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"Would you rather, eat nothing but Fry's slop for the rest of your life or spend a night in the Deadheads?" I asked, sitting back in the chair in the corner of the Med room. We hadn't had anyone come in through the day, and it had gotten quite boring. But each time we left, Alby would stare us down until we were running back inside. So, we'd spent the half hour playing a game that Jeff claimed to invent.

"Easy, Fry's slop." Jeff answered, Clint hadn't answered every question we asked, mostly putting in sarcastic remarks on how dumb the game was.

"Seriously? I'd go Deadheads any day." I told him, leaning forward in my seat to look at the drawing Clint had been working on. It was of the Glade, every little detail of it added, along with few Gladers working—almost like he'd taken a black and white picture of it and printed it out. "Have you always been able to draw like that?" I asked, trying not to hover as I took in the art.

"I guess so." He mumbled, flipping over the page so I could no longer see it. "I can draw you, if you'd like." Clint offered, Jeff moved to his side, whispering something I was unable to hear and Clint smiled.


"It's a surprise, why don't you get back to your game?" Clint grinned, glancing to Jeff who smirked as he sat back into his chair.

"I have a good one." Jeff said, I rose a brow, waiting for him to say it, "would you rather, beat up Curtis—" I opened my mouth to answer the easy question before he'd finished but he stopped me. "Or kiss Gally." Okay, maybe the answer wasn't easy.

"Oh, that is a good one. What will it be, the one who's obsessed with you or lover boy?" Clint sang out, "you can't do both, though we know you want to."

"You're insane, I don't want to kiss Gally." I rolled my eyes, glaring between the two and they laughed. "What even gives you that impression?" Their laughs only grew louder at my question, Jeff nearly tumbling to the floor.

"I don't know, Asa, let me think back to day one of you being here. It was practically love at first sight." Jeff stated, I was dumfounded, had it really seemed that way? Gally and I had a connection from the start, but I didn't think it'd been that kind of connection. At least not from his end.

"It wasn't lo—"

"I need like six bandages." Our heads snapped to the door, seeing Curtis stood in the frame, holding his gushing hand.

"Damn, maybe you can find a way to stop the bleeding?" I mocked his words, no bothering to get up to help him. Jeff let out a short laugh, trying to hide it as Clint scolded the two of us.

"What'd you do?" Clint asked, waving the boy into the room and I was tempted to walk out.

"Sliced it open." He didn't look at Clint as he answered, his eyes staying focused on me.

"No shit." I muttered, sitting up to inspect his hand. "How'd you do it?"

"I— uh—" he looked around the room, "picking up scraps and grabbed a sharp edge." Right.

"With the back of your hand?" I questioned, he was bull shitting me and I didn't like that a bit.

"Yeah, well, I'm clumsy. Guess we've got that in common, huh, Princess?" I could see a smirk hiding behind his words, his eyes scanning my body. Clint muttered something under his breath, shoving him onto the chair with force. "Ow, what the hell, man?" Curtis groaned out, rolling his shoulder back that Clint previously gripped onto.

"Asa, go find some water so I can clean this, would ya?" We have water in here, I stared back at him questionably and he just nodded to the door.

I didn't say anything before scurrying from the room, grateful to get out of the assholes sight. Practically sprinting from the Homestead, I didn't have a destination; the water can wait. Hell, if Clint left the wound open to get infected, I didn't give a damn.

I made my way towards the lookout, hoping I could sneak to the top without Alby or Newt catching me. Newt seemed preoccupied by his work, Alby, fortunately, nowhere to be spotted. Climbing to the top had been the worst part of getting to the look out, I rarely went up without company, too afraid that I'd plummet to the bottom. But, I needed fresh air, a moment of relaxation where I didn't have to worry about some idiot bothering me.

"Asa!" Well, other than that idiot. I waved down to him as I positioned myself at the top, propping my top against the railing as my legs dangled from the edge. Gally began to climb up, joining me at the top. "Shouldn't you be working? I saw shuck face run into the homestead covered in blood." He said, taking a seat beside me.

"So you didn't do that?" I joked, scooting back as the edge felt to get closer—fuck heights.

"Unfortunately, no." Gally chuckled, resting his chin against the railing as he kept his eyes on me. Every time I catch him staring, even when he'd been obvious to it, I couldn't help but turn red in my cheeks. His eyes were captivating, like he was staring into soul and I never wanted it to stop.

"Did he do something?"

I shrugged, "not really? He's just a douche and knows it." There wasn't much to it, he'd purposefully been a jerk and flirts with me knowing I hate it.

"Well, I could always fight the stupid shank." He offered, I couldn't tell whether he'd been joking or sincere.

"Right, and get put in the slammer? You wouldn't be a keeper anymore." I mumbled, laying back onto the wood, Gally suddenly laid back as well, pulling both our legs up from the edge. "What are you doing?" I asked, trying to sit up but he tugged me back down.

"Alby walked out." He said quietly, though it was doubtful they'd hear us.

"Gally breaking rules, are you feeling alright?" I questioned, placing the back of my hand to his forehead and he shoved it away.

"I could leave now, if you'd like." He retorted, moving to get up and I took his hand, bringing him back to my side. As he landed next to me, his face position unbearably close to my own, practically begging me to move closer. I wanted to move closer.

"You, um, you have really nice eyes." Seriously, Asa, that's all you could come up with? I wanted to smack myself the second the words came out, but his smile kept me from doing so.

"Thank you?" He chuckled lightly, his freckled cheeks burning red. I realized I had yet to let go of his hand, but he hadn't seemed to mind. I moved to my back, trying to hide my flushed cheeks as the embarrassment of my words took over.

"That was dumb, I'm sorry." I mumbled, he moved his hands, interlacing our fingers and squeezed lightly.

"Unless you were lying, it wasn't dumb." He said, I could see him move closer, his free hand hesitantly cupping my chin—making me face him. "You have a really nice face, beautiful, even." I must be dreaming.

"There's probably dirt and—" I began to wipe my face, knowing I hadn't had the chance to get the showers to myself in several days.

"So what? You're still beautiful." My heart began to race, my body moving fast than my thoughts; his words drawing me to him like a magnet.

And I did it, the one thing I'd been wanting to do in the three weeks I've been in the Glade.

I kissed Gally.

For approximately half a second, before I realized what I'd done. It was only a peck but I did it, I felt the warmth of his mouth on my own. The rush of adrenaline and nerves flow through me within seconds, forcing me to pull back almost immediately after making contact.

I didn't say anything, and the wide eyes Gally gave me in return were enough for me to scurry from the lookout. Gally sat there, dazed, his body well frozen to the wooden floor as he watched me leave. Part of me wished he'd run after me, but the other part; wanted nothing but to never face him again.

I felt like an idiot. A complete fucking fool.

As my feet hit the ground, I made a break for the Homestead, sprinting back inside before I could be stopped. Maybe I was overreacting, maybe he hadn't cared at all, but I couldn't risk the embarrassment if he had. Swing the door open to the Homestead, I took in a deep breath, trying to calm myself before I walked up the steps and went back to work.

As I began to head towards the med room, the boy exiting gave me an obnoxious grin, "never came back with that water." He stated, I merely rolled my eyes, pushing past him to the room. His hand gripped my forearm, bringing me back towards him. "You know, you don't have to like me so much." I knew he was being sarcastic, but it only made me want to punch him so much more.

"Trust me, I don't." I retorted, tearing my arm from his grasp and walking into the room.

Clint and Jeff didn't bat an eye as I repositioned myself into the chair I was sat in minutes before. I was fortunate of that. If they'd questioned me, I had no clue what I'd say, or how fumbled my words would become. I just wanted to forget it had happened, I wanted Gally to forget it.

Neither of us would though.

authors note.
so whos gonna tell asa that she's really just an idiot for running?

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