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Carefully I stepped out of the taxi into the cool prewinter breeze.

The wind blew my dress. I had specially dressed up for the occasion.

I was excited. I wanted to enjoy every bit of the time spent with him. It had been a month since he had invited me first.

I had visited him often, not on duty but on a casual visit. We chatted over coffee or sometimes listened to our favourite 1980' s songs. Vera was always watching us like a hawk.

I didn't know what this sudden longing meant but I felt a rush of emotions as he opened the door.

He was surprised on seeing me. I saw that his dark chocolate eyes were sad. The usual glimmer was missing. It was as if some grave danger had suddenly descended upon him.

The hollow empty feelings made my blood curdle. It was as if I was seeing a ghost in his skin.

"Sozhaleyu...Sorry..."I stammered, " I think you were busy. I will come in some other time."

A brief smile appeared on his face. All the sadness poured into that.

"No, come in. I need company."

Flabbergasted I silently followed him into the drawing room.

It was a mess. Books, papers, broken glass, it was as if a storm had blown in the room earlier.

Carefully stepping over a broken vase I asked? "Um...What just happened here?"

He dropped into a chair clutching his head in his hands.

" She left," he mumbled, " She left me alone. Vera, she betrayed me. Undermined our love. She is jealous. She is a serpent."

"Your fiancée left you. Why?"

That was really a personal question but at that moment I felt like I am the one who could help him.

He needed a support at the moment.

I went and placed a hand on his shoulder. He was surprised but didn't resist. I knew he was longing for the warmth of that touch.

" You can tell me if you trust me," I told gently.

A tear leaked out of the corner of his eye.

My hero, my idol was sitting passively before me, weak and defeated, completely oblivious to the fact that his agony was breaking my heart.

I was standing stupefied unsure of what to do.. I grabbed a tissue from my bag and offered it to him.

" Spasibo!" he exclaimed, "It's just that she saw you with me for the past few days and demanded that I pledge my love to her. She told me to turn you away when you come. But I disagreed. I had personally invited you. Moreover? I don't know why, but I love talking to you. But she didn't agree. We fought. I tried to convince her but to no avail. She threw things around in anger and left."

There was a strange desperation in his voice. I was stunned.

The couple had been fighting over me? Oh my God! He sided with me. Why? He seemed depressed.

I was afraid for him...

I tried to think of an answer for the strange situation. There was none.

The only thing I knew was that I was walking down a path I have never treaded. I had never felt for anyone what I felt for him.

The path I had chosen had no end, no fulfilment and yet knowingly I was walking down the same. I was lost in the labyrinth of his charms.

I knew it was wrong but I suddenly felt it was very good that he fought over me.

Why did I feel that? Was I going crazy?

No. I suddenly realised that for the first time in forever I was falling in love, in love with a celebrity.

His adversity had bridged the gap between us.

" It's all right. Everything will be alright..."I tried to console him.

I gently sat down beside him trying to ignore the fact how close he was to me.

He rested his head on my shoulders for a moment. It was just the two of us. Sky and earth had met for a moment and everything was blissful.

I could feel his warm tears on my dress. It was as if he was trying to melt into me. He needed a certain warmth. I drew him to me and he nestled closer to me.

Was it a dream?

If it was a dream, I wanted to never wake up. I didn't remember for how long we sat like that.

Something was changing in me. All boundaries were broken between us. I just longed to own him as a whole.

I ran my hand over his silky hair. He looked into my eyes. I could feel the conflict. The conflict in me was reflected in him.

"Thanks! Thanks for listening to me."

"Don't thank me sir. It was nice to get to know you."

" Tell me something..." He caught my wrist suddenly, " Am I a bad person?"

I was no one to judge that.

" No sir, " I tried to answer, but he stopped me.

" You can call me Dmitri,"

I was stunned. "Or Dimka," He added, " No formalities please and tell me more about yourself. I want to know all about your style of life. I want to know and experience a life I never knew ."

I ranted whatever came to my mind . He listened intently.

I was losing my head. I babbled on and on. His chocolate brown eyes bore into me. Finally I stopped to catch my breath.

He was still thinking.

Suddenly he asked, " Would you love me if you were my friend? Do you think me worthy of any woman? Am I capable? Am I worthy of being loved?"

That was unexpected.

But I didn't dither to reply, " Yeah I would have loved you for what you are. I would have loved you for who you are. I would have loved you forever if it was possible."

He looked amazed by my reply.

I felt like an idiot.

Did I have to say it?

He studied me for a moment. I held my breath.

He almost swooped down on me and lifted me effortlessly into the air.

"I knew it, I knew it," he screamed, "Lyublyu YA tebya."

I couldn't believe my ears. Did he just say " I love you"?

I was in a trance. He daintily placed me back on the ground and planted a kiss on top of my head...

I was in the taxi...wondering what had got into him or into me. Had it all been a dream? I pinched myself to ascertain. I was afraid that I would suddenly wake up to find all that confessions were just a dream.

Over the month, it was as if our relationship had progressed as a tree grows with strong roots. The seed of friendship had blossomed into something more.

The heartthrob of the masses, Dmitri Petrov had confessed his love for me.

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