New student chaos (Part 1)

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It was just another normal day in the assassination classroom.

"Okie dokie, Boys and girls! It's time for Homeroom!" Announced Koro-sensei.

Or so I though it was normal....

"So, Everyone take your sits!" Said Koro-sensei who's head seems to than usual...We all sweat dropped at the sight of that.

"Koro-sensei, can you please explain why your head is 33% larger than before?" Asked Ritsu.

"Well you soaked up moister like a sponge..with all the humidity.." explained Koro-sensei while trying to squeeze up all the liquid out of his head.

"That's seriously kinda gross!"

"Can't agree more..."

"According to Mr.Karasuma we have another transfer student Joining us" Said Koro-sensei After getting the moister out of his head.

"Great! 10-1 it's gonna be another assassin!" Said Maehera-kun.

"Aww cmon now, I got into a spot of bother taking Ritsu too lightly last time. I won't make that mistake again last time." Koro-sensei pointed at Ritsu. "In any how, It'll be nice for you to have a new student."

"By the way Ritsu, have you heard anything. Since your both transfer students I think you might now something?" I asked Ritsu.

"Yes Nagisa, I do know a little. Originally he and I was supposed to be introduced in the same day." She said. "I would handle Long-ranged attacks, he would handle Closed-ranged combats, Together we 'might' drive Koro-sensei into a corner"

Drive into a corner? Koro-sensei? That's amazing...for my opinion it is.

"But..that's order was canceled for two reasons."

"What? What were they?"

"Firstly, His adjustments took longer than Expected. And secondly...I lack the ability to provide him support. As an assassin I am overwhelmingly inferior to him."

This...This is coming from the Person who blow of Koro-sensei's finger...? I wonder what kind of person is he....?

But suddenly we heard the door open which surprised all of us. When we take a look at the our class door.

We saw a man in white clothing covering every single parts of his body even his face.

"What's with that outfit?" Asked confused by Meg-san.

"Is that the new Transfer student?"  Asked Okana-chan.

Then he raise his hand and turns it around seeing his Palm. And a sudden smoke comes out and revealed a White pigeon.

Which kinda surprised us (again) due to the atmosphere.

The man laughed. "Sorry. I didn't meant to frighten you, I'm not the new student. I'm his Guardian." The man walked inside the classroom.

"You can address me as Shiro meaning 'white'.

"A guy in white come in the classroom..doing tricks, Huh?" Said Kaede-Chan Sweat dropping. "That'd spook anyone."

I nodded. "Maybe..not Koro-sensei tho-" I kinda took back what I said when I saw what Koro-sensei was doing.

And what I saw was Koro-sensei using his Liquefy trick. And we sat there sweat-dropping.

"Koro-sensei You scaredy-cat!!"

"He spooked enough to make him use that Liquify Trick of his!"

"W-W-well...R-Ritsu..was telling all those scary Stories!!" Koro-sensei defending himself.

I found a new Weak-point!

"Koro-sensei Weak-point # 15
Gullible about rumors "
I giggled as I wrote that.

"N-Nice to meet you! Shiro-San!" Koro-sensei greeted as he turn himself back to normal.
"So where's this new transfer student if yours?"

"Nice to meet you too, Koro-sensei" Shiro-San greeted him back. "He's a rather unique child in personality and otherwise. So I'll gladly introduce him myself."

Hm...He's awfully evasive...

Then he suddenly stopped by Koro-sensei's table and looked at us.

"What's wrong Shiro-San?" Asked Koro-sensei.

"'s just that's you got good students here, I think he'll fit right in."
He said. "Now to introduce him, Hey Itona! Come on in"

Silence was occurred. But broke when the back wall got crushed blowing up dust and broken pie cars everywhere.

And stand there a Guy with Spiked platinum blond hair and shining yellow eyes.
He was wearing the Kunugigaoka Boys school uniform but underneath was a red t-shirt and the jacket was unbuttoned.

After he what he just done in our classroom wall he just calmly sat in the desk next to Karma-kun and casually said "I won. I proved to be stronger than that wall."

"USE THE DAMN DOOR!" we all shouted in unison.

"That's all that matters. That's all." He muttered to himself.

"We've got ourselves another handful, huh?" I thought to myself.

Koro-sensei...doesn't seemed to be smiling..nor is he mad either. But....
Is he okay? He's kinda showing a half-kind of expression?

"This is is Itona Horibe. Please call him Itona"

A white-clad Guardian and a transfer student who's impossible to read. Were in some extra stormy weather.

"Hey Itona-kun!" Karma-kun Called his name. What is this boy trying to do now?

"Somethings been bothering me. You came in from the outside right? Empty handed?" Karma-Kim continued to ask. "It's raining buckets over there and yet there's not a drop of it on you."

Itona raised his head and continue to look around us. Is he observing us? He stand up from his Desk and walk towards Karma-kun.

"Your probably the strongest one in this class." He then petted Karma-kun's head and stared at him closely in the eyes. "But don't fret. I have no interest in killing those who are weaker than me"

He then walked away. And Karma-kun gently closed his eyes. But..he wasn't smiling tho..he really hates being called weak, huh?

"The only ones who I want to kill are those who could be stronger than me" he topped and stared at Koro-sensei. "And in this classroom..."

"Jelly of my jelly" koro-sensei answered while eating a jelly carton? Is he really eating that at this time!? And what came out of his own jelly...

"That's you." Itona Finsihed his sentence. And pointed at him.

"When you say strong and weak. Do you refer to my fighting ability, Itona-kun?" Koro-sensei asked calmly. "In terms of strength. You and I are worlds apart"

"We are closer than you think" Itona then pulled out a jelly carton who is juts like Koro-sensei's. "After all...we are brothers by blood after all"

'Ehhhh?!We mentally screamed in unison.


He then tears the upper part of  the jelly carton and showed it too Koro-sensei. "The loser dies.Brother"

Koro-sensei seemed to be uncomfortable after what Itona-kun said.

"Siblings have no need for cheep tricks. I will kill you and prove you my strength" He then goes beside Shiro. "We face off after school. In this classroom"

He was about to closed the door. "Oh, I almost forgot" he then Stared at me. I was kinda startled because considering how wrong he is.

"What's your name? The blue-haired girl" He asked me as he is staring at me.

"Uh- I-I'm..Nagisa Shiota!" I stuttered a bit. Did he heard me?

"Well...Nagisa" he closed his eyes. "Your azure eyes are very beautiful"

"E-eh?" I blushed a little at the comment. It's the first time that someone complimented my blue eyes. I mean Karma-kun did but he's my best friend...

"T-Thank you so Much.." I slightly bowed my head. I cannot let him see my pinkish face.
Why? Rio-Chan is going to tease me again. I already know his smirking beside me.

"Your welcome." Itona-kun then closed the door. Silence then occurred.

"Now hang-on sensei!! What this brother stuff!?"

"Humans and octopus are nothing alike!!"

"No no no no no no no no!" Koro-sensei raised his two tentacles as defeat because o the surrounding questions going on. "I haven't have the foggiest!! I was born and raised as an only child!!"

"Hey hey! Nagisa-Chan!" Kaede-Chan then hugged me from my side. "He complimented you!"

"Is Nagisa-Chan! Getting a harem in its own?" Rio-Chan hugged the other side of my arm.

"N-No! It isn't like that!" I shake my head as I disagree with there thoughts. I can feel my cheeks heating up.

"Ara ara, Is our Little Nagisa-Chan blushing?" Kanzaki-Chan asked.

"So cute! Thats o pretty girly o you Nagisa-Chan!" Okuda-Chan Exclaimed.

"I told you it's isn't some thing like that!!!"

3rd person POV

And juts like that. The class become uproars with questions and teasing. On the other hand Karma was sitting there in his sits.

He was kinda but annoyed of what Itona said to Nagisa. "That idiot. Complimenting Nagisa juts like don't even know her that much..than I do..." he mumbled.

But it was quite obvious that he was really irritated of what the silver haired boy said.
"I won't let you take what's mine..." as he clenched his fists.

With Itona

"That's actually pretty rare" said Shiro.

"What do you mean?" Asked Itona. Who turned around to see his Guardian.

"It's pretty rare for you to be taken interest on girls, what's going on? Did she got you wrapped around her finger?" Shiro asked the young boy.

"Well..I will not lie..she is very beautiful.." Itona answered. "Well I guess you can say that"

"Even if your mind is clearly obsessed with winning, you still have that mind of a youthful boy" Shiro thought to himself as he watched the Silver haired boy walked in the forest. "Well..I guess I can let you do whatever you want after it's over.."

Sorry I haven't been Updating that much! School and motivation has taken over me.
I'll try my best to update more.

See you in the next update!! Bye bye!!

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