03. Through the Lens.

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chapter three - through the lens.

AS THE FINAL BELL RANG, signaling the end of the school day, Kim Su-Jin couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over him. While he genuinely enjoyed his classes and one things he doesn't said to his grandma is that he don't really have friends at school.

It's not like he sucks at finding friends! It's just..Well he just sucks, I'll stop defending him.

Gripping the strap of his camera, Su-Jin stepped out into the warm afternoon air, his eyes immediately drawn to the vibrant colors and textures that surrounded him.

Without a moment's hesitation, he began snapping away, capturing the delicate petals of a nearby flower, the playful antics of a stray cat as it chased a butterfly, and the dappled sunlight filtering through the lush, verdant leaves of a towering oak tree.

As he walked, Su-Jin couldn't help but feel a sense of tranquility wash over him. There was something about the simple act of observing and immortalizing the beauty of the everyday that soothed his soul, allowing him to momentarily escape the stresses and obligations of his daily life.

Suddenly, a flash of memory crossed his mind – the image of a girl who had literally ruined his favorite strawberry jam bread.

Su-Jin couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh, his fingers tightening around the camera's strap as the memory of him and that stranger girl.

"If I ever see that girl again," he muttered under his breath.

"I'll make sure to demand a strawberry shake." The thought of the sweet, tangy flavor on his tongue was enough to momentarily soothe his irritation, but the lingering annoyance at the girl's carelessness still simmered beneath the surface.

It had been such a simple pleasure, that strawberry jam bread – a comforting taste of home that his beloved grandma, Kim Hye-Ja, had lovingly prepared for him.

The fact that a complete stranger had so carelessly ruined it still irked him, and he couldn't help but wonder what possessed the girl to act so recklessly.

As Su-Jin approached the house, the pang of guilt he felt. He knew that Hye-Ja had scolded him for taking on a part-time job, worried that it would distract him from his studies.

But Su-Jin couldn't shake the desire to help support his beloved grandma, even if it meant keeping his employment a secret. He knew that Hye-Ja would surely find out eventually.

He sighed.

Well they're versa, Su-Jin doesn't allow his grandma to work and his grandma doesn't allow his grandson to work either. The only money they're using is the money that his parents left for him and he gave it to his grandma.

Pushing open the door, Su-Jin was greeted by the sight of his grandmother, broom in hand, diligently cleaning the house. "Welcome back, my dear," Hye-Ja said, pulling him into a warm embrace, the familiar scent of lavender and freshly brewed tea enveloping him.

"Grandma, let me help you with that," Su-Jin offered, only to be met with a swift swat from the broom.

"Nonsense!" Hye-Ja exclaimed, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "You just go and rest. I'll have dinner ready soon, and you can help me with that instead."

Su-Jin couldn't help but smile, his heart swelling with love and gratitude for his grandma. "Okay, Grandma," he said, "but let me cook tonight. No buts!"

Hye-Ja's eyes widened in surprise, but a fond smile spread across her face. "Alright, my dear," she conceded, "but don't you dare try to sneak any part-time work into your schedule. I know you want to help, but your studies are the most important things right now."

Su-Jin nodded, his expression sheepish. "I know, Grandma," he said, "but I promise I'll be more careful about it from now on."

Su-Jin felt excited as he made his way to the kitchen. Cooking was one of his favorite ways to show his love and care for his grandma, and he is not great at cooking but he has skills!

He put on his favorite apron, the one with a cute cat design, and started gathering the ingredients for his grandmother's favorite dish - Korean beef bulgogi.

It is also his favorite food with kimchi of course! He put his hand on his stomach to check if he is already fat, he shrugged and focused on cooking.

He carefully selected the thinly sliced beef and he was determined to make a meal that would delight her.

Next, he focused on the marinade. He precisely measured the soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic, and ginger, blending the flavors together.

As the aroma filled the kitchen, Su-Jin felt a sense of pride. This was his grandmother's signature dish, and he was honored to be the one preparing it.

'Ah! Grandma will not forget this dish of mine huh!'

With a deft touch, he sliced the onions and scallions, their strong smells mixing with the sweetness of the marinade. Then, he heated a large skillet, adding a generous amount of sesame oil to ensure the beef would sear perfectly.

Su-Jin's movements were fluid and graceful, to the countless hours he had spent in the kitchen, learning from his grandma. He knew every step of the process by heart, and he took great joy in creating something delicious dish

As the bulgogi simmered, Su-Jin turned his attention to the side dishes. He quickly prepared a fresh salad, its crisp greens and vibrant vegetables a perfect complement to the rich, savory beef.

He also made a batch of steamed rice, the fluffy grains ready to soak up the flavors.

While he cooked, Su-Jin couldn't help but think about his grandma. She had taught him so much, not just about cooking, but about life. He remembered the times when he was younger, standing on a stool beside her, watching her every move as she expertly prepared meals. She would explain each step, sharing the stories and traditions behind the dishes.

Those memories were precious to Su-Jin and he wanted to make her proud, to show her how much he had learned and how much he appreciated all that she had done for him.

Finally, as the last touches were added, Su-Jin stepped back and admired his work. The bulgogi glistened, the onions and scallions adding a pop of color and texture. The salad was a refreshing contrast, and the rice was the perfect foundation for the entire dish.

Satisfied with his creation, Su-Jin carefully plated the meal, arranging each side dish with the same attention to detail he had applied to the cooking process. With a smile on his face, he carried the tray to the dining room, eager to give the dish to his grandma.

As he set the table, Su-Jin could almost feel his grandma's presence. He knew that she would be delighted by the meal, and he couldn't wait to see the joy on her face as she took her first bite.

When everything was ready, Su-Jin called out to his grandma inviting her to join him for dinner. As she entered the room, her eyes widened with surprise.

"Su-Jin, my dear," she said, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

"Thank you for the dinner."

Su-Jin beamed with pride, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. As they sat down to eat, he knew that this moment was more than just a meal – it was a celebration of their bond, to the love and care that they shared.

AS SU-JIN AND HIS GRANDMA FINISHED their delicious meal, she insisted on washing the dishes. "You've done enough for today, my dear," she said, gently shooing him away.

"Go and rest. You need to wake up early tomorrow, after all."

Su-Jin nodded obediently, knowing better than to argue with his grandma. He made his way to his room, his mind already buzzing with thoughts of the homework he needed to complete.

Once in his room, Su-Jin quickly set to work on his assignments, his pencil flying across the pages as he solved complex equations and drafted thoughtful essays.

But as the hours ticked by, his mind began to wander, wanting for the freedom to express himself through his art.

Pushing his textbooks aside, Su-Jin reached for his trusty sketchbook, its pages filled with a lifetime of memories and dreams.

He flipped to a fresh page, his fingers itching to create something beautiful.

Suddenly, an idea struck him. He began to sketch, his pencil moving with a fluid grace that belied the intensity of his focus. Lines and shapes formed, slowly transforming into a breathtaking sunset over a serene beach.

As he worked, Su-Jin lost himself in the process, his worries and stresses melting away with each stroke of his pencil.

The world around him faded into the background, and all that mattered was the image taking shape on the page before him.

When he was finally satisfied with his creation, Su-Jin leaned back, admiring his handiwork. The sunset glowed with a vibrant intensity, the waves lapping at the shore in a gentle rhythm. He could almost feel the warmth of the sun on his skin and the salty breeze caressing his face.

With a contented sigh, Su-Jin carefully closed his sketchbook and placed it on his bedside table. He then changed into his favorite pajamas, the soft fabric enveloping him in a comforting embrace.

As he snuggled under the covers, Su-Jin couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the life he had.

Despite the challenges and obligations that came with being a student, he knew that he was blessed to have a loving grandmother who supported his dreams and a passion for art that brought him joy.

With these thoughts swirling in his mind, Su-Jin closed his eyes, allowing the gentle embrace of sleep to overtake him with his dreams full of floating strawberries.

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