Chapter 16-Leaflight

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Drip.Drip.Drip.Drip. Leaflight watched the rain slowly fall down the window. 

It's lonely in here. Thisle and Blossom are both gone. They have been for hours. I would search for them but.... It's stormy and the adults wouldn't want me to leave.

1 more hour. If they still are gone, I'll go look for them. Leaflight promised herself.

(Timeskip to one hour later)


"Uhh..what time is it,?" Leaflight said to no one in particular. She glanced around the room, then at the clock.

"12:00. How long was I asleep for?" She questioned then realised her promise. She flew out the door and out the main entrance.  

"Thisle...would be at Ostriches room...right?" Thought Leaflight. 

"LEAFLIGHT!" Suddenly Ostrich was running towards her. "Thisle is gone!"

"I know, I'm gonna go look for her. And Blossom is gone too," Leaflight said. Ostrich looked at her like she was the dumbest dragon ever.

"Your an animus! Just get your magic to tell us where they are!"

"Oh right!" It was like a lightbulb clicking in Leaflight's mind.

You are strong. An animus. You can do anything. Now just think of a spell...

Leaflight picked up a scroll from a nearby rack and then whispered to it 'Turn this scroll into a map of JMA and put a red dot for where Blossom is and a yellow dot for Thisle'. 

A yellow dot appeared near a waterfall everyone called 'Pheonix Falls' and a red dot appeared in the middle of a dark forest.

"I'll go after Thisle, you go after Blossom," suggested Thisle.

"K" said Leaflight.

Ostrich flew off towards the falls while Leaflight soared towards the deep dark forest. She landed at the base of the woods and looked inside. There was no clear path here, she must of came in another way. Leaflight put her hands on the ground and listened to the trees.

'Hurt! Loud! Pink scary' whispered one oak tree.

'Cut. Friend. Not like disturbance' said another.

'Oweee, disturbance no like' chimed in a pine tree.

Leaflight creeped through the forest, ducking under strong branches and climbing over fallen logs. Soon she heard crying in the distance. She asked the trees what was happening.

'Poor thing sad, make me sad' said a small shrub.

'Deserve it, hurt us bad' yelled a willow tree.

Leaflight creeped closer and saw Blossom sitting on a tree stump, crying. 

What do I do? I've never really had friends before. Do I comfort her? Leaflight decided to just watch.

Blossom picked up a stick and threw it at a tree.

 'Ow' screamed the tree.

"Stupid Thisle ruins everything. Why can't I just kill her and be done with it!!?!" Yelled Blossom suddenly.

"Kill Thisle? Why would you do that!" Yelled Leaflight immediately, stepping out from the shadows.

Blossom glanced at her then stared at her right in the eyes. 

"How long have yo been listening to me" she said.

"Not long, I only got here a couple minutes ago," Said Leaflight.

Blossom said nothing, she just stared at Leaflight. Straight in the eyes.

"It's creepy when you do that, you know," Said Leaflight nervously.

"I know and I like it that way."

Leaflight went and sat down next to Blossom.

"So...why were you crying earlier..." asked Leaflight.

Blossom stared at her for a minute as if trying to figure out her motive.

"It's ok, you can trust me, I'm your friend!" Leaflight said.

"No, I can't trust you, there is no one in this world worth trusting," she said finally.

"Oh" said Leaflight "but isn't it like Thisle says-" 

She got cut of by Blossom saying "I don't care what Thisle thinks, she's dumb and stupid and deserves to die."

"No she isn't! She's kind, nice and really funny!" Leaflight burst out.

Blossom stared her right in the eyes as if saying 'I dare you to say that again'. Leaflight gulped. 1  minute of silence went by then Leaflight sighed.

She put one talon on Blossom's, said "I just want you to know there is always help of you need it" and then left heading back to their room.

A/n: ta da! I'm trying to add the Blossom x Leaflight stuff in cuz I had a real great idea for that. So I hope you like that. Also sorry if I write teh a lot. I mean the. I just write really fast so sorry about any typos. Just comment and I'll fix them! ;3

Again thx for reading 

- ♥️ 

heres some bonus ship art i drew...

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