Day One

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Sirius Black sat on his couch reading the newspaper as he waited for his husband to get out of the shower. The pair would be going to dinner to celebrate their upcoming anniversary for they wouldn't be able to celebrate it the day of.

            When his landline started to ring, he placed the newspaper down and walked into the kitchen.

            "Hello?" He answered as he picked up the phone.

            "Papa?" The broken voice wheezed causing his heart to stop.

            "Harry?" He questioned and he heard a strangled sob from the other end.

            "He's gone! We looked everywhere and we can't find him." The broken man cried.

            "Harry, who's gone? What happened?" Sirius inquired as his husband entered the room, eyes widening in question.

            "Albus, papa, we can't find him anywhere," Harry expressed. "I don't know what to do."

            "Okay Harry, we'll be there in ten minutes, it's gonna be okay." Sirius assured.

"Okay." Was the only reply. The pair hung up with each other and Sirius looked at his husband.

            "What the hell is going on?" His husband, Remus, bellowed.

            "Albus is missing." Sirius explained running a hand through his long black hair. "We need to go."

            "Of course." Remus agreed and the pair hurriedly made their way from their house and into their car.

            "I just hope everything is okay." Sirius mumbled and started the car. His eyes nearly started to water as he thought the absolute worst. Remus, upon seeing this, grabbed his husband's hand.

            "Positive thoughts love, positive thoughts."

            Without another word, they made their way to the Potter house.

            Upon their arrival, they noted the two police cars and one unmarked car before spotting Harry through the window. They parked in front of the empty house with the For Sale sign and rushed inside.

            Harry, who had been talking to an officer, jumped up when he saw his parents walk in. Said parents engulfed their adopted son in a hug.

            "Harry, what happened?" Remus asked his son who pulled away from the room. Glancing around the room, Harry looked at his kids in the kitchen as their mother was being questioned by another officer and a detective from Harry's department.  Looking back at his parents, he visibly swallowed.

            "We were coming home from Molly's," He started running a hand through his hair. "We had to stop for gas so Albus asked to stretch his legs. I didn't see an issue with it so I let him out and told him to stay close," Harry let out a shaking breath. "And I guess we weren't paying close enough attention because he was gone the next minute," He sighed. "He's fifteen, I didn't think he needed to be watched all that closely."

            "Harry," Sirius exhaled. "Was there anyone else with all of you? Did you see another person?" Sirius questioned but Harry shook his head.

            "No not at all but I don't think he'd run away, there's no reason he would want to run away," Harry shook his head. "I just wanna know where my son is."

            "Harry!" Ginny called from the kitchen.

            "Come on." Harry told his parents who nodded and followed the man into the kitchen. At seeing their grandparents, the kids got up.

            "Poppy! Poppop!" They bellowed, rushing to hug their grandparents.

            "Hi my loves." Sirius hugged his granddaughter and grandson tightly. Lily was the youngest, about 13 years of age. James was the oldest about 17 years of age. That left Albus as the middle child. Harry went over to Ginny and whispered something into her ear to which she nodded.

            "Papa, dad?" Harry regarded as Remus started to hug his grandchildren next.

            "Yes Harry?" He answered.

            "Do you mind taking the kids for tonight?" He asked and before they could answer, James spoke up.

            "We want to stay here with you, help you find Albus." He demanded.

            "No James, you sister and you need to go somewhere else for tonight. I still need to talk to the police and you need to," Harry paused to take a deep breath. "I need to make sure you can be watched tonight." He finished and Ginny let out a loud sniffle so he pulled her close.

            James and Lily just stared at their parents before nodding slowly.

            "Okay dad, we'll pack a bag." James told his father before tugging his sister along. That left the four adults left in the room with the officers.

            "Harry," The detective, Chris, said. "We need to ask you a few more questions."

            "Please let my kids get out of the house first." Harry begged and he nodded.

            Sirius looked to Remus and Remus looked to Sirius. They shared a look of despair as they watched their son's world crumble and they knew there was nothing they could really do. They embraced each other as a hushed silence filled the kitchen, except for the occasional sniffle from Ginny.

            "Poppy? Poppop? We're ready to go." Lily spoke softly so Remus nodded.

            "Okay sweetie, go say goodbye to your parents." Remus told them and they nodded. They trotted over to their parents and hugged them tightly as their parents gripped onto them. They were whispering and Harry kissed both of their heads as Ginny could barely let go.

            "We love you." Harry told his kids who let out a shaky breath and nodded.

            "We love you both too." James answered. The four of them pulled away allowed Remus and Sirius to embrace their son and his wife.

            Not wanting to leave but knowing it was better, Sirius pulled away and stroked Harry's cheek in an endearing way.

            "Call us at any time when you need us or if you find anything out, okay?" Sirius told him and he nodded.

            "I will," Harry's voice wavered. "I promise.

            "We love you."

            "I love you too." Harry told him. 

            Sirius turned around and motioned for the other three to follow him. As they made their way out of the house, there was sound of anguish. Whether it was from Ginny or Harry, they didn't know. They just silently made their way to the car and when they got in, Lily had to be pulled into her brother's chest to soften the crying.

            "Poppy?" James questioned as they started to drive back to their grandparent's house.

            "Yes love?" Sirius answered looking back. He saw his granddaughter silently crying.

            "Do you think he's okay?" James questioned and Sirius took a deep breath before turning back to face forward.

            "I hope so, I really do."

            As the rest of his family made their way back to their house, Harry sat with his wife in the kitchen answering question after question. Where were they? How long did it take them to realize Albus was gone? Why did he let him go off by himself?

            "And are you sure you didn't see anyone?" Chris asked him and Harry slammed his hand onto the table in rage.

            "Yes I'm positive," He all but shouted. "If I saw someone, I would remember that!"

            "Harry please stay calm." Ginny pleaded and Harry took a deep breath.

            "I'm sorry," Harry apologized. "Is that all?"

            "No I'm gonna ask one last question, has anyone been giving Albus any special attention lately? Like a family friend or teacher?"

            "No nothing like that. He doesn't like school all that much and we don't have those types of family friends." Harry shook his head and took another deep breath. "Can you please just issue you an Amber Alert now?"

            "Yes." Chris answered looking at one of the other officers.  The officer nodded and left the room to make the call. "Can we have the most recent picture you have of him?"

            Ginny wordlessly nodded and stood up disappearing from the kitchen. She came back moments later with a school picture and handed it to him.

            "Please just... just give it back when you're done." She begged and he nodded.

            "I will," Chris promised. "We're going to do everything in our power to find him, I promise you that." Ginny let out another cry and only nodded. 

            Harry took this as the opportunity to show everyone out, his wife needed the privacy. And once they left, Harry slipped his wife a Xanax to help with her anxiety. He also put her to bed to which she fell asleep not long after, the emotional trauma catching up to her.

            As his wife slumbered, Harry left the house driving back to the gas station where his son went missing.

            He searched high and low, went all around the gas station. He noticed some tire tracks in the grass so he mentally noted it. He got back into the car and drove all around the small town. He asked all around the local shops, showing off Albus' picture, to see if anyone saw him. When everyone said no, he went back home disheartened. At this time, every place was closed so he had no choice but to just hope his son was safe for the night.

            He checked on his wife, whose face was screwed up in a frown, and then crawled into bed next to her. However, he didn't close his eyes nor sleep, he just remembered the events that happened earlier that day,

            They stopped for gas after coming home from his in laws house. It wasn't a far drive but the traffic made it feel that way.  Harry got out of car to tell the clerk which gas pump he was going to use which left the others in the car.

            When he came back to start the pump, Albus poked his head out of the window and said, "Can I stretch please? My legs are so dead." He complained causing Harry to smirk.

            "Yes okay, but don't wander off Albus." He wagged his finger causing the boy to roll his eyes.

            "Yeah." Albus waved a hand before getting of the car. He started to walk off but he was close to their car.

            "Harry," Ginny called so Harry looked into the car, taking his eyes off Albus. "I think once we get home we should order takeaway or something." She told him.

            "Yeah that works for me. Besides I think Mum's left overs are gone thanks to our sons." He smiled rolling his eyes. He looked back to see James chomping on some chicken Molly had sent back with them.

            "I noticed Albus was eating some of the corn before." Ginny laughed.

            "Yeah so takeaway is a good idea, besides, gives you a little relaxation time. Maybe in the bathtub." Harry wiggled his eyebrows causing Ginny to giggle and Lily to scrunch up her face. Unlike her brother, she forgot her headphones.

            The gas pump stopped so Harry pulled it out and placed it back into the station.  He closed the gas cap and then sighed.

            "Okay we're all set to go," Harry said looking up and glanced around. "I told that boy to stay close." He mumbled and Ginny looked out of the side mirror.

            "He loves to explore." Ginny pointed out so Harry rolled his eyes.

            "Albus!" Harry called and then waited some. When his son didn't emerge, he shouted, "Albus!" Again he waited some, he rolled his eyes and peaked his head in the car.

            "James," Harry called and the boy took out one head phone looking at his dad. "Go find your brother please. I don't have time for his games." Harry told him.

            "Fine." James took out the other headphone and got out of the car.

            "Albus! Come on!" James called. Harry watched his son walk towards the edge of the gas station looking for his brother. He turned around and called, "You didn't see him go inside right?"

            "No, he's not over there?" Harry answered back.

            "Nope." James hollered back. Harry sighed and looked at Ginny. "I'll look in the store, call his phone?"
             "He left his phone here," Lily chimed in. "Maybe he had to use the bathroom."

            "Okay I'll check with the clerk." Harry said. He patted the top of the car and walked off into the store.

            "Hey all finished?" The clerk questioned and Harry nodded.

            "Yeah, did a young boy come in here by any chance?" Harry asked pulling out his cellphone. He pointed to the middle boy on his screensaver. "This one?"

            "Oh no, haven't seen him." The clerk said and Harry nodded biting his lip.

            "Okay." He nodded and rushed out. He noticed that everyone was out of the car. James was far left as Lily looked right.  Ginny was waiting outside the car.

"Harry," Ginny looked pained. "He's gone!"

            "No he can't be," Harry shook his head. "He couldn't have gone all that far!"

            "Harry," Ginny all but cried. "We need to call the police!"

            Without answering, Harry walked back and the clerk looked at him with wide eyes.

            "Is everything okay?" He asked.

            "We can't find our son, I need you to call the police and get them out here." He instructed and the clerk nodded quickly grabbing the phone.

            "Right away." He replied.

            Everything after that just spiraled downhill. There was no sign of Albus Severus Potter and Harry had no idea where his son could have ended up.

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