Chapter Seven

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My mother and I carry Skylar into our house to treat him. I follow my mother's instructions and help her treat him. We were all a mess during the process but in a couple of hours, we finally manage to keep him under control. I was sitting next to him as my mother puts on a new towel on his head. "He should be fine in the morning. Don't worry about him. It's just minor injuries."

"It's not minor when poison is involve..." I contradicted my mothers observation. "Heh. You're right it's not minor but nothing too serious. Come on, go on to bed. I will keep an eye on him." I shake my head no and tell her I will watch over him. "I'll watch over him."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Ok then, goodnight Celestia."

"Goodnight mom." My mom walks upstairs to her bedroom to sleep whereas I, was watching him. He's breathing normally but the fever is still there because of the poison and the cold rain. The poison progressed rapidly into his body because of his fight. I lay down beside him and hold his hand. His hand is cold just like the rain outside. My hands are warm just like the heat, the sun gives off. Please, get well soon. Don't make me go into such a panic. I don't want to lose you before telling you my feelings even though you know how I feel towards you. I want to kiss him on the lips so badly but instead, I continue to hold his hand and soon doze off to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up and I was still holding his hand. His hands are as warm as mine. I move one of his hands toward my face to feel the warmth it gives off. His hand touches my cheek and it made my body and mind calm down. I wonder if I cuddle with him, will that make him warmer? I reach for the blanket and then I remember that he's only wearing his boxers. I wouldn't want to make such a ruckus like that early in the morning. I change the towel on his forehead with a new one. My mom comes into the room and sees me holding his hand. "So, you do have feelings for him."

"Huh?!?! Oh mom, it's you. I do actually..."

"Well that's good to hear. I was surprise to see you, run to the supermarket just to see this boy. To be honest, this is the first time you were completely open with your love life. Usually, you say I don't like any one but for this one boy, you make it evident that you like him." My mother points out.

"There's no denying that, I'm afraid." I realize that.

"Don't be afraid. Sooner or later, it's either you or some other girl who will take him. So, even though you are afraid to tell him your feelings, it's best to let him know. Anyways, once he wakes up, tell him to put these on. It's your father's clothes. I'm pretty sure it's the correct fit for him."



"When is dad coming home?"

"I don't when but I know his business is really important."

"I see... well, thank you mom."

"No worries." She leaves the clothes and walks to the kitchen. She's right. If I don't tell you my feelings, I'm going to regret it if you're with someone else.... I will tell you during the school festival, I promise. "You're talking to yourself again." My mother points outs. "S-sorry..." I take a look at him and I see him budge and open his eyes. He tries to get up but I place my hand on his chest and shake my head no. He stops and lays back down. He stares out the window and so do I. The weather outside is bright and sunny. It's still the morning so the air should be cool. I feel him touch my hand which made me turn my attention to him. He points to the table which has his notepad laying on top of it. I got up and walk over to the table. I pick up his notepad and a pen and walk back to him. I sit back down beside him and gives the notepad and pen back.

He flips though the pages until he finds his words. "What happened?" I put my finger on my lip to tell him that I couldn't tell him yet. I point to the kitchen and he sees my mother preparing something. He nods his head and closes his eyes. He goes back to sleep, soundly this time. Those feelings of me kissing him keeps coming back. I look back at the kitchen and the stairs to check if anyone comes by. I lean in toward him and move closer to his lips. He wakes up and sees this. My eyes were telling him that I really wanted to do it. He steeps deeper into the pillow, backing away from me. I was saddened by his reaction and begin to feel sad. He sees my sad eyes and begins to look at the kitchen. He turns back to me and presses his lips against mine for a couple of seconds. After that, he covers his mouth with the blanket and goes back to sleep.

S-Skylar... thank you... I wish our lips could just be together for lot longer. I kiss him on the forehead and get up to go use the bathroom. He pops out from the blanket and stares at me with a flustered expression. I smile at him and place my finger on my lip. 'This is our little secret'. This one motion meant.

I went upstairs to check up on my friends. They are messy sleepers. "Hoy... get up. It's morning! Get up. Get up. Get up." They didn't budge. I left the room and walk back downstairs. I walk through the living room and into the kitchen. "So, how was that kiss?" My mother said quietly. I got startle at her keen observation skills. "Wh-what do mean?" I try to play it off. "You know what I mean. How's his short and sweet kiss like?" Dang it! She knows too much! "Um, it's surprising actually."

"You actually forced him to do that."

"No I didn't."

"You wanted to kiss him, so you leaned in. He catches you in the act and your eyes told him that you really wanted to kiss. His reaction is to move back. You become sad and your eyes tell him that. He feels bad for you and does it to make you happy. Boys don't like to see girls sad because the thing they want to do is being rejected. But he likes you too so I guess it's just to see you be happy." Her words left a dent in me. I never observe it like that because I'm the one doing it rather than the one observing it.

Noon finally come and Skylar was able to move around. I show him where the bathroom is so that he can wash himself. After a couple of minutes, he comes out the bathroom and heads downstairs. I was sitting on the couch watching tv. He comes into the living room and I turn my ahead towards him. He looks cute in my dad's clothes too. My mom comes in from the kitchen and sees him. "My my~ how's the fitting?" He writes back, "It fits perfectly fine but are you sure I can wear this?"

"It's okay. Doesn't he look ravishing, Celestia?" I look at him and said, "He does..." He writes in his sketchbook,"Thank you for your hospitality. I will make sure to repay the same kindness you gave to me one day. At the moment, I need to get to work."

"Okay, take care." My mom sends him off. "Wait, Skylar, let me walk you to work." He quickly writes,"No, I mean it's okay. I can handle the rest on my own." I got a little dishearten but I chose to let him go on his own. "Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure." He walks out the house and walks toward the supermarket. I watch from out the window until I can no longer see him. I flop back onto the couch and sigh. "He gone... it's going to get boring here..." I was pouting because it was lively in the house but now it's back to its old self. Boring.

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