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In college, Mark was trying to juggle both academics and his basketball team. Though he isn't the captain, he is one of those star players. It was never easy but he was already in college. College is where you should put yourself out there. Why not go all out this last year? It would also be his loss if he ever let this opportunity slip.

Every practice, he would always go out of the room to spend the whole day in the gymnasium with his team. It'll even be more stressful when it'll be interschool week. Fortunately, he has his own cheerleader.

"Nice one, love! Fuck 'em!" Donghyuck yelled when Mark scored three points.

Mark furrowed his eyes at the boy who was on their bleacher, "Language!"

The boy nodded, "Sorry."

Donghyuck just sat there, watching the team play. He needs to be in a class right now but he wanted to cheer Mark on his practice. He's lazy, also the subject wasn't that important so he chose to study at home and just be with Mark now. Mark was against it but then again, Donghyuck's a stubborn one.

"Nice game," Donghyuck said as he handed out a bottle of water and a towel to his boyfriend.

"Thanks, love," Mark uttered and pecked on the boy's lips.

"I'm calling Renjun," Jeno uttered.

Donghyuck rolled his eyes, "He's at class."

"Then Jaemin--"

"He's with Renjun. Give up, loner!" the boy teased.

Jeno just pouted and drank his water. Mark sat down with Donghyuck beside him. They have five minutes of break before they go practicing again until who-knows what time they'll be able to go. Despite going home late, Donghyuck will still stay and go home with Mark.

"You need to go to class, lovely," Mark said to his boyfriend.

Donghyuck combed the man's hair, "Nah, I want to watch you."

"You can come back after," the man uttered.

"I'm afraid that you'll talk to girls when I'm gone."

Mark chuckled, "You and your paranoia, love."

"Am not!"

"Seriously, Hyuck, you need to attend class," Mark said.

The boy sighed, "Fine, love."

"Okay, I'll meet you later?"

Donghyuck nodded and grabbed his bag, "Of course, love."

The man smiled, "Okay, run along now."

"Bye, I love you," Donghyuck stood up but leaned down to place a peck on Mark's lips.

"I love you too."


Day 710

Mark has been reading the book he bought just a few days ago. He's been sitting beside Donghyuck while he reads with Bomi on his lap. It was somewhat relaxing just doing something other than playing the guitar.

While he was busy reading, he felt the puppy move on his lap. Bomi woke up and yawned before Mark placed the book down on the bedside table, with a bookmark on the page where he left off. The man pets the puppy and carefully picked the puppy up to see his lazy eyes.

"For some reason, your papa wants me to make you a photo album," Mark uttered.

Bomi yawned cutely again as his eyes went to look at Mark with his little tail waggle. The puppy leaned closer to lick on the the tip of the man's nose. The man chuckled as he placed the puppy on his lap again and pets him. Mark looked at Donghyuck.

"Should I let him know you as his papa?" Mark asked at his boyfriend, "You told me that we'll adopt dogs first before we'll have our baby. I don't know why but I just got along with it."

"Bomi, we'll wait for papa to wake up, okay? For now, you'll have to be with daddy," the man uttered.

Mark felt warm ever since he got Bomi. Atleast he got some company, other than Jaemin and his boyfriends. The puppy was still adjusting but he was quite happy to be with his new family. Mark's been taking care of him well and kept on playing with him while he's taking care of Donghyuck at the same time.

Surely, Donghyuck would spoil Bomi. He might even buy him outfits and wear them at the park or something. Mark isn't like that so he'll let Donghyuck do it when the time comes.

Bomi suddenly barked when the door opened. Mark was about to put the puppy in the box under the bed but it was just Jaemin with Jeno and Renjun. They smiled at the man and came in quietly. The puppy waggled his tail and jumped to go to Renjun.

Renjun carried the puppy and went to sit down on the couch with Jeno.

"How's Donghyuck?" Jaemin asked and gave Mark a paperbag with food.

Mark hummed and grabbed the bag, "Just fine. The doctor said he's doing well."

"His birthday's coming. Do you plan anything?" the boy asked.

The man sighed and shrugged, "I don't know, should I? He actually wrote to throw a surprise birthday party for him on the bucketlist."

"Just because you never surprise him on any occasion?" Jaemin teased.

Mark rolled his eyes, "He always gets me! I was about to surprise him on our anniversary, he saw me planning it out so it's just me being bad at hiding things."

"We'll help you with it," Jaemin uttered, "I'll leave work again for it."

"You don't need to, Minnie."

"Come on, it's not like he isn't my bestfriend. I want him to have the best birthday party," the boy uttered.

Mark chuckled and nodded, "Fine...But it's bittersweet, isn't it?"

Jaemin sat down beside Mark as he tried listening to the man whose mood suddenly went down.

"What if he's still not awake? I'm here everyday, hoping that I'll be able to see him move a muscle...That day hasn't come and I'm j-just tired...I really am, Jaemin," Mark uttered with his voice cracking, "I'm trying my best to get it together but it's just hard to see him suffer like this...I just wished I should've be the one suffering, not him--"

"Hey, don't talk like that. What if you're the one in coma? Then Hyuck will be the one getting all depressed. He'll suffer one way or another. I know it's really hard, Mark, but he's still here. What he needs is you to wait for him," Jaemin said, "Wait for him, alright? I'm here with you, we are all here with you."

The man sighed and covered his face with his palms. Mark suddenly felt something on his leg. He looked down and saw Bomi looking at him.

"Even your dog is cheering you up, for god's sake," the boy uttered, "We'll get through this. I'm sure he'll wake up sooner or later."

Mark nodded as he looked at Donghyuck, wishing that he'll be able to be with him soon.

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