3. Alone

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Sorry you guys, but I deleted the original Chapter 3 and 4 because it was going too fast.

~ Two Weeks Later ~


"Neeky," Will said, tapping my shoulder. "Neeeeeeky. Are you awake?"
    "No," I mumbled, rolling out of Will's way.

    "Nico," Will growled. I froze. "Stop playing games." I opened my eyes and caught sight of Will's angered expression. I buried myself under the blankets, wanting to escape his stony glare. He shook me, hard, and I whimpered. What was he so mad about? Did I do something wrong?
    "You know what?" Will said, his hand falling away from the covers. "I'll just let you sleep. Figure it out your damn self."
    With that, he stormed out of the room.
    I was confused, but still tired. After pondering what could be wrong, I eventually fell back to sleep.


My eyes fluttered open, and I immediately caught sight of the clock. It read: 12 : 32 a.m..
    If my math was correct, considering Will got up early in the morning, I had slept for over four hours since Will had woken me first.
    Great, Nico, I thought sarcastically. Wherever Will went now, he's long gone.
    That's when I noticed the sticky-note attached to the nightstand. I sat up and pulled it off.
    "Dear Nico," I read aloud, then stopped myself, just in case some idiot was eavesdropping from outside.
    I'm sorry about this morning, the note read. I'll try to make it up to you tonight. But for now, I have to . . . be somewhere. I have to get back to my job as a doctor, and I won't be around most days, from eight A.M. to ten P.M.. I'll be here on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, though, plus days off. Please don't hurt yourself over this. I care about you, and I couldn't stand the thought of you getting hurt again. Take care.
    Seeing the word "love" on Will's notes was normal, for he had left me countless notes explaining that he had to go somewhere--the grocery store, for instance. So it didn't really bother me that he had written such a strong word on there, but it kept biting back every few moments.
    Quit it, me, I told myself, shoving the thought into the back of my mind.
    "I'm hungry," I said aloud, surprising myself. Okay, maybe I really was insane.
    I headed down to the kitchen, deciding on making myself a sandwich. I pulled piece of bread from the pack and cut it into two triangles. I opened the fridge. I studied what stood before me, then finally grabbed some cheese, turkey, and salami.
    I realized I was a bit hungrier than I had comprehended. I took another bread slice. I took the knife to cut it, and . . .
    "SHIT!" I dropped the blade, my finger burning from the cut I had made. "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT! FUCK THE DAMN HELL!" I stared at the bleeding slit, biting back tears of pain. It wasn't deep, but I had hit a soft spot on the finger.
    I found myself wobbling towards the bathroom. I managed to reach it, and I leaned against the counter. Damn, it fucking hurt.
    I shakily opened a drawer, and found an assortment of Band-Aids, neatly ordered. I took one, and barely managed to peel away the paper. I gently placed the soft part on my cut, then wrapped the sticky around my finger.
    I closed the drawer, then looked down at where I had plastered the Band-Aid. It appeared firmly placed, and not easy to remove.
    I walked out of the bathroom more steadily than before. I went back to the kitchen and finished making my sandwiches, then headed back upstairs.
    I entered Will's bedroom and glanced around. Noticing the shelf, I ambled over to it. I fingered through books until I found one in particular. It was a children's storybook, but I pulled it out anyway.
    The title's lettering was fancy and worn, and I was unable to read it. I sat on the bed and flipped the book open. My eyes skimmed the words of the first page, and I decided that it was interesting.
    Soon, I was lost in the book's wondrous tales.


The doorbell rang.
    "Neeky?" Will's voice called. "Neeky, you okay?" I heard the door open, then close a few moments later. Footfalls sounded across the floor, up the stairs, down the hall.
    Will poked his head into the room. His blue eyes were as amazing as ever--better than any story within the book I read.
    I was cocooned in blankets, reading the storybook. My gaze was on Will.
   He walked over to me and sat on the bedside.
    "What're you reading?" he asked, peering at the book's pages. I swatted him away with a hand. He gave me a look of false hurt.
    "None of your beeswax," I said. Will laid down and pressed against me, his expression playful. I sighed.
    "Fine," I said. "A storybook." Will looked genuinely surprised.
    "Really?" he said. "Read it." I rolled my eyes.
    "Whatever, Solace." But I did read him the story, right from the beginning.
    Hours passed. They felt like only minutes, for I was lost in the stories before me.
    Finally, I reached the end.
    Closing the book, I asked, "What do you think?" Will didn't respond. "Will?" I looked over at him.
    He was fast asleep, his expression blissfully happy. I held back a laugh as I covered him with the blanket. I moved over and pulled him farther from the edge.
I sighed happily and laid down my head on the soft pillow.
"Sweet dreams, Solace. Love you."

Word count: 945.

Eh, less than the others, but whatever. I had fun writing it. Keep shipping, my fellow Solangelo lovers!

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