My feelings for her...

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Karma POV

It's been a few days since I got into E class and I might say that yellow octopus
Isn't so bad either. He may be an idiot who wants to play with you , feed you takoyaki,
Or even humiliate you in front of the class by making you wear an Pink apron!!!

Something like that....but that teacher side of his can never be broken no matter how much
You want break him he will find always stand up for his students no matte what.

Gosh who am I kidding? It's not like I like him..I just saying he's nice that's all.

"Oy! Nagisa!" I exclaimed at the blue girl who was at the train station before me.
"Sorry did I make you wait?" "No,I just got here that's all" She said.
We head inside the train and talked about the usual stuff back then.

When we arrive at class I saw Koro Sensei turning pink with a blonde woman next to her
As I can tell...that girl has gone crazy falling for an giant octopus like him.

"Hey Karma!" Nagisa exclaimed to me "yeah?" " Do you know who that woman is?"
"No not a clue!" I said as I put my arms behind my head. " do you think she's a new teacher?"
She asked "i guess..I mean by the way she's holding him she definitely doesn't want to part
Away from him". She sweat dropped and said " I guess your right...".

"Well anyways I think we might as well make her to the classroom , right?" She smiled
I feel like a arrow struck my heart. This Little a bluebird is the cutest thing my eye catches!!
I blushed and turn to the other direction so she wouldn't see me blush. I mean I don't wanna embarrassed my self in-front of her ,  I mean I don't know why tho?


Karasuma-Sensei introduced the blondie to us as our new English teacher
Her name is Irina Jelavic.
So I'm guessing she's a foreigner. Due to her appearance and way of talking.
But what is going on in my head why would they hire a teacher to a classroom Full of young
Assassins such as us and an octopus who serves pa our teacher who is going to destroy
The earth in March. "Somethings definitely not right..."  I though to myself .

When we were practicing our knife skills in the backyard Ms.Irina came by and went to the octopus
"Hey , Koro Sensei I heard from karasuma you can go Mach 20,and I just have to see it with my own eyes!~"she said sweetly in a flirty way. "Well...not that fast though.." answered the pinkish
Koro Sensei. "Well...If you wouldn't mind getting me some coffee real quick...well I thought you
could grab it..while I run the students to there English lessons~" "well of course I wouldn't mind!"
Said Koro Sensei until he flew off in his Mach 20 speed. Seriously that guy..why is he like that?

After Koro Sensei went away the school bell immediately rang.

"Well..the school just rang Irina-Sensei...should we head back now?"asked Isogai.

"Oh school...yeah sure..go ahead..." she answered coldly.

Woah.She turned into a whole different about that point.She even let out a cigarette
And lighten it up.Real classic.

"Oh and by the way don't call me easily by my first name..if the octopus is around
Call me Ms.Jelavic.." and I just thought of something.... "ok so what wrong Ms.Yellow Bitch" I said
To irritate her . "NO NICKNAMES!!"she shouted at me. Heh it worked.

"So we got ourselves a real pro here just so you know you cant kill the octopus just by yourself you
Know." I simply said to her. "Oh please sweetheart . Adults have there way of doing things." She answered me. "And your Nagisa Shiota , right?" Then she walked up to her.But then she suddenly
Kiss her.


"EHHHHHHHHH!?!?!?" Shouted Kaede who broke the silent.Of course I was also surprise and my chest feels weird for some reason.It's like I want to pull away from that Ms.Bitch away from the Bluenette. I really want to.I mean but I always feel this pain whenever she's talking to other boys.
But this is different it's like .what exactly is this feeling?

Then She let go of her saying something to her about the octopus.I quickly ran to Nagisa.and did Rio and Kaede. "Nagisa r u okay!?" Asked the Rio. "NAGISA THAT WAS YOUR FIRST KISS RIGHT!?! IM SO SAD FOR YOU!!" Cried the other girl. And I just sit there saying nothing.
Just feeling irritated for what that blonde did to Nagisa and Just be a cushion for Nagisa's
Body. But why do I even feel so angry and jealous about it anyway?

Like this.

Could it be,,,that I..

///After school////

"Hey Karma-Kun , wanna go home together?" Asked Nagisa. "Sure" I said as I grabbed my bag
And we went outside the classroom. "So what did professor bitch did to you in the teachers lounge ?"

"She asked me about the notes I've been writing in this little pad over here" she said to me while she showed me the little notebook she's holding.

As we we're walking to the main campus and pass the baseball team.A ball suddenly hit her
Cheek real fast and then she fell. "NAGISA!!" I shouted while I ran towards her. "We're so sorry!"
The boy above the fence said. "YOU BETTER BE!!" I said angrily. "No Karma it's okay..I'm fine..really.." she said while touching her cheek.

//They went to the Convenience store//

I bought some ice pack and put it on Nagisa's Bruised cheek. "Karma-kun really I'm fine"
She said "No! Just stay still!" I said . " We're you worried about me?" She asked. "OF COURSE I WAS!!YOU GOT COMPLETELY HURT!! I Answered angrily.

But then I realize..our faces was about a few centimeter s within.
We pulled back and looked the other direction. I Blushed super red actually.


Nagisa giggled. Who broke the silence between us "I'm happy tho..that you worried about me
..I'm really happy! She smiled at me. As the Wind Breeze through us.

"Oh I this is what they called love.." I thought to I returned her with a smile.
Then we laugh at each other without realizing it's already late.

"I guess I'll tell her someday how I feel..but I won't lose her to anyone.."I vow to myself.


Finally Finished!!

Here's a treat!~

See you guys in the next chapter!!

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