4. Surprises

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~One Month Later~
{'Cause I Ain't Doin' Every Fluffin' Day}


It was Saturday, meaning I was off work.
Also meaning I was home with Nico.
I rolled over in the bed, then nearly fell off. Nico was still asleep, laying beside me. He was clenching the blankets, pulling them towards himself. I had learned from my time with him that this was a sign of a nightmare.
I shook his shoulder gingerly.
"Neeky?" I asked. "Neeky, are you okay?" Nico's grip on the covers eased, as if my voice was the most comforting sound in the whole world.
For Nico, maybe it was.
"Neeky?" I said again. Nico shifted, and his eyes fluttered open. It was heartwarming to see them, those eyes. They were a dark brown, a shade of brown that most people would despise. But to me, they were beautiful.
I realized I was getting distracted.
"Are you all right?" I asked Nico. He blinked.
"I'm fine," he said, tensing. That meant he was lying.
"No, you're not," I said, poking him. "Nightmare?" Nico sighed, then nodded.
"About what?"
"I can't--I mean, I won't tell you. It's too much."
I nodded in understanding, not wanting to provoke him.
I sat up. "You know, someday, you're going to have to tell me."
"I-I know," Nico said, pulling me back down. "But just not now." I gave him a look of sympathy.
"I know it's hard," I said, "but sometimes you have to let it out to someone." Nico looked away.
"Not now," he repeated. "Not now, Will. Let it go for now. Just . . . be carefree for a single day." I smiled faintly.
"I don't think that's possible when I'm around you," I said, then added, "Mr. Injury." Nico shoved me, and I fell from the bed.
"Hey! It's true!" I complained. "Twisting your ankle on the tree root, cutting your finger with the knife, falling on the pavement--you get at least one injury a wee--"
Suddenly, Nico rolled off the bed, flopping on top of me. "Ufff!" I tried pushing him off, but he resisted, laying atop me.
His face was so close to mine . . .
Then the door was flung open.
An outraged voice cried, "Will!"
Without even looking, I knew--my parents were back from their vacation.
But the only thing I could think was: Why didn't I tell Nico?


*sighs* Well, at least I got a little cliffy, eh? Sorry, peeps! I just like surprises! And cliffies! :3 *internal witch laughing*

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