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Joss studied with Clemson and four other students three nights a week. Three were pilot candidates: Lin Wu, Sheila Sams, and Wanda Smyt. Edgar Gross was a space shuttle maintenance specialist, and Joss prepared for a navigator's slot.

The first night Clemson had the students introduce themselves. Wu and Gross were mid-twenties, married, with low First Degrees. They were on the wait list for shuttle pilot. Sams was already a trainee shuttle pilot, cheerful and hard-working. He hoped he'd be on her ship. Smyt was twenty-one, a new graduate with a top First-Class degree but no experience. She was the daughter of shuttle pilots, and Joss found her arrogant, accustomed to taking first place, and disdainful of the others.

After a month, Clemson increased the classes to five a week. None of the five students missed a class. They attended in person or online. Wu and Gross quickly improved, and Joss convinced Renny to take grad classes in his specialty.

Wu and Gross quickly mastered their studies, and Sams sailed along easily. Smyt mastered her studies, but was behind the other pilots, and determined to best them. Joss studied after work and class, hardly having time for Gabi. She supported him without complaint, preparing for the birth of her child, and knowing how important it was. Renny studied for a maintenance position, and the two friends often studied together. Renny's only complaint was that he had little time for Delia.

Six months later, the Government announced the starships were to be launched in seven months. Competition for space for crew would be held in one month.

Gabi gave birth to a six-pound, fourteen-ounce boy a week later. His parents named him Abraham, after Joss's father. For a few days, Joss took off from studying and work. He was fascinated by his infant son, and loathed leaving him and Gabi to return to work and classes.

The Placement Exams took place over five days, and candidates were eliminated every day. After the fourth day, 8729 candidates remained. Joss was one of them. Each of the three starships would be run by 970 crew, including 50 navigators for a total of 150 navigators needed for the project.

The fifth and last day of exams lasted fourteen hours. When the tests were over, Joss was exhausted, and glad to leave for home, and Gabi and Abe.

Gabi opened the door and kissed him. "How are you doing? How did the Exams go?" She bounced on her toes.

He kissed her and said, "I lasted to the end. Now we must wait for the results." He walked into the rooms. "How is Abe?"

"Sleeping. He eats well, sleeps well, and gains weight. Amelia is pleased."

"Glad to hear it." He sank onto the sofa. "I'm so tired. Ten or more hours of testing every day, and studying all night."

"Take a nap while I fix dinner. I know you like steak, but I haven't seen any in the market for weeks. I got fresh flounder to celebrate. The fishmonger told me she didn't know when we'd get more fish."

Joss smiled but said nothing. Another shortage, he thought. "I think I will take a nap till dinner. Wake me when it's ready."

Ten days later Joss waited in Clemson's office with his other students for the results. At noon, their coms binged with the incoming message. Joss opened his message and read, "We inform you that you have placed 157 in Navigator. Thank you for your efforts. Anela Spaceship Project."

He sat stunned. He knew he'd answered every question correctly and handled the tests successfully. He looked Clemson, shocked.

Clemson looked at his students. Three of the five had been accepted. He and Wanda failed to make the cut. She was number 277 of the needed 240.

Clemson congratulated the successful candidates. Soon they left. Clemson turned to Joss and Wanda. "We worked very hard to get here. I must tell you the winners also got points for experience, which neither of you have. Joss, I am astounded you received 157th place. Wanda, you also did exceptionally well. Pilot is the most competitive position."

"Some of the successful candidates will be dropped when they fail psychological tests or do not meet other standards for spaceship crew. Joss, you are very, very close to getting such a vacancy. Wanda, you also are close to acceptance. I would like you to continue your studies with me, but," he smiled, "only two nights a week. My wife has gotten tired of my absence." He smiled.

Joss followed Wanda to the elevators. He followed her in when the doors clanged open. She pushed the button for the ground floor and stood there silently. Joss could feel her anger burning like a fever.

"Dr. Clemson thinks—no—believes we have good chances for a slot." He tried to soothe her. "He's close to the selection committee, so he knows what he's talking about."

Wanda jaw tightened, and she turned to him. "That's not good enough for me." The doors opened and she strode out. She glared at him and said through clenched teeth. "I win at everything I do. You study and pray and wait, second class. See if that helps." He watched her stiff back vanish down the corridor.

She's really angry. Not good in a pilot, Joss thought. Wants what she wants and thinks she deserves. Clemson says she's close enough to make the cutoff, but I hope she's not on my ship. If I make it."

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