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"I can't do it." Asa stared down at the boy on the table, her hands shaking as they held onto the cold syringe. The blonde woman stood beside her, the same brunette boy across from her, now accompanied by a girl their age.

"You have to." The woman instructed, the boy was unconscious, tubes sticking from his arms as morphine pumped through him.

"Wh-why? Can't another nurse do it?" Asa asked, staring at the boy across from her, his eyes filled with pity.

"Your training isn't finished until you can prove yourself, the patient—"

"He's my friend, he's not a patient." Asa retorted, but she couldn't make out his face no matter how hard she tried.

"Inject the serum, Asa." The woman said sternly, a forceful stare at the girl.

"He'll forget—"

"Asa, hey, hey, wake up." Asa shook as her eyes began to open, her hands gripping onto Gally's shirt as tears flooded her cheeks. "You're okay, it was just a dream." Gally told her, his voice hushed as her cradled her in his arms.

"It-it was real." She cried, her hands still clinging onto his shirt. She didn't know how, but she knew it had happened, that there was more to it than what she'd recalled in the dream.

"What happened?" Gally asked, moving back against the wall, allowing her to rest against him.

"I don't—" if she told him what she believed she'd done, it could ruin things. She didn't know what he'd think if he thought she'd been a part of them coming into the Glade. "I don't remember, it just—it felt real." She answered, voice shaking as it played over in her head. The woman's voice had been on repeat in her mind for the last two months, everytime she closed her eyes she was there.

All Asa wanted was to be free of her. She tried to distract herself, doing anything she could to forget her heartless eyes. But she also didn't want to tell anyone of her dreams, fearing of what they'd think.

"You're safe with me, okay?" Gally's voice was soft, his hand combing through her hair as her body continued to shake. "How about, I go sneak into the kitchen and get some cookies?" He suggested, knowing Fry's cookies had been one of the few things that always put her in a good mood.

"No, no, stay here, please." She didn't want to let go, because he was right. She was safe with him. As long as she had Gally, she believed everything was okay.

Gally relaxed under her, his hand brushing away her over grown bangs from her eyes as she looked up at him. The tears began to stop, eyes still red from sleep and she forced a crooked smile. No matter how many times or how long she stared into his green eyes and freckle covered face; she believed him to be the most beautiful boy she'd ever seen.

She sat up, placing her hand against his jaw and his eyes glazed over, smiling softly to her. Her lips met his, taking him by surprise as his back pressed harder onto the wall. With one arm around her waist and the other hand tangled in her hair, he brought her closer. Allowing her to move her legs over him, straddling his waist as the kiss deepened. The hand on her waist traveled to the back of her thigh, holding her over his lap. Their mouth's moved together, the kiss far more passionate and needed than any before.

Asa broke away, her forehead resting against Gally's, noses brushing together, both having lopsided smiles and heavy breaths. Her eyes traveled to his hand, the once necklace, now bracelet peaking from beneath her thigh. She hesitantly moved her hand over his, guiding it up her body and his widened.

"What, um, what are you doing?" Gally asked, his breath hitching as she squeezed his hand against her bottom.

"Sorry, I was just—" she took his hand off of his, fearing she'd gone too far only for him to kiss her again. The hand in her hair moved to cup her jaw, keeping her mouth against his.

"Asa, I'm leaving!" Asa hit the wall with the side of her fist, pulling away from Gally as Minho yelled from outside the door.

"Okay, be careful!" She yelled back, rolling her eyes with frustration from being interrupted.

Gally let out a chuckle, "at least he didn't just walk in." Gally mumbled, his girlfriend glaring at him before moving off of him. "Where are you going?" He asked, reaching for her hand as she got off the bed.

"Breakfast." Asa mumbled, grabbing the first sweater she saw and pulling it over her tank top. "Coming?" She asked, sliding on her boots and throwing a t-shirt to him as he got up.

"Can't we lay in bed all day?" Gally groaned, tugging the shirt over his head and she shook her head with a smile.

"Got work to do, Gal." Asa grinned, the tears that stained her face minutes ago nowhere to be seen.

"Wait." Gally turned her back towards him as she went for the door. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, staring deep into her eyes for any sign of pain, but it seemed to be hidden.

"Yeah, I'm just—I'm hungry and if we stand here any longer I'll turn into you when you're working."

"And that would be?"

"Grumpy and likely ready to punch anything." Asa answered, spinning around to swing the the wooden door open.

She tred down the creaking steps, following the smell of biscuits out of the Homestead.
Fry waved to her as she exited, being on of the few people away minutes before the sun rose over the walls. It had been colder than most days, the air thick with fog, leaving her greatful for large sweater she'd thrown on.

"Feelin' alright, Asa?" Fry asked as she took a bowl from the table.

"Yeah, why?"

"You're never up this early." He answered, filling her bowl with the biscuits and what was supposed to be gravy. "Just thought it was odd."

"Well, I—"

"Morning, Asa, Fry." Alby greeted as he walked out of the homestead.

"Morning." They both responded with smiles as he walked up to the table.

Alby looked to Asa, almost hesitant to speak, "I'd like to talk to you after breakfast if you have time." Alby said and her heart began to race, her first assumption was that she'd done something wrong. She thought maybe she'd gotten one too many free passes and he was finally ready to throw in the Slammer for the week.

"I—I have time now." Asa told him, taking her full bowl and heading towards the table she'd sat at most days.

Gally finally exited the Homestead, dressed like he'd been up for hours though his tired eyes said otherwise. He had a smile on his face his attention glued to the girl trying to eat her breakfast until they landed on Alby and his professional brood took over.

"Gally, are you 'bout finished with the extension?" Alby asked, bringing Asa's attention from her food to Fry's assorted table.

"Should be ready just in time for next week." Gally answered, Asa hadn't noticed until then how his voice would change depending on who he'd spoken too. She'd mainly heard a softer tone, which sounded far more natural than the deep one he'd used when addressing Alby.

"Oh, shit, new greenie next week?" Asa asked, turning halfway to face them.

"No, Asa, we've planned to feed you to the Grievers!" Fry retorted, a smug grin on his face as the girl flipped him off in return.

"How will you ever survive without me? One of ya gets a boo boo and suddenly all hell breaks loose cause Clint can't do a proper stitch!"

"Well what would you advise to do?" Fry asked, a smirk playing on his lips and she hummed, thinking about her response.

"Rub some dirt on it, I don't know!" Asa laughed, stabbing her fork into her food.

"Some Medjack you are!" Asa waved off Frypan, smiling as she chewed her food and her smile started to fall, Alby seating himself across from her. "Hewo." She greeted him, a mouth full of biscuit.

"Don't worry, you're not in any trouble." Alby said, though it didn't seem to settle Asa's nerves, her head only lowering as she stared into the bowl. "I'd like you to show the Greenie around when they come." Her brows furrowed at his words, curious as to why he or Newt couldn't do it. "You.. you seem to have a softer touch and I think they'd comply better with you than they would me. If you don't want to or if it's too uncomfortable for you, I understand, but I think you would do well as a guide." He explained, but the last part didn't seem so much of a suggestion, he was hoping she wouldn't say no.

"I—" Asa looked back to Gally, his attention on Fry as they both laughed. "Yeah, I'm sure I can do it, but, um, I don't think I can be out here when the Box comes up.. not after last time." She answered honestly, and he gave her a warm smile.

"That's okay, Newt and Gally have that covered." Alby assured her, Asa nodded, cutting another bite from her food. "Enjoy your breakfast." He reached over as he stood up, patting her shoulder comfortingly before walking to the Homestead.

"Fry." Asa sang out, turning back to him with a smile. Fry and Gally both looked to her, questionable faces at her tone. "Have I told you lately that I love you and—"

"Ask again next week when the Box comes." Fry said before she could even get it out.

"You're all out?" Asa pouted, and he nodded, giving her an insincere frown.

"You have a cookie addiction, seek help." Fry told her, Gally laughed, nodding in a agreement and Asa's mouth hung open in a dramatic gasp. Asa turned back in her seat, stubbornly ignoring them as they laughed.

"Ace, we were—" Asa held her hand out, not looking at Gally as he slid down onto the bench beside her. "Are you giving me the silent treatment?" Gally asked, leaning forward and brushing back her hair to see her face as she dropped her hand.

"She's having cookie withdrawals." Fry joked, Asa bit down on her tongue, trying not laugh.

"Look's like I've been dumped, Fry." Gally sighed out with a shrug, leaning back against the table.

"Wonder if she ever truly loved you, man." Fry responded, Gally's eyes bounced between his best friend and girlfriend, waiting for her to finally speak up.

"I guess not." Gally mumbled, earning a hit to the thigh from the girl. "There's movement! It's like she's still—"

"Would you shut up?" The three laughed, a wild haired and tired Clint leaving the Homestead, rubbing his eyes with a yawn. "You're talking so loud." Clint muttered, glaring at the three and Asa waved to him.

"Morning, Clint!" She purposely yelled, not caring if she woke up the others. They'd all woken her up on countless occasions, one morning of her returning the favor wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Asa! Shut the hell up!" Asa laughed as the yell came from inside the Homestead, though Gally's previous smile fell into a clenched jaw.

"Come make me!" She yelled back, the three boys outside stared at her as if she was crazy.

"Are you looking to piss everyone off?" Gally asked with a raised brow, the girl shrugged, a mischievous grin spread over her face.

The door swung open, several boys piling out with annoyed, tired faces. Newt pushed his way through, not caring to be upset with the girl as he went for breakfast. Alec made his way over, glaring directly at Asa.

"Gally, do you mind?" Alec asked, Gally stared back in confusion and the boy picked the girl up from the bench.

"Watch the hands!" Gally yelled as Asa was thrown over the blonde boys shoulder. Alec was sure to keep his hands at a respectful position as he walked off with her.

"Alec! Put me down!" Asa yelled, hitting his back as he carried her to an unknown destination.

"Put her in the Slammer!"

"Zart!" Asa whined, seeing the boy laughing after suggesting she be locked up.

"Someone come open this?" Alec asked, pointing down to the caged door. Several of the boys ran over without hesitation, unlatching the door for the girl to be thrown inside.

"You're all traitors!" Asa yelled, though she'd been laughing the whole time. Once the door opened, Alex began to let her go, holding onto her wrists, allowing her to dangle over the pit. "Pull me up, right now, you-you Slint Head!" Alec grinned, letting go and she dropped to the bottom, landing on her feet and staring up at them as they began to lock it.

"Have fun, Princess!" One of the boys yelled out and her playful manner fell as she saw his face.

"Let me out!" Asa yelled, they all waved down at her, walking away and leaving her to regret her decision of waking them. She kicked the dirt, sighing out as she sat down against the wall, her head resting between her knees.

"Are you really pouting?" Gally laughed, crouching outside of the door and she lifted her head to him.

"Can you get me out?" She asked, Gally looked around, though he would've gotten her out whether they were watching or not.

"Not sure, you done giving me the silent treatment and yelling at everyone else?" He asked, unlocking the latch and swinging it open. She stood up, wiping the dirt from her bottom and nodded. "Are you really? Cause I'm not sure I want to get you out if—"

"Gally, get me out of this dark hole." She said, holding out her hands for him to pull her up. "Please." She added and he smiled, reaching down to pull her up like he had the day she came out of the Box.

When she got back to the top, she kicked the cage closed. Gally laughed at her frustrations, bringing her into his arms.

"You've got some—" he wiped his thumb over her cheek, smearing off the mud from the walls of the cage. "That's better."

Asa looked to the ground as he brought his hand away, flustered by his sweet action. "I'm gonna go finish my breakfast now." She told him, turning back towards the tables that slowly began to fill.

"One more thing." Gally said, she spun back around to him and his hands cupped her red cheeks. He moved in quickly, pressing a soft kiss against her lips and broke away before complaints had begun. "I love you, Asa." His voice was soft, the words barely audible for her to hear.

Asa stepped up, kissing him once more, "I love you too."

authors note.
cookie-less asa is a menace to the glade

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