Becoming A Sully

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Neytiri pov

I sat there watching Jake play with the Navi children a smile appeared on my face as I rubbed my belly I couldn't believe we were going to have a child of are own Jake look up my way and made his way towards me he placed his hand on my stomach " I'm so excited!" I said in Navi Jake laughed at my response " I am to , also nervous " he replied I took his hand in mine " You are going to be a amazing dad I know it " I say Jake pulled me close and kissed my lips " I love you , let's go for a walk " I nodded as we started walking it was at lease 7 miles we had done walked I had to stop and catch my breath . Jake stopped and look at me concern " Are you okay ?" I nodded " Just out of breath " I gasped he could only laugh at me " Shut- up! " I hissed he was about to say something but was .

Interrupted by a baby crying noise we both look to the right of the forest where the crying was coming from I quickly sprinted to the sound who could have left there baby out here to die "Neytiri" Jake called my name but I kept going i jumped down a few tree before I got to the source of the sound I aim my bow and looked around we were next to a water fall it was beautiful I put my bow back and look under a tree I gasped at the sight there was a baby Navi she couldn't have been 2 to 3 years old I kneeled down to get a better look her eyes met mine and my heart melted she looked terrified. Her eyes were sore you could tell she was crying for a very long time " Come here " I say in Navi she slowly made her way towards me she was shaking .

" Where is your parents?"

She suddenly wrapped her arms around me I held onto her tight tears began to run down my face " Neytiri don't ever-" Jake was about to say till he saw me with the small child " Where is her Mom " Jake said looking around but couldn't find nothing " I don't know but we are adopting her now Ma Jake Ewya has gave me a sign to keep the child and we will " I say rocking her to sleep Jake look at me and smiled " Well I guess we should name her" Jake stated I smiled and look to him " We shall name her Chloe " Jake nodded in agreement " It's a perfect name " we made are way back to the village we finally found out why her Mom had left her the village had been attacked by the Sky-people during the war she was the only survivor But she was now my daughter a Sully .

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