Day Five

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Scorpius Malfoy groaned, sitting up in his bed and yawning. He stretched a bit and once he heard the pop in his back, he sighed contently. In five short days, he would be going back to school seeing as it was already the 26th of August. And quite frankly, he hated school and begged his parents to let him just drop out but according to them, that wasn't an option.

            He swung his feet over his bed and stood up, walking off to go downstairs. However before that, he made a detour to the bathroom to relieve himself. After that is when he walked down the stairs to see his father kissing his mother, as he was getting ready to walk out the door.

            "Oh you're up early today," His father, Draco, mentioned. His mother Astoria smiled at her son but then frowned slightly once she saw the dark circles.

            "Having trouble sleeping again sweetheart?" Astoria asked and he nodded, taking a seat at the counter.

            "I'm just nervous about school," He confessed. "You know, maybe if I didn't have to go, I would sleep better."
             "Hush Scorpius, we've been over this, you need to go to school." His father advised before dropping a kiss on his son's head. "Now have a good day, I'll see you two later." Draco said and then walked towards the front door. When they heard the front door shut, Astoria sighed.

            "Do you want some coffee sweetheart?" She questioned.

            "Yeah sure," Scorpius agreed. "Can we turn on the telly?" He asked and Astoria nodded, handing the remote to her son as she grabbed him a mug. He pressed power and then news started to play.

            The disappearance of Albus Potter, son of a beloved Detective, has reached its fifth day.  It is still remains a mystery as to his whereabouts. Police are doing everything they can do find this young boy.

            Placing the coffee in front of him, Astoria took the remote from Scorpius and quickly changed the channel.

            "Hey, I was watching that!" Scorpius hollered.

            "Scorpius, it's too early for those stories, we'll watch something a little lighter for the morning." Astoria insisted. Scorpius just slumped and sipped at his coffee.  He took a deep breath and looked at his mother.

            "I saw something like that the other day," He mentioned to his mother. "About the missing boy." He told her and she raised an eyebrow at him. "He was with his family coming home and then he just disappeared."

            "Maybe he ran away," Astoria suggested. "Maybe he didn't like the life he had." She spoke but Scorpius shook his head.

            "They think he was kidnapped," Scorpius explained. "His father was quoted saying he had a happy life. They think maybe he was kidnapped and is either still there or he got away and is hiding." He expounded and her eyes widened shaking her head.

            "Those poor people, I'm positive they are just out of their minds. If you were lost, I don't know what I would do." She told him and he just shrugged.

            "I'm not gonna get lost mum, I'll be okay." Scorpius assured and Astoria just shook her head.

            "I trust you enough not to get lost Scorpius however I meant more so along the lines of being kidnapped." Astoria explained and Scorpius only sipped his coffee. "What is the world coming to now?

            "I don't know mum," Scorpius sighed slipping off his chair. "I'm gonna go watch the telly in the living room." He told her clutching his coffee, going to walk off.

            "Okay honey, use a coaster please." She said and he waved a hand before walking into the family room. Sitting on the couch, Scorpius gently placed his coffee on the table on top of a coaster.  Kicking his feet up on the table, he clicked on the television. He turned on the News which flashed a picture of the green eyed boy. He studied the face of the smiling boy. According to the news, he was only two years younger than Scorpius. The boy was smiling so Scorpius smiled slightly at the screen. That boy sure was beautiful.

            Police speculate the young Potter has been abducted but whom is the mystery. If you have any information, police urge you to call your local station.

            Flipping the channel, Scorpius put on the History channel, just staring blankly at the screen. He couldn't help but think about the other boy. He must be scared to death.

            And he was.

            Albus lied on the mattress, hugging his body. His stomach ached from the lack of food and his mouth was dry from the lack of water. He desperately needed to use the restroom but had little energy to do so.

            He heard the footsteps come down the stairs and then the man appeared in front of him.

            "I got you some food baby boy. I don't think you deserve it but I can't have my toy dying on me." He dropped the tray on the floor next to the ratty mattress. 

            "Please let me go home," Albus started crying. "I wanna see my family."

            "I can't let you do that Albus, you're my baby boy now." The man leaned down and yanked Albus' hair, forcing his face into the tray. "Now eat, I have a great afternoon planned." He smirked before stalking off. Albus let a few tears fall as he slowly ate the sandwich he was given. Once he finished, he crawled to his bathroom bucket to relieve himself, begging someone would find him soon.

            Harry walked into the door after driving around for hours. James and Lily were with their mum on the couch, all three of their eyes widening when they saw him.

            "No luck?" James questioned and at his dad's head shake, he sighed.

            "Poppop and Poppy said they'd go out and look with you if you want," Lily informed him. "And we want to help too."

            "No," Harry rejected. "I'll do this, you stay need to stay at home," At his daughter's crushed look, he sighed. "Could you make missing signs? Maybe get it out on social media for me?" Harry suggested and she nodded.

            "I can do that dad." Lily agreed and then looked at James. The pair got up and walked away leaving their parents to be alone.

            "We can't keep doing this," Ginny sighed as Harry made his way over to her, taking a seat beside her. "We can't keep going out and looking for him, he's not gonna show up."

            "You don't know that Ginny, you don't know he's not out there somewhere hiding." Harry shook his head, looking at his wife in disbelief.

            "He hasn't showed up yet, Harry." Ginny told him.

            "It's only been five days, Ginny!" Harry shouted. "It hasn't even been a week!" He yelled and Ginny started sniffling.

            "He's probably dead!" She bellowed and Harry jumped up.

            "Don't you dare say that, Ginny! Don't you dare tell me my son is dead!" Harry shouted and Ginny started sobbing.

            "He's nowhere! We can't find him, even the cops can't find him! He's dead and we're gonna get a call that they found a body!" She yelled and tears prickled at Harry's eyes before he shook his head.

            "Don't tell me that Gin, don't tell me they're going to find a body because we need to have hope. We need to have hope that one day we'll have him back." Harry pleaded with her, blinking the tears away.

            "All my hope vanished the day he went missing," Ginny admitted. "I don't have hope, he's gone and I just want my baby boy back." Letting out a loud cry, she got off the couch, pushing passed Harry and running up the stairs. Muttering curse words under his breath, Harry punched the lamp off the table causing it to crash down.  As the tears started to stream, Harry bent down and started to clean the broken lamp.

            "Dad?" Harry heard so he looked up and James was standing on the stairs, lip between his teeth. Standing up straight, Harry wiped at his eyes.

            "Yeah?" Harry questioned and James shook his head.

            "Nothing, nevermind." James mentioned before walking over to his father. "Let me help you." He told him before going to pick up some of the shards. Instead, Harry grabbed him and pulled him into a tight hug. James was surprised but wrapped his father in a hug as well, burying his face into his chest.

            "I'm so sorry James," Harry apologized. "I should have kept a closer eye on your brother, I shouldn't have let him leave the car." Harry told him and James hugged Harry tighter.

            "Don't apologize dad, it happens, it's not your fault." James assured and Harry let out a soft sob.  After several moments of the embrace, James and Harry let go causing Harry to sigh.

            "I'm gonna go check on your mother." Harry told his son before walking away. He climbed the stairs and to his room before knocking on the door before walking on.

            He found Ginny curled in a ball, sniffling softly causing his heart to break slowly. He made his way over to her before sitting on the edge of the bed. He stuck out his hand and placed it on her side.

            "Gin, Gin baby?" Harry started softly causing her to open her eyes. "It's gonna be okay love? I feel to my core that our son is still alive and I will not give up hope, I need you to be strong with me, okay? We need to be strong for our other kids." Harry told her and she swallowed before letting out a shaky breath.  She sat up so he could look at her and she nodded.

            "Harry, we've been through a lot together," Ginny started. "And now, now this a huge thing that's happened and I don't know how to cope. I don't know how to feel anything other than pure misery." She let a few tears slip down her face. "But you're right. I need to be strong for our other kids." Ginny said and Harry leaned in to kiss her forehead. "You need to promise me something though." She told him before his lips touched her forehead. Looking down at her, she took a deep breath. "You need to promise me you won't be a hero. You need to promise me that you will not do this on your own and you need to promise you'll accept help from anyone who offers." Ginny stated and Harry studied his wife intently. He wanted to do this on his own, he wanted to fix what he thought was his mistake.  Sighing, he finally nodded and kissed her forehead.

            "I promise."

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