Day Moon

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All right here's some more of this story :) comment vote fan and all that!! :)


My mom sighed. "Of course. You fell pretty hard, so I'm not surprised." she said. I nodded and motioned for her to go on. "All right. Kevin says you two were talking in your room and you said you were thirsty and headed to the steps to go to the kitchen. You tripped over something and Kevin had followed you so you two could continue talking and he saw you tumble down the steps." she said. I mulled over this explanation. "Did Kevin say what I tripped over?" I asked. My mom shook her head ad draped her arm over my shoulders. "We don't know what you tripped over, but right now, you should just rest and not do too much. You don't have any serious injuries, but if you strain yourself, you could injure yourself." she said. I heard a scoff in th dining room. "Mom, you're babying her. She's fine." Aqua said. I spun around defensively and glared at her. "Shut up Aqua. Why don't you just go ino your room?" I said. Kevin stepped out from behind her. "Why don't you take your own advice Amethyst?" he asked. I stuck my tongue at him. I probably would have flipped him off, but my mom was right there. "Amethyst, calm down and Aquamarine Vyctoriya Layne stop egging her on." My mom said. Kevin smiled smugly at me. "Yeah Baby Blue, calm down." he said. I was just about to sit down when he said that. "What did you call me?" I asked threateningly. "Baby Blue." Kevin repeated. I glared at him, shooting poisonous darts at him with my eyes. "Don't call me that." I demanded. "Why not? I'm pretty sure that's what Jason called you all the time." he said. My breath caught in my throat at the sound of my dead boyfriend's name. "How did you find out about that?" I yelled. "Me and Aqua were standing right there." he said. I cursed under my breath. "Don't call me that name." I hissed. "Why not, Baby Blue?" Aqua joined in. I stalked towards them. "Aqua, you know exactly what I do when you piss me off. Do you really wanna go there?" I asked her. Her eyes widened a little. Not because of my threat, but because I swore when my mom less than twenty feet behind me. "Fuck." I muttered. "Oh, Baby Blue swore! What will happen next?" Kevin said. "What do you see in him?" I asked my sister. "He'll defend me if you try anything." she replied. I rolled my eyes. "Well, you might wanna move. What I'm gonna do to him will hurt you if you stay in front of him." I said quietly. Aqua inched out of the way, keeping one eye on me, the other on Kevin. "Call me Baby Blue again. I dare you." I threatened him. "Baby. Blue." he said clearly. I grinned menacingly and slapped his face so hard that his face would have a bruise on it by the end of the day. When he turned to me with a glare, I kicked him in that place the sun don't shine before he could do anything. He gasped in pain and bent over, his hands covering the injured . . . ahem . . . you-know-what. I looked over at Aqua and saw that she was trying to kill me with her eyes. As in, if looks could kill, I'd be on he floor, dead. Soon enough, Kevin was in front of me, stretched to his full height. I looked up at his tall 6'2" frame, a whole foot taller than me. He was looking down at me, looking like he wanted to kill. Suddely my mom flew in between us, ready to hurt the first person to do something. "Kevin, you need to go. Now. Amethyst, go up to your room. Aquamarine, you're staying down here with me." she said. She had an almost threatening tone to her voice, frightening us all so we all rushed to do what she said. Kevin quickly kissed Aqua good-bye, gave me a scary look, and fled out the door. I grabbed the bottle of Advil and ran up to my room and collapsed on my bed, trembling with emotion. I felt a few tears slide down my cheeks as I tried to old back my sobs. I must have cried myself to sleep, because a little while later, i was woken up to pounding on my door. "When did I close my door?" I wondered out loud. "Amethyst, Mom wants to talk to you." Aqua said. She sounded annoyed, like she'd been saying that for a while. "All right." I yawned and opened my door to head downstairs. Aqua stopped me at the top. "I know what Kevin told Mom was a lie. He told me everything. You need to stay out of my room, my relationships, and my life. Got it?" she whispered threateningly. I almost pointed out that it would be hard, considering we're related and all, but her face and he fact she was probably stronger than me kept me from saying. I nodded and wriggled ou of her grasp. I bounded down the stairs and into the living room. "Aqua says you want to talk to me?" I said. She nodded and gestured for me to sit down. I sat in the chair closest to the steps. "I'm not happy with Kevin, Aquamarine, or you Amethyst Cisciey Layne." she said. I gulped. She didn't call us by our full names unless we were in deep shit. I looked down at my knees and played with a hole in my jeans. "You swore twice, you hit your siser's boyfriend, and you didn't settle down." she said. I looked up at her. My mouth was open, gaping at her. It took me a full two minutes to be able to work my mouth. "What?" I yelled. "You expected me to sit down and take their verbal abuse? Mom, you don't get it! Kevin's been scaring the shit out of me since he and Aqua started dating! Yah yeah I know I swore, yeah well, Mom, I really don't care! When Jason was here, if we said one thing wrong or got too close, you yelled at us! With Aqua, she's done things with guys and has been doing them since she was my age, maybe younger, and what happens to her? Nothing!" I couldn't hold it back anymore, I was on my feet and in my mom's face, screaming. After about five minutes, I ralized what I was doing and stopped. I walked into the hallway and crumpled to the floor, wrenching sobs shaking my enire body. My mom was on the couch, dazed. I had never done that before, neither had Aqua. It took her about three minutes to get back into Mom-mode. She walked towards me and stood me up. I pulled away and fell back to the floor, wanting to be left alone. After a few tries, my mom finally got it and let me stay. The sobs had lessened, and I had cried out all my tears, but I stayed there, totally still, unable to move, paralyzed by my fear. I heard a door open and close, then someone coming down the steps. "Mom? What was all that yelling?" I heard Aqua's voice before I saw her. I moved my head so I could see her. She was wearing an outfit that looked familiar, I just couldn't remember where I saw it. "Hey that's my outfit!" I yelled at her and stood up. "Yeah, well, I need it." Aqua said. "Uh, no, you don't. Try wearing somehing that actually fits you. You know, maybe something from YOUR closet." I said and pounced on her. She screeched and started running around like I was a wild animal, about to eat her or something. I rolled my eyes and pulled backwards, causing her to fall on me. All the air rushed out of me as the floor hit hy head and back and she landed on my stomach and chest. "Let go of me!" she said. I was catching my breath while holding her. I heard my mom before I saw her. "Amethyst let go of her and Aqua, go put your own clothes on." she said. I did as she said and glared at Aqua as she stood up. I was still catching my breath, so stayed on the floor. "Where are you going that means you have to dress so fancy Mom?" Aqua asked. I looked up at my mom. Her long blonde hair was waved and fell to her shoulder blades and her fair skin looked amazing with the perfect amont of foundation and blush. "Mom, when did you buy your dress?" I asked. Her dress was long and a pale blue, strapless dress that hugged her curves and slimmed her figure, though it didn't need it. She smiled shyly and ducked her head making her white chandelier earrings jingle. "That little dress boutique down the street." she said. I sat up to get a better look at her. "You look gorgeous Mom." I said breathlessly. She blushed and looked at Aqua. "Where are you going?" she asked. "I have a date wih a man tonight." my mom replied. I stood up and, using the wall for support, hugged her like crazy, being careful not to ruin her dress or makeup. She laughed her musical laugh which I had missed a lot. "Have fun Mom. And good luck!" I said. "I will Amethyst. Aqua remember what I said earlier." she said. We heard a knock at the door and watched as my mom answered. A tall man was standing there. I looked at Aqua. She was about to go into shock. She was surprised our mom could find someone who was as good-looking as this guy. He had wavy dark brown hair with emerald green eyes. He was tall and well built too. "Hello Jared." my mom said. "Hello Ruby. You look beautiful." The man said. I was tempted to bound up to the door, but figured it would ruin the moment. He looked to be in his early forties, like my mom. "These are my daughters Aquamarine and Amethyst." she said, gesturing for us to come to the door. My mom's eyes were shining. I could tell she really liked him. She looked fifteen again. "Hi. I'm Aqua." Aqua said. I smiled. "I'm Amethyst. It's nice to meet you Mr. . . . " I let my voice trail off, not knowing his last name. "Please, call me Jared. All of you." he said. "All right." I said, grinning. "Ruby, you go ahead, I see that Amethyst wants to have a private word with me." he said. My mom looked at me. "All right." she said, hugged me and Aqua, then went out to his Mercedes convertible to wait. Aqua went into the living room to watch tv. "You wanted to say something?" he asked. "Two now." I said. He nodded. I looked in his eyes. "All right. First, I can tell my mom likes you as in like she hasn't liked any man like this since Dad because of what he did, so if she comes home crying or looking upset after something you and her did together, I will make sure you lose the most precious part of your body, the painful way." I said. He winced as he thought about it. "Second, I forget now. Oh well. You get what I'm sayin'?" I asked him. He nodded. "Good. Now go with her and don't do anything that could break her heart." I said and closed the front door. Yes, I'm protective of my mother, leave me alone. I watched out the big picture window in the living room as they drove away. I smiled to myself. At least things were going right for someone in this house.


thnx 4 reading!!! comment vote fan and everything!!!! I'll try to upload more soon!! If you have any ideas for other chapters, tell me and Ill be sure 2 give u credit :)

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