Chapter 9

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Rain fell lazily from the sky, but it hadn't stopped in days and the forest and all its inhabitants were soaked. Dawnpaw had enjoyed her few days off from training since the AshClan patrol attacked her and the other apprentices. Most of them were injured to a point where they couldn't train. Lionpaw and Cinderpaw were the only exceptions, and Fawnpaw had already been taken off her apprentice duties. Meanwhile, Yarrowpaw was the only one who had to actually stay in the medicine cat den for his wounds. Dawnpaw visited him from time to time, and knew he was recovering quickly but with a few scars. Pebblepaw enjoyed having him around, Dawnpaw knew that much.

Dawnpaw wished she could hide inside the apprentice den all day to avoid the rain, but she did have a few apprentice duties that she still had to attend to. She grabbed a large rabbit from the fresh-kill pile to take to Willownose and her kits. She was currently the only queen, and her kits had lots of room to play. Dawnpaw enjoyed visited the kits, they were very fun and playful.

When Dawnpaw reached the nursery, she noticed that the kits were playing inside while Willownose rested in the far corner of the den, keeping a close eye on them. Flamekit was the first to notice her, and her eyes sparkled. "Dawnpaw!" She exclaimed and bounded over to the apprentice, Brackenkit and Heatherkit close on her paws. "Is that for us?" She questioned.

Dawnpaw nodded and looked over at Willownose. "And for your mother, I figure it's big enough to feed all of you."

Willownose stood up from her nest in the corner, gave a hearty yawn and padded over to the rabbit. "Thank you, Dawnpaw." She purred.

"What's it like being an apprentice?" Heatherpaw asked as she took a large bite of the rabbit.

"It's fun." Dawnpaw purred, watching the kit's faces light up. "But it's also hard work, there's a lot of training. It's worth it, though."

"I want to be an apprentice." Brackenkit mewed, holding his head high. "I'd be the best apprentice!"

"Not if you trip over those big, clumsy paws of yours." Flamekit gave him a playful shove. Brackenkit stuck his nose in the air and Dawnpaw let out a purr of amusement. Dawnpaw was enjoying watching the kits when she heard Thornpelt's mew behind her, she turned to see her mentor standing outside the nursery. She wasn't supposed to be training yet, what did he want?

"Flowerstar wants to speak with you." Thornpelt mewed, his eyes going to the kits for just a moment.

"Flowerstar?" Dawnpaw echoed, why did she want to talk to her? Regardless, Dawnpaw stood up, bid farewell to the kits and exited the nursery. "What does Flowerstar want to talk to me about?" She questioned.

"You'll see when you get there." Thornpelt replied curtly, Dawnpaw flicked her ears and walked with her mentor to the SunTree. She looked inside and saw that it wasn't just Flowerstar, but Lionpaw, Goldenpaw and Turtlepaw. Even more confused, Dawnpaw stepped inside.

"Good, everyone's here." Flowerstar nodded at Dawnpaw and Thornpelt, Dawnpaw sat down between her brother and Lionpaw. "As you may know, every apprentice takes a trip to the Moonstone sometime before they become a warrior. Lionpaw and Goldenpaw will be warriors soon and they haven't been there yet, so I decided that along with them, Dawnpaw and Turtlepaw could come along as well."

Dawnpaw's eyes widened slightly, the Moonstone? Her paws tingled, she had only heard small stories about the Moonstone, the sacred place where the Clan cats spoke with their warrior ancestors.

"That sounds exciting." Goldenpaw purred to her brother and Lionpaw's eyes lit up like the sun.

"It's quite the experience for any apprentice." Flowerstar mewed softly. "And I spoke with Poppyfur, you're all cleared for the journey but you'll have to get some travelling herbs from her, it's a long journey."

The gray leader dismissed the four apprentices and they all headed towards Poppyfur's and Pebblepaw's den. Dawnpaw had a new energy in paws, she couldn't wait to see the Moonstone, and she would be going outside SunClan's territory, even farther than the Gathering Hollow.

Inside Poppyfur's den, Pebblepaw was sitting with Yarrowpaw and talking closely with him. She looked up when she saw the other four apprentices. "Hi there." She greeted kindly. "Are you here for your travelling herbs.?" The apprentices nodded and Pebblepaw bounded over to Poppyfur who looked at her apprentice expectantly.

"Do you remember what herbs we use in travelling herbs?" Poppyfur questioned.

Pebblepaw thought for a moment. "Burnet, chamomile, daisy and sorrell." Dawnpaw could see the confidence in her eyes and Poppyfur nodded. "Correct, now go make them their own bundles." Pebblepaw gave an eager nod and bounded towards the herb store. Dawnpaw felt a rush of warmth knowing that Pebblepaw was happy in her position, one of her fears was that she would regret not being a warrior, but Dawnpaw could see that she was enjoying her role.

After a few moments, Pebblepaw returned with four small herb bundles. She passed one to each of the apprentices and Dawnpaw ate hers, she swallowed the bitter taste and looked at her fellow apprentices. Lionpaw made a face at the herbs, but swallowed them anyway. Dawnpaw could see a distant fire in his eyes, he would become a warrior soon. Dawnpaw looked away, she still had several moons before that happened for her.

Dawnpaw followed the other apprentices outside while they waited for Flowerstar and Thornpelt. Dawnpaw wasn't sure why Thornpelt out of all the other mentors was the one to join along, she would much prefer Sandfoor or Rainears or even Rustpelt. She didn't argue however, she knew better than that. Flowerstar exited her dawn with Thornpelt beside her, she looked towards the apprentices and beckoned them forward.

"Do any of you know the way we have to go for the Moonstone?" She quizzed them, her green eyes sparkling.

"We go through MoonClan territory right?" Goldenpaw questioned. When Flowerstar nodded, Dawnpaw couldn't help but feel slightly shocked. They would be in another Clan's territory?

"We have an agreement with MoonClan about going to the Moonstone," Flowerstar explained. "We can cross the river and as long as we walk across the bank we're fine. Just don't stray too far, and I'd hope you all know to not take prey." All four apprentices nodded. "Then we're off." Flowerstar turned, her head and tail high as she led the five cats out of the camp.

Dawnpaw followed eagerly, her mind wandering. She had smelled MoonClan before at the gathering, but she wondered what their territory smelled like. She had only seen what it looked from across the river, and she supposed she wouldn't be seeing much more. It was still exciting nonetheless.

They made their way through SunClan's territory, Dawnpaw wish she could run ahead, she wanted so badly to see the Moonstone. As she walked, Lionpaw fell in beside her. "This is exciting, right?" He questioned, amber eyes ablaze.

Dawnpaw nodded. "It is, I'm so excited to see the Moonstone." Her paws twitched with anticipation. "Are you?"

Lionpaw looked ahead. "From what Fawnpaw and the other apprentices told me from when they came here is that Flowerstar choses one apprentice to come with her into the cave to see the Moonstone. When Redclaw, Squirreltail, Adderstrike and Fawnpaw all went, she picked Redclaw."

"Oh," Dawnpaw replied, feeling her excitement fade a little. Who would Flowerstar pick? Probably one of the older apprentices, she felt her spirits drop but she was still excited to be going on this journey at all. "It's still exciting, even if I don't get to see the Moonstone." She replied, keeping her head high.

"That's true." Lionpaw purred, the way his eyes glowed made Dawnpaw's pelt burn. She looked ahead and noticed that Turtlepaw was looking over at them with narrowed eyes. She shot him a confused look and her brother turned away. The walk through SunClan was easy, then they reached the river.

Dawnpaw's eyes went to the large branch that served as a bridge for the cats. "This is where we cross into MoonClan territory. It's sturdy, but still use caution when crossing. The river is particularly high right now and I don't think any of you know how to swim." Flowerstar went first, carefully crossing the branch one paw at a time until she was safely on the other side.

"Watch and learn." Lionpaw whispered to Dawnpaw with a laugh and he confidently crossed the branch. Goldenpaw followed, a bit more hesitant but crossed safely. Turtlepaw went after her, crossing successfully. Thornpelt urged Dawnpaw to go next, and she swallowed her fears.

Dawnpaw placed a tentative paw on the branch, and felt that it was sturdy. She could feel Thornpelt close behind her and she forced herself to cross. When she was on the branch it suddenly felt much longer, she could feel the angry river lapping at her paws. She stook another step and panic surged through her when the back of the stick slip into the water.

With a cry of Dawnpaw jumped off the branch, sending it splashing into the river. Luckily, Dawnpaw's jump was strong enough to get her to the other side. Turtlepaw rushed to her side. "Are you okay?" He asked frantically. Dawnpaw nodded, trying to calm her racing heartbeat. She noticed Flowerstar stepping closer to the river.

"I thought it was stronger, my apologies Dawnpaw." Flowerstar looked over at Thornpelt who was still on the other side of the river. "Can you cross?" She questioned.

Thornpelt nodded and back up a bit, he narrowed his amber eyes and ran forward at full speed. With a large jump, he cleared the river easily. Dawnpaw watched in shock as her mentor landed gracefully on the other side. She knew her mentor was strong, but that impressed her.

"We should wait here for a MoonClan patrol," Flowerstar suggested. "Maybe they know another way to cross, I don't think the apprentices can make a jump like that." While they waited, Dawnpaw looked around MoonClan territory, it was mostly moorland, with a thin line of forest around the other edges. After a few moments, a dark gray tom pushed his ways out of the trees followed by a patrol of MoonClan warriors.

Dawnpaw recognized the cat leading the patrol as Shadowpelt, and his apprentice Bonepaw. Behind him was Jayfur, Frostfire, Mosspaw and Feathercloud. Shadowpelt looked at the SunClan cats with confusion then quickly approached them. "Flowerstar?" He looked at the apprentices then back at Flowerstar. "What brings you to MoonClan territory."

"Greeting, Shadowpelt." She dipped her head respectfully. "I apologize for this, but we were on our way to the Moonstone as part of these four apprentices journey, and while we were crossing the river the branch we used to cross gave out. We were wondering if there were any other methods of crossing the river."

"Other than swimming." Thornpelt made sure to add.

Shadowpelt thought for a moment. "I'm not sure myself, but I could ask Crowstar. Continue on to the Moonstone and I'll make sure that the information gets relayed to all MoonClan cats, and whatever patrol is out at the time you get out will show you."

"Thank you, Shadowpelt." Flowerstar dipped her head once more and the SunClan group turned away. To Dawnpaw, it felt strange seeing MoonClan cats outside of the gatherings, but they were much kinder than AshClan. Dawnpaw suppressed a shudder as she remembered not only the AshClan battle that took Sunstream's life, but the patrol that attacked the apprentices. Both led by Echoheart. Dawnpaw couldn't help but think, that she-cat was bad news. Dawnpaw figured she would've learned her lesson by attacking innocent SunClan cats when she lost her position as deputy.

They moved through MoonClan territory and Dawnpaw felt slightly uncomfortable in this territory. It was unfamiliar to her, and she missed the forest. At least the forest provided shelter from the cold and the rain, MoonClan was just exposed to the elements. Dawnpaw couldn't imagine what their camp was like. In the distance, Dawnpaw saw tall, white trees rising up in the distance, something about them made Dawnpaw feel uneasy. The SunClan cats reached another river, this one significantly smaller.

"How do MoonClan live surrounded by rivers?" Lionpaw asked with a flick of his tail.

"We have two rivers surrounded our territory." Turtlepaw pointed out, his tone dry and Lionpaw shot him a look. Dawnpaw suppressed a laugh and looked at the river.

"This river is much easier to cross. Flowerstar made a small leap across, and the other apprentices followed. Dawnpaw made the jump with ease and it was no surprise that Thornpelt did as well.

The sun was starting to fall from the sky and night was taking over. Dawnpaw hadn't realized they were walking for so long, but she didn't feel exhausted. Poppyfur's herbs must've really worked. They stepped closer to the white trees, and with how the late night light was reflecting off of them, the trees appeared to be glowing. The entirety of this sparse, glowing forest made Dawnpaw feel uneasy, she felt as if eyes were watching her from all directions.

"Welcome to the Spirit Woods." Flowerstar said. "When the moon is highest, the trees appear to glow even brighter than they do now. It's quite a beautiful sight." She explained. "Though this is considered neutral territory, most cats refer to it as StarClan's territory. The Spirit Tree isn't far ahead, and that's what holds the Moonstone."

"Wait--" Goldenpaw mewed. "The Moonstone is in a tree?" She asked, Dawnpaw couldn't believe it herself.

Flowerstar nodded. "The Spirit Tree is much like the SunTree back home. Whereas the SunTree serves as my den, the Spirit Tree leads into a dark cavern where the Moonstone is, it's also much larger."

Dawnpaw narrowed her eyes, looking ahead for the Spirit Tree. She figured she would recognize it when she saw it. They walked through the Spirit Woods for quite a while, it was almost moonhigh by the time Dawnpaw saw the giant tree looming up in the distance. It was the same color as the other trees, but much larger. It's roots tore from the ground like claws, and they twisted open to reveal a large cave.

"This is it." Flowerstar said, then faced the apprentices. "The leader always takes one apprentice in with them when they visit the Moonstone. We chose the apprentice by not only their skills in hunting and fighting, but their patience and spirit. Dawnpaw didn't think for a moment that Flowerstar would chose her, that is until the leader rested her green eyes on Dawnpaw. "Dawnpaw, I'd like you to join me in the Moonstone cavern."

Dawnpaw eyes widened. "Me?" She questioned, looking over at the other apprentices. None of them seemed jealous, instead they all looked proud of her, especially Turtlepaw. Flowerstar gave a nod, her eyes soft. Dawnpaw stepped forward, standing beside Flowerstar.

"Are you ready?" She questioned and Dawnpaw gave a shaky nod and they moved towards the the opening of the Spirit Tree's cave, which led into pitch blackness. Dawnpaw ignored the fear clawing at her heart, swallowed her nerves and stepped into the darkness. The entrance led into a very narrow cave, she could feel her whiskers brushing the edge of the tunnel, she could sense Flowerstar ahead of her, but Dawnpaw couldn't help but feel herself being trapped. Dawnpaw had to force herself not to panic and run out of the tunnel, what would Flowerstar and the others think if she did?

Dawnpaw stuck on her path and followed Flowerstar deeper into the tunnel, eventually she could see a light in the distance, illuminating Flowerstar's outline and shadow. The tunnel grew wider and finally opened into a cavern. In the center of this cavern was a large, shimmering stone. Dawnpaw's eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she saw the beautiful stone.

She noticed Flowerstar look at her with amusement in her eyes, so Dawnpaw forced her mouth shut and looked away bashfully. "This is the Moonstone," Flowerstar spoke, her voice was eerie in this dark cave. Flowerstar looked at the Moonstone, Dawnpaw could swear she saw Silverpelt reflected in her green eyes. "When leaders or medicine cats come here, they touch their nose to the stone and share dreams with StarClan. You won't be doing that, however." Flowerstar moved towards the Moonstone, then gave a glance over her shoulder. "Maybe one day."

Dawnpaw wasn't sure what she meant but she watched as Flowerstar laid down and touched her nose to the surface of the Moonstone, after a few short moments the leader's body went stiff and she relaxed into sleep. Now Dawnpaw was essentially alone in this cavern, and she couldn't take her eyes off the Moonstone. She also laid down, tucking her paws under her chest.

As Dawnpaw watched the Moonstone, she felt mesmerized by the shimmering, almost as if stars were trapped inside of a crystal. Dawnpaw's eyes felt heavy, but she didn't notice herself slipping off into sleep.

Dawnpaw awoke in the Spirit Woods, surrounded by the haunting trees. She stood up, looked around and tried to figure out why she was here. Dawnpaw started to feel uncomfortable and somewhat scared until she saw a faint glow ahead of her. Dawnpaw watched as a shimmering, golden she-cat stepped into view.

"Sunstream?" Dawnpaw called out, feeling a wave of warmth and joy as she saw her old mentor. However, as Dawnpaw moved closer to the she-cat she noticed that this cat was smaller and more slender than Sunstream. "You're not Sunstream." Dawnpaw replied, stopping in her tracks. Even though this she-cat wasn't Sunstream, Dawnpaw couldn't help but be comforted by her presence.

"No, I'm not." The she-cat mewed, her voice soft as down. "Sunstream is my sister, my name is Honeywing."

"Honeywing?" Dawnpaw echoed, recalling her first day as apprentice when Sunstream told Dawnpaw about her sister. "You were the medicine cat before Poppyfur."

Honeywing nodded. "That's correct, I'm glad Sunstream told you about me." Dawnpaw tilted her head.

"Why is that? I don't understand why you're even visiting me..." Dawnpaw looked at her paws. "If any StarClan cat were to visit me I didn't think it would be a cat I didn't know.."

"You want it to be Willowkit, don't you?"

Dawnpaw looked up, unable to hide the fact that it was true. Dawnpaw longed to see her sister, and now she was talking to a StarClan cat but it wasn't the StarClan cat she would ever thought she'd meet.

"I'm sorry I'm not the cat you wanted to see." Dawnpaw opened her mouth to tell the she-cat not to apologize but Honeywing spoke first. "But I promise that Willowkit is safe, happy and very proud of you."

Dawnpaw felt a familiar pain in her heart as she thought of Willowkit, was she really happy? Living in StarClan all alone? Dawnpaw flattened her ears and avoided Honeywing's green gaze.

"And Sunstream is proud of you too." Honeywing added, pulling Dawnpaw's gaze back to her. "She talks all the time about how well you and her kits are doing. She's glad you are Lionpaw and becoming such good friends."

"Is she happy with Tigertail?" Dawnpaw blurted out. "Are they together in StarClan, too?"

Honeywing purred. "Yes they are, they haven't left each other's side since Tigertail got here."

Dawnpaw imagined in her mind Sunstream and Tigertail together in StarClan again, it made her feel a little better. Dawnpaw looked at Honeywing, still confused about one thing. "So why are you visiting me? We're not kin, I know I was Sunstream's apprentice but still..."

"That's a good question." Honeywing said, stepping closer to Dawnpaw. "And I've been watching you since you were born Dawnpaw." She replied, Dawnpaw looked around uncomfortable.

"You have?" She questioned.

Honeywing nodded. "I know that sounds a little odd, but you have a bright destiny ahead of you." Dawnpaw tilted her head, still not understand. "Don't let it confuse you too much." Honeywing purred with amusement. "You're still young and you have nothing to worry about."

"But," Dawnpaw mewed, her mind racing with questions. "Is there something I need to do? You told me I have some kind of destiny, but what do I have to do to fulfill that?"

Honeywing's eyes were soft, the StarClan she-cat stepped forward and touched her muzzle to Dawnpaw's forehead, she felt a gradual feeling of warmth and safety spread through her body. "No destiny is laid out in a perfect stone path." She said, her voice barely above a whisper. "You have a destiny yes, but what they destiny is will be decided by your own choices." Honeywing stepped back and Dawnpaw looked up at her, her words resonated in Dawnpaw's mind.

"I have to go now, Dawnpaw." Honeywing mewed. "But do not fret, you will see me again." Honeywing touched her muzzle to Dawnpaw's forehead once again before turning around. Dawnpaw didn't know what else to do other than watch the golden she-cat vanish into the Spirit Woods.

Dawnpaw lifted her and opened her eyes, blinking sleep away. She was mildly alarmed to find Flowerstar to look down at her. She jumped and scrambled to her paws. "Sorry," Dawnpaw apologized her pelt burning. "I didn't mean to fall asleep."

Flowerstar chuckled. "It's quite alright, Dawnpaw." She mewed. "It happens to most apprentices who visit here. The Moonstone tends to do that to cats." Dawnpaw looked past Flowerstar at the Moonstone, it's light was slowly fading. "Come now," She spoke. "It's time we leave."

Dawnpaw nodded and began following her leader back into the tunnel. Images of her dream flashed in mind, was she really visited by a StarClan cat? She still didn't know why she was, or what this destiny meant to her. She tried to shove the thoughts away and just make it to the surface.

When they stepped outside, the sun was slowly starting to rise. Did they really sleep all night? "Where are the others?" Dawnpaw asked, not finding a trace of Lionpaw, Goldenpaw, Turtlepaw or Thornpelt.

"This way." Flowerstar turned away from the Spirit Tree and walked a few taillengths away to a smaller tree den, this one much more to scale with the SunTree. Sitting outside was Thornpelt, who looked up when the two she-cats approached.

"Are you all done?" He questioned.

"We are." Flowerstar replied. "We should head home now." Thornpelt nodded and stepped into the tree den, seeming to wake up the other three apprentices. They all came out look tired, but Turtlepaw went to Dawnpaw's side when he saw her.

"What was it like?" He questioned, she noticed that Goldenpaw and Lionpaw were also looking towards her.

"Incredible." Dawnpaw replied, it was the only word she could find to describe her experience and she didn't know if she should tell them about Honeywing or even if she was allowed to.

"Let's not waste any time here." Thornpelt mewed. "The rain is going to get worse if we stay here too long."

"I agree, we don't want to be caught in a storm." Flowerstar looked up at the sky which was slowly becoming clogged with dark clouds. "Let's go." The group of cats began their journey home, and Dawnpaw had a whole new outlook on the future.

It didn't take them long to reach the MoonClan border, and when they crossed the small stream, Flowerstar stopped them. "We should wait for the next patrol so they can show us where to cross."

Soon enough, a MoonClan patrol came into view. At the head of it was Lightningwing, followed by Ebonywing, Icepaw, Dovewing and Smallstrike. "Flowerstar." Lightningwing dipped her head, Dawnpaw hadn't really seen the she-cat up close before. Her coat was pure white and her eyes a pale yellow, Dawnpaw could see the reasoning behind her name. "Shadowpelt told us you'd be around here."

Flowerstar nodded. "Did Crowstar think of another way for us to cross?" She questioned.

"He did." Lightningwing replied. "It's not ideal, and there's a bit more walking but it's the easiest way unless you want to swim."

"As long as it gets us home." Flowerstar mewed and the MoonClan patrol began leading them along the bank. Dawnpaw looked over into SunClan territory, longing to be back in her own territory but she had to wait.

They walked a long ways along the river and Dawnpaw noticed that it was slowly getting thinner. Lightningwing stopped and looked across the river. "This is probably the thinnest part of the river, you should all be able to jump across with ease."

Flowerstar was the first to test it out, she gave a strong jump and landed safely on the other side. She looked back over at her cats. "Now the apprentices."

One by one, the apprentices started jumping over the river. Dawnpaw felt fear clawing at her, but she swallowed it and jumped. Her paws landed safely and gracefully on the other side, and it felt good to have SunClan territory underneath her paws once more. She breathed in the familiar scent of her home and let out a purr.

"Thank you." Flowerstar called to the MoonClan cats. "Give Crowstar our thanks and best wishes."

"We will! Save travels, SunClan!" Lightningwing called in return before they vanished back into their territory.

"Come on," Flowerstar turned, heading back into SunClan's thick forest. "Let's go home."

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