1 - The Mystery Pokemon

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Life has those moments that you want to last forever.

But a moment is only a small bit of time, and it passes by before you'd realize.

But someone who can capture that moment in a picture for someone else is wonderful, isn't it?

The moment is then preserved, put in a frame, and etcetera.

That's my dream.

To take pictures that make people and their Pokemon happy.

I'm Kyuya. A Pokemon trainer and a Pokemon Photographer.

Just your average Pokemon trainer who is currently participating in the island challenge.

"Easy... Easy...!" I said, as my Rotom Dex floated in front of me. It was in camera mode, so it had to stay still. "Aaaand... Done!" I said, snapping a picture of a wild Bounsweet who happily waddled by. I sighed, as I stood up. I looked around Lush Jungle. The sunlight shone through the leaves, which were swaying ever so slightly in the breeze. I was taking a break from he Island Challenge to satisfy my hobby. The Jungle has many cute Pokemon, which is perfect for practicing with a camera because they love having their picture taken. "...?" I heard a Pokemon's cry of defeat. Then I heard a metallic roar. "What the..?" I said quietly, as I looked around in confusion. "Arrow." I whispered, as I tossed my Pokemon's pokeball into the air, revealing my Decidueye, Arrow. I held a finger to my lips, and shushed. Arrow nodded in understanding, as we walked through the forest, looking for the source of that Pokemon cry. I nearly turned a corner when I heard the roar again. Instead of walking around the corner, I used it as cover. I peeked around, and saw a very unnatural-looking Pokemon with a blonde haired boy dressed in black, grey, and red. His clothes were slightly tattered, and he had half of his head shaved. His eyes were a bright lime-green color. Without noticing, I had taken Rotom out of my bag, and took a few pictures of the Pokemon. The blonde haired boy glanced over in my direction, spotting me. "Eep!" I peeped, ducking behind the corner again. "Deci. Decidueye." Arrow said, making a clapping motion. "Don't judge my hiding skills!" I pouted, as we both ran. I stopped running, and hid in the tall grass. Arrow did the same. "Found you." I felt someone grab my arm, and drag me out of the grass. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorrryyyyy!!!!" I shouted frantically, as the person let go of me, causing me to fall into the ground. "Ouch..." I whined, sitting up and running the back of my head. "Delete the pictures." It was the boy. He gave me an intimidating glare... In fact, it wasn't intimidating at all. His glare was flat-out scary! "I said, delete them." He growled. "Okay, okay okay!" I said, as Rotom flew out of my backpack before I had time to react. "You'd better back off! Zzzt!" Rotom said, glaring. "Rotom, bad idea... Very, very bad idea!" I said, grabbing him, and stuffing him back into my bag. Arrow decided to dash in front of me, almost as if protecting me. "I'll delete them! I promise!" I said, as Arrow growled. The boy's unidentified Pokemon glared back. I could feel the tension between the two just by looking at them. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm a photographer, so I have a habit of taking pictures of people's Pokemon... Once more, I'm sorry." I apologized again, standing up, and bowing. "Look. I'm willing to let this slide on two conditions. One, you delete the pictures of my Pokemon, and Two, this never happened. Got it?" He said, as I smiled and nodded. He began to walk away. "Wait! At least tell me your name. I'm Kyuya, it's a pleasure to meet you!" I said, running after him. He stopped, as did I.


Heya peeps! It's me, WaffleCake!

So I have a ton of things to cover, so prepare for some extreme reading XD

So I got this idea to feature Fanart of this(if there is any which I doubt there will be) or my own art of this book in each chapter! Yay!

The art featured above was created by my Friend 8biteel , it was a gift that she drew me a while ago! So shoutout to her!~

Anyways, I'm super hyped for this book! I've been thinking of the storyline for so long that I've finally sorted it all out! X3

So, a quick recap!

If you want to draw me some fanart(You don't have to if you don't want to!), I'll give you a shoutout at the end of the chapter, and your art will be featured above!

So, I hope you've enjoyed this first chapter, and I'll see you in the next one! Bye bye!~ (=゚ω゚)

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