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Asa watched as Gally sat her in the chair, the bag still covering her head and the room quiet. Watching her squirm, try and break free, Asa nearly laughed. Teresa deserved this, whatever cruel thing Gally had planned, she would gladly watch.

The bag was removed and Asa's blood boiled. Traitor. She got Minho taken and Mary killed, she screwed them of their safe haven.

Gally walked back towards the table, resting his hand on Asa's shoulder, easing her frustrations. As he sat, Teresa was finally able to see his face.


He took his hand from Asa's shoulder, arms locking over his chest as he stared at Teresa with little emotion.

"Here's how this is gonna go." He cut straight to it, "we're gonna ask you some questions and you're gonna tell us exactly what we need to know." Gally stated, watching as Teresa's eyes went over the room, stopping at Thomas each time. She barely looked at Asa, knowing the girl wanted nothing to do with her.

"We're gonna start off simple." Gally pulled out a chair, dragging it towards her. "Where's Minho?"

"You guys don't seriously think that—" he slammed the chair down backwards, sitting directly in her line of sight.

"Don't look at him." Gally shook his head, "why you looking at him? Look at me." He demanded, Asa couldn't help but to smile at that.

"He's not gonna help you." Gally stated and Teresa's head dropped, "now we know you have Minho in the building. Where?"

"He's with the others in holding. Sub level three."

"How many others?"


"I can make that work." Brenda said, as Gally looked to her.

"No, you guys don't understand. The whole level's restricted. You can't get in without a thumbprint ID." Teresa argued, and Asa shrugged, taking a knife that Gally left laying on the table.

"That's why you're gonna come with us." Thomas spoke up, but Asa disagreed.

"I can sever a thumb." Asa stated, earning a pleased look from Gally and a terrified one from Teresa.

"You're not cutting off her thumb." Thomas said, earning an eyeroll from Gally.

"I think it's a good idea."

"See, now, it's quite easy actually.." Asa walked over to Teresa, the other girl squirming as she saw the knife. "You torture me for months, and I get the pleasure of removing this-" she grabbed Teresa's hand, "to save my brother. Sounds like a win to me." She dropped Teresa's hand, letting it hit the arm of the wooden chair.

"Asa, back off." Thomas muttered, and Gally stood up.

"Are you squeamish?" Gally questioned, and Asa backed away letting Thomas take the knife.

"It's not the plan."

"It wouldn't make a difference." Teresa stated, "do whatever you want to me. You still wont get through the front door. The sensors will pick you up the se—"

"We know. We're tagged. Property of WCKD." Thomas stated, now being the one to get in Teresa's face. "You're gonna help us with that, too." He held up the knife, Asa glaring at his every idiotic move.

"Quit moving, would you?" Asa swatted at Gally's shoulder as he sat between her legs.

"I'm sorry if I get a little nervous having you hold a knife to my neck." Gally retorted, his hands holding onto her calfs, waiting for the pain.

Asa laughed lightly, "it's a scalpel." She corrected, pinching his skin between her fingers as she poked the sharp end through. He squeezed her legs, groaning in pain as she sliced through the back of his neck.

"Almost done." She assured, removing the knife as blood and the microchip came oozing out. She wiped it away, removing the chip and tossing it aside. A bandage was placed over the new wound, Gally's grip on her legs loosening.

"That sucked." Gally mumbled, laying his head back to stare up at her.

"It wasn't that bad." Asa responded, her hands resting around his head, nails tracing along his hairline. "Now, get up so I can get Fry's." Without thinking, she leaned down, pressing a kiss to his forehead before flicking the same spot.

Gally didn't say anything, smiling merrily as he moved off of the ground. He nearly stumbled, his sights caught on his ex girlfriend. There was no doubt he was smitten over her, even after she'd broken up with him. He knew he deserved it but he often wondered if she still meant it.

With a flushed face from her own actions, Asa was torn away from any thought of Gally as Fry plopped down in front of her. He was glaring playfully at the sight of the scalpel. Then, a brow was raised, a sliver of a smirk joining it.

"Are you gonna go back to him?" Fry asked, staring up at the girl.

Asa shook her head, refusing to give it a second thought. "We ended for a reason. I'd be dumb to go back to.." her eyes wandered to Gally as a laugh left his mouth from across the room. "We don't have time for relationship problems anyway. This is about Minho and Gally being alive is just.. a bonus?"

"You really are a terrible liar." Fry chuckled, sitting up as she felt for the chip in his neck.

"And you're a terrible chef." She retorted, earning a hit to the chin.

"Too far."

The last city was nothing like Asa had remembered it, it was bigger, brighter and sadder. Maybe it was the circumstances but the idea behind it now all seemed, soiled. She couldn't imagine a world without the flare, without spending every second running.

She'd grown used to simply keeping herself alive. This was just another test, another step towards whatever was thrown at her next.

Though she had been practically useless, Asa refused to stay behind and wait. Instead, she had agreed (after a few complaints) to join Brenda in stealing their way out. They had found the bus garage with Teresa's directions but had yet to steal one.

"Asa, Brenda, what's your status?" They heard over the radio, Brenda peaking over the side of a bus to find their way in.

"We're working on it." Asa said into the walkie, watching Brenda's every move in case she needed to run.

"Copy, just make sure you're ready on your end."

"Don't worry, we'll be there." Asa responded as Brenda motioned for her to follow.

They ran towards the bus of Brenda's choosing, opening the door with force and rushing inside. Brenda took no time hot wiring it, Asa keeping a lookout as the engine turned. The guards had gone inside, unknowing to the bus being taken from its rightful place.

"Do you even know how to drive this thing?" Asa asked, leaning over the seat as Brenda clicked her seatbelt in.

"Guess we'll find out."

"Asa, where are you? We're here." Asa heard Gally's voice over the walkie, her hands gripping the seat as Brenda drove with dangerous speed. They came to a quick stop, arriving at the meeting point where Gally had been with the kids.

As the door opened, Asa got up, "come on, get in!" She blurted, exiting the bus and motioning for the kids to get inside.

"Wait, where's Thomas?" Brenda asked, and Asa's heart sank.

"Newt." Was her first thought, and she stepped beside Gally.

"Wait, stay here with the kids." Gally said, looking between the two, "wait here, I'll find them." He assured, but Asa refused to let him go alone.

"I'm coming with." She stated, holding up the gun she'd been given.

"No, you have to—"

"There's no time to argue, let's go." Asa retorted, letting her feet move faster than she had in months.

She didn't give Gally a chance to stop her, taking off before he could force her back into the bus. The pain in her knee was barely a speck in her mind, adrenaline too high to care. Don't let them die, thats all she could think. She couldn't lose anyone else.

"Asa! You don't have any gear!" Gally yelled after her, but she didn't care, swinging open the door and running inside.

"I'm fine, Gally." Bullshit, everyone knew what she looked like. If one person saw her, there wasn't a doubt that she was dead.

"Stop, please." Gally ushered, the girl staring at the steps ahead of her. "You need to go back, before anything—"

"Anything bad happens to me? Like what, Gally? Cause so far, the worst has already happened to me. I'm dead anyway, so why the hell should I go back?"

"Don't say that." She rolled her eyes, not wanting to waste any more time. Gally wanted to stop her, he wanted to grab her and drag her back to the bus. But he knew it was pointless, she would always come back for them.

She'd already wasted too much time, she'd let her knee slow her down before and she refused to let that happen again. Clint died because of her, she couldn't let that happen to anyone else. Not if she knew she had a chance to stop it.

Only, she didn't know. She didn't have a plan, she couldn't walk in guns blazing. Yet, that didn't stop her from trying.

"Where were they?"

"Teresa said something about the medical wing, she thinks that's where Minho is." Gally said, her focus flickering all around them for any clue as to where they were. "No, you're staying right here. You those alarms? That means they know we're here, any door that opens, there could be an entire swarm of guards waiting for us at the otherside. Leave Minho to the others, we have to get the hell out of here."

She didn't move though, not as he shoved through the exit, searching for another way out. She couldn't follow him. Her brother was somewhere inside, along with Ava Paige.

Before she knew it, she was running up the stairs. She followed the echoes of gunfire, not stopping until she stood behind the door. Every step was one closer to her last, Asa knew that. It was stupid, foolish, to think she ever had a chance once she got through the doors.

Guns blazing. That was her plan.

Taking in a heavy breath, one that she feared to be her last, Asa opened the door. No gaurds stood at the otherside, but down the hall she could hear the screams, the ringing of bullets flying. She'd never heard anything like it, it was a slaughterhouse. Sheer panic at every inch of the building.

Asa pulled the hood over her head, locking the door she came through from the inside. If Gally tried to follow, he couldn't.

"Sorry, Gally." She knew he couldn't hear it, but it felt better to say it.

Most of her memories from the building were hazy, long forgotten in the midst of her childhood and memory swipe. She knew she was in the medical wing though, it was where she'd spent most of her time. Before the Maze, after all her friends had already been sent in, Asa was here.

She knew which room they would have him in if they were running experiments. It was close, but the commotion had come from where she needed to go. Asa held the gun, making her way through the back, avoiding the main hall on the floor.

Gaurds were everywhere, every move she made, she had to hide. They didn't know she was here, but she had an idea that they knew Thomas was. That meant Ava was close.

Then she heard it, "over here!" Newt, she watched as the guards rushed down the hall, not looking twice at her.

She ran towards them as the shouting got louder, "you two, freeze!" The guard yelled, "and you! Miss Asa." The guards smirk didn't last long before his body was slammed into glass.

Asa watched as their savior stood tall, "Minho!" Asa wrapped her arms around him the first chance she got.

"Is this real?" Minho asked and Asa squeezed him tighter. Their rekindling didnt last long as they were chased out by guards. The raced the halls, searching for a place to hide until Thomas was calling them into a room.

"You were supposed to stay with Brenda." Thomas told the girl and she shrugged.

"Save it for when we're not about to die!" Asa retorted hearing the guards outside the door. "We need a way out of here." Asa said, glancing over to Newt who only seemed to be getting more sicj.

They listened as they brought a saw to the door, getting their way inside one way or another.

"Any ideas?" Newt looked to Thomas who made a glance toward the window.

He looked afraid, "just one."

Asa watched as they threw the tank through the window, breaking the glass. They had a clear view of the water, frow a hundred stories. At this points it felt like death or death.

"It's doable.." Thomas stated but it sounded like he was convincing himself as well. "We just need a little running start." He backed up towards the door and they followed him, the saw making its way through the door.

"Are you sure about this?" Asa asked Thomas, her hands shaking as she stood next the her brother m. Minho grabbed her her hand in support, standing with her tik the end.

"Not really." Thomas answered a bit too honestly for Asa's liking.

"Nice peptalk." Minho retorted, squeezing Asa's hand.

"Bloody inspired." Newt commented as the door busted down.

They had no choice now. It was stand there and get taken or jump. They sprinted out the window, jumping to what felt to be their deaths. Asa's hand slipped from Minho's as they fell, screaming untik they hit the water.

Asa body ached at the contact but her adrenaline kept her going, bringing her to the top, gasping for air. The four of the swam towards the edge, Thomas getting out first to help them all out.

"You're lucky we're alive. I'd be fighting you in the afterlife." Asa told him as he assisted her out of the water.

"Like you could—"

Thomas was interrupted by the sound of guns cocking back. They turned to see four guards with guns pointed at them.

"Looks like I'm fighting you after all." Asa mumbled, knowing they had no choice now.

"You four, dont move!"

"Oh you gotta be kidding me." Thomas muttered, standing in front if Asa despite her need to protect herself. She noticed Thomas reaching for his gun and went for hers.

"Ah, ah, ah, don't even think about it!" The guard shouted, and they walked closer to them. "Get on your knees with your hands in the air." Before the teens could react, one of the guards began to shoot, at the other guards.

Once they were all down, he ran towards them, peeling his mask from his face. Asa sighed with relief at the sight of Gally, knowing they were both okay.

"Gally?" Minho questioned, surely more confused than ever.

"Minho." Gally spoke out breathlessly, nodding to the other boy. He looked up to the window, then back at them, "you guys are nuts." He stated, tracking his eyes back towards Asa.

Asa looked to her brother who was overwhelmed, confused by Gally's life. He killed Gally, yet, he was standing right in front if them.

Gally turned his back and Asa chased after him, knowing he was likely mad at her. She had snuck off, but she was okay, and found her brother. He couldn't possibly stay mad at her.

"Thank you for saving our asses." Asa told him, standing by his side as they looked for a place to hide.

"You're a pain in my ass." Gally spat back, noticing the flashing lights and they began to ran. He made sure Asa had kept up, grabbing her hand when he had found a cement ledge to hide behind.

"Well, they're definitely pissed." Galky stated, letting go of Asa's hand as they sat down.

"How far are the tunnels?" Thomas asked, taking off his gear from the uniform.

"Maybe twelve blocks from here." Gally answered, and they looked to Newt who was getting worse by the minute. "We can make it." Gally assured them, but his attention was on the girl next to him.

Minho made his way over to him with the same look of concern on his face. "How long has he been like this?"

"He'll be okay, we just gotta get to Brenda." Thomas responded, taking off his jacket and standing up. "She's got the serum." He stated, walking over to Newt to help him up.

Asa felt sick at the sight, she couldn't lose another friend. They had all lost too much to lose Newt.

"Why are you helping us Gally? I put a spear through your chest." Minho asked and Asa brought her attention to her brother and her ex.

Gally nodded affirmatively, "yeah, nobody's perfect, man." Gally answered, patting Minho's shoulder before getting up quickly.

Asa watched him, unable to shake the feeling in her chest that appeared the moment she saw him. He was always going to mean the world to her. She knew that.

"Asa.." Minho knew what it mustve been like for his sister to have Galky back.

"I hate that I still love him." She muttered, standing up quickly as they set way towards the tunnels.

They had done good on staying hidden, finding their way through the streets slowly. Until the explosion. The walls to the city came crumbling down in a black and red smoke.

"They were supposed to take down Wicked, not the whole damn city." Gally stated as they watched the walls come down. Then the sirens came and everything was suddenly worde than before.

They had to run.

The sirens drew out every defense the city had and there was nowhere left to go as the guards lined up on the streets with their guns. Then they realized. They were stopped, waiting for something bad to happen.

"What are they waiting for?" Minho asked, only to be answered by the explosion from the mob.

Gunfire and bombs hit the streets and they weren't safe. They couldn't stand there any longer. They ran to the nearest building, one that hadnt caught fire and hid.

"Gally." Asa sat beside him, slipping her hand into his. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't—"

"I know." Gally interrupted, cupping her face in his free hand and kissing her like it was the last thing he would ever do.

"Hey! We gotta go!" Minho shouted, breaking two up as he held Newt up. They pulled away and Gally grabbed his gun, standing up quickly.

Thomas told them where to go and they ran for it. Every explosion was deafening and terrifying, forcing them to keep running. Asa's knee couldn't take much more of this.

The car flew across the street in a firey explosion and Gally shoved them all back. The mob ran in front of them, fortunately nit noticing them. They rand back and Minho sat Newt down to rest. Asa took that as her time to lean against the wall, taking pressuoff her aching knee.

The jet caught their attention and they had their way out. They could finally get home.

"That's them! That's them, we gotta go!" Thomas exclaimed, grabbing Newt who could bare move.

"Go without me." Newt batted out, coughing up a black liquid.

"Minho, you gotta run ahead, grab the serum. Get back to us as soon as you can." Thomas spoke out, he knew Minho could run. He could do it. "Minho, go." Asa reached down, unstrapping her knee brace and giving herself better mobility.

"He's right. I can cover you." Gally stated and stood up quickly.

"I'm coming too." Asa said, tossing her brace aside and standing up, ignoring the pain shooting through her body.

"Asa, your knee." Gally pointed out and she rolled her eyes.

"No time to argue." Asa retorted and made her way over to Newt. She pressed a kiss to his forehead, "we'll be back for you."

"Stay here!" Gally shouted at Asa as they ran back from the ship with the serum. He knew she couldn't take it much more, she had no choice but to stay put.

"Asa, where's your brace?" Curtis asked as she walked onto the ship.

"I'll make a new one." She mumbled, squinting her eyes in pain.

"I'm glad to see you're in one piece." Jorge said, patting a hand on Asa's shoulder and she smiled up at him.

"I guess you could say that." She responded, rubbing a hand over her aching knee.

The wait for them to get back was unbearable. Every idea that came to Asa's head was worse than the next. Her mind had told her that she was never seeing any of them again. That something had gone far too wrong.

Then, she saw them. Gally, Brenda, Fry, Minho. No Thomas. And no Newt. They looked lost, heartbroken at most And Asa knew they were too late. They didn't make it in time.

Gally walked over to her and she knew, she knew Newt was gone. He held her in his arms as she sobbed, clinging to him for comfort. This was the end of Wicked. It had to be.

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