerstar, feeling better about her future kits. Next was to tell Turtleblaze, she searched the camp for her brother and found him just outside the nursery talking to Fawnheart. Dawnfire slowly trotted up to them, still somewhat nervous but she knew that Turtleblaze would be excited, no matter his feelings for Lionblaze.

"Turtleblaze, I have something to tell you." Dawnfire said as he approached, both he and Fawnheart turned to look at her, confusion in her eyes. Before he could ask what it was she blurted it out. "I'm expecting Lionclaw's kits."

Turtleblaze and Fawnheart stared at her in shock for a long while, until Fawnheart's eyes softened. "Well it's about time." She purred, Dawnfire let out a small laugh of relief.

"Lionclaw's kits...?" Turtleblaze's eyes were distant for a moment, then focused in and filled with joy. "Then that lazy furball better wake up here soon." Dawnfire let out a laugh and nuzzled her brother, it was the first time she had laughed in a long time, it felt good.

Applespots and Squirreltail overheard the conversation, and from then on it spread like wildfire. The Clan was excited for even more kits, and they all started rooting for Lionclaw to wake up. Dawnfire visited him two more times that day before she decided to rest, she was more willing to sleep now that she was carrying kits with her. She had curled up in her nest for the night ready for sleep, when she heard an urgent mew call her name.

It was Pebblestep, she was instantly on alert and bolting out of the warriors den. The pain and fear she had felt earlier filled her chest like a flooded river and she looked around in a panic. Pebblestep stood before her, but her eyes weren't sad. They were filled with joy, she turned and ran towards the medicine den becokinging Dawnfire to follow her, Dawnfire bounded after her as fast as she could. She skidded to a stop inside the medicine den when she saw that Lionclaw's head was lifted, his eyes were dull but still open.

"Lionclaw!" She exclaimed his name and hurried to his side, nuzzling him. Joy, happiness and relief took away all her pain and fear, her breaking heart was reforming faster than she could deal with. Lionclaw let out a weak chuckle and nuzzled her back. "I'm so glad you're okay." She breathed out, heart pounding in her chest. Dawnfire couldn't handle the joy she felt that he was alive, she wouldn't be raising her kits alone, they would have their father and everything would be perfect.

"I'm glad I'm okay too." His voice cracked, he was clearly still weak but his eyes still have a faint glow to them. "I was having a dream about kits and something...I just knew I couldn't give up; I had to come back to you." His eyes burned with love, Dawnfire's heart ached with the same love.

"How interesting that you had that dream..." She laughed to herself, when Lionclaw looked confused she finally said. "I'm expecting your kits, Lionclaw. You're going to be a father." His amber eyes went wide, he looked at Pebblestep who nodded and Dawnfire could see the joy jump through his body.

"Really? We're gonna have kits? Together?" He moved in an excited manner but Pebblestep stopped him.

"You're still badly injured, no sudden movements or you could reopen that wound." She scolded, but had a tenderness to her mew.

"Dawnfire I--, I'm so happy." He nuzzled close to her, Dawnfire could feel his breaths; now faster and full of life. Dawnfire was genuinely happy inside, she was going to have beautiful kits and the cat she loved so dearly was alive; for the first time in moons she felt as if everything would be absolutely perfect.

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