06 | 𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩'𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙨𝙪𝙥𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙚𝙖𝙣?

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A few weeks came and went, and Chuck had adjusted to life in the Glade with surprising swiftness. He had taken on the role of the new Slopper, a position he embraced with a mix of resignation and determination. Chuck and Olive were inseparable, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. Gally, who was always close to Olive, became an integral part of their little trio. The other Gladers often teased Chuck, saying he should check with "mom and dad" before making any decisions. Despite the jokes, Chuck never truly saw Gally as a father figure. Olive, on the other hand, had become a maternal presence in his life. Though he despised the harsh realities of the Glade, Chuck adored Olive. Yet, he never forgot that he had parents outside the walls. He constantly reminded himself and others that he had to come from somewhere.

     Olive found solace in the familiar melody she always hummed while crafting another chair for the Gladers. Her humming brought a sense of calm to those around her, creating a serene atmosphere in the otherwise chaotic Glade. No one really dared to end the sweet music however, this time was different.

     "Nick!" A voice yelled, echoing throughout the Glade. The chilling cry caused everyone to stop what they were doing and rush towards the med-jack hut.

     Olive froze for a moment, her heart pounding in her chest, before she too ran towards the hut. "What's going on?" she asked Frypan, who had arrived at the hut at the same time as her.

     "Something's wrong with Nick," Frypan replied, trying to get a better look inside. Olive spotted Chuck making his way through the crowd towards the back, guided by Gally who had spotted Olive and sent Chuck to her, just in case.

     Chuck took his place beside Olive and looked up at her with wide, worried eyes. "Gally says it's something bad, but he doesn't know what it could be," he said, his voice trembling. The said boy also made his way back to her, standing on the opposite side of her and Chuck resting his hand on her lower back for comfort, he didn't speak just stare at the door awaiting for someone to tell them anything.

     Olive looked down at Chuck, her heart aching for her young friend. She placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, trying to offer some semblance of reassurance.

     The crowd began to murmur and shift as Newt and Alby emerged from the med-jack hut, their faces etched with sorrow. The Gladers fell silent, their collective breath held in anticipation.

     "Nick's dead," Newt said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. The words hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. The Gladers began to murmur amongst themselves, the shock and grief palpable.

     Chuck leaned into Olive, resting his head against her hip. Olive wrapped her arm around him, holding him close as she tried to process the news. Gally to brought her closer letting her lay her head on his chest as he wrapped his arm around her waist. The loss of Nick was a harsh reminder of the fragility of their existence in the Glade.

As the initial shock began to wear off, the Gladers slowly dispersed, each lost in their own thoughts. Olive remained where she was, her mind racing. "How?" She asked lifting her head from Gally's chest as Newt and Alby walked up to the three, "We do know, he was feeling sick this morning, went to the med jacks and that was it." Alby who because he was Nick's second-in-command was now in charge of the Glade. Olive just nodded.

Chuck looked up at Olive, his eyes filled with questions he couldn't yet articulate. "What do we do now?" he asked, his voice small and uncertain.

Olive took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. "We keep going," she said firmly. "We stick together and we keep going. That's all we can do." She said with a forced smile trying her best to comfort Chuck the best she could.

The days that followed were a blur of grief and confusion. The Gladers struggled to come to terms with Nick's death, each coping in their own way. Olive and Gally threw themselves into their work, finding solace in the rhythmic motions of their hands as they crafted new furniture and fixed anything and everything for the Glade. Chuck stayed close to Olive, seeking comfort in her presence.

     Gally, too, was deeply affected by Nick's death. He became more withdrawn, his usual bravado replaced by a quiet intensity. His frustration often boiled over, leading him to lash out at the other builders for even the smallest mistakes. The weight of his grief and anger was palpable, creating a tense atmosphere around him.

     He spent long hours with Olive in the map room whenever she was there, finding solace in her presence. Olive, too, found comfort in Gally's company. They often sat together, their heads bent over maps, hands occasionally brushing as they worked. The map room became their sanctuary, a place where they could escape the harsh realities of the Glade.

     One evening, after a particularly grueling day, they found themselves alone in the map room. The task at hand was long finished, but neither of them wanted to leave. They sat close, their heads down as they talked, hand in hand. The room was filled with a heavy silence, the kind that spoke volumes.

     As they looked up, the distance between them seemed to vanish. Their bodies moved on their own, drawn together by an invisible force. Their noses brushed as they breathed in each other's air, their lips hovering just inches apart. The tension was electric, a palpable charge that neither of them could ignore.

     When their lips finally met, it was an explosion of feeling. The kiss was intense, filled with a passion they didn't fully understand. Gally's hand moved to the back of Olive's head, his fingers tangling in her hair as he pulled her closer. The kiss deepened, their emotions pouring out in a way words never could.

     Their lips danced together as if they had always known this dance. The world outside the map room ceased to exist, leaving only the two of them in their shared moment of vulnerability and connection. The passion was inescapable, a force that bound them together in a way they had never experienced before. The sudden voices of Minho, Newt, and Ben caused panic to erupt through the too, and they finally fully realized what had happened and they quickly pulled apart, Gally was unable to see where he was going causing him to trip over a stool, falling over just as the three walked in."

     "What happened?" Minho asked Olive who was also standing by the model map looking at Gally confused, with red cheeks, "I tripped." Gally said with grunt as he stood, dusting himself off, "I see, did you get that map finished for me?" Minho then asked looking back at Olive as he chuckled, "Huh? Oh! Yeah yeah I did, here you go." Olive stuttered handing Minho the finished map while staring at the ground.

"You two shanks are acting funny, everything alright?" Ben asked with a snicker looking between Olive and Gally, "Yeah yeah, I just stopped by to check on her, I got to get back to work though." Gally said and once he got a nod from Olive, he left.

Olive stood there awkwardly, "So...how was your guys' day?" The boys shook their heads and laughed, "Same a usual, we'll do the maps today, you can take off." Minho said with a smile as he walked up to Olive, "See if Gally needs any help." Minho added with a wink before kissing the side of her head making her roll her eyes. "I'm sure she helped enough, she'll be with me today." Newt added as he took Olive's arm gently pulling her out of the Map Room.

     "Nothing happened." Olive stuttered out making Neet laugh, "Sure love, and that's why you and Gally can't seem to make actual eye contact?" Newt chuckled, "Looks like I need to keep a closer eye on the two of you." Olive frowned, "We don't need to be babysat, Newt."

     "You kissed didn't you?"

     Olive froze for a moment, confirming Newts suspicions, "I knew it, looks like Alby's working in the gardens with me for a week." Newt laughed making Olive's brows furrow, "What's that supposed to mean?" Newt slung his arm around Olive's shoulders, "We knew it was gonna happen from the beginning, Alby and I made a bet, and he lost." Olive rolled her eyes, "Why am I not surprised." Olive said just as the sound of the box coming up rang through the Glade.

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